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Solo Creo En Un Dios Menos que Usted

Es posible que hayas escuchado esta declaración antes, ya que se usa frecuentemente como argumento en contra de la creencia en un Dios verdadero. ¿Qué significa este juego de palabras? Y lo que es más importante, ¿proporcionan un argumento lógico… Length: 2:58


Answers to Your Bible Questions

If you would like to ask any Bible question, please submit your questions to us, either by emailing us at "" or through the contact form ( World Video Bible School has over 2,000 video lessons available for free to… Length: 2:01


Acerca del Bautismo | Buscando la Verdad

En el mundo moderno, existen muchas perspectivas diferentes acerca del bautismo. Algunos dicen que se debe bautizar a los bebés, mientras que otros dicen que el bautismo está reservado solamente para los adultos. Algunos creen que el bautismo es necesario… Length: 56:03


Creation Questions (ASL)

The Creation account found in Genesis is a foundational event for Bible history and doctrine. Throughout the Old and New Testament books, the events and implications of Creation are quoted, referenced, and alluded to in order to teach later generations.…


¿Por qué Dios? (Why God?)

Spanish: Why God?

¿Por qué Dios? This program includes lessons in Spanish to address various issues relating to why God matters, contrasting Christianity with atheism.


¿Por Qué Hay Tantas Iglesias? (Why Are There So Many Churches?)

Los eruditos e historiadores religiosos contemporáneos estiman que actualmente hay aproximadamente 38,000 denominaciones en el mundo. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si la verdadera iglesia todavía existe? ¿Realmente importa a qué iglesia pertenezco? Si la iglesia verdadera existe, ¿cómo puedo… Length: 27:18


Creation Questions

Creation Questions Program

The Creation account found in Genesis is a foundational event for Bible history and doctrine. Throughout the Old and New Testament books, the events and implications of Creation are quoted, referenced, and alluded to in order to teach later generations.…


Acerca de la Verdad | Buscando la Verdad

Spanish Searching for Truth

¿Sabía que según las estadísticas, 107 personas mueren cada minuto? Ese es un número increíble. Aunque deseemos continuar viviendo, todos enfrentaremos la muerte. Pero ¿qué pasa cuando morimos? ¿Existe la vida después de la muerte? Si existe, ¿qué clase de… Length: 14:31


¿Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?) ¿Acaso importa lo que crees? La pregunta más importante en todo el mundo es: “¿Adónde iremos cuando muramos?” Dios ha provisto todo lo que debes saber en la Biblia. Tus preguntas sobre la salvación, el pecado y la Iglesia… Length: 49:02


¿Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?)

¿Acaso importa lo que crees? La pregunta más importante en todo el mundo es: “¿Adónde iremos cuando muramos?” Dios ha provisto todo lo que debes saber en la Biblia. Tus preguntas sobre la salvación, el pecado y la Iglesia serán…


Los Diez Mandamientos (Spanish – The Ten Commandments)

Mucha gente cree que los Diez Mandamientos representan la ley de Dios para la humanidad hoy en día, y que, si simplemente obedecemos estas cosas, seremos agradables a Él. Otros argumentan que los Diez Mandamientos representan una parte de la… Length: 22:42


The Reality of Noah’s Ark (Sneak Peek)

When you think about the reality of Noah's Ark, you might have questions about its size, its construction, or its cargo. Because you've probably seen pictures of a quaint little boat with a pudgy little man and a handful of… Length: 1:56


The Ark | The Reality of Noah’s Ark

When you think about the reality of Noah’s Ark, you might have questions about its size, its construction, or its cargo. You have probably seen the cartoon-like Ark pictures showing a quaint little boat, a pudgy little man and a… Length: 26:23


¿Necesito Ser Rebautizado?

Esta es una pregunta que se ha hecho muy popular en años recientes. Es una pregunta legítima y con implicaciones eternas. Bíblicamente hablando, una persona solo necesita ser bautizada una vez, sin embargo, en este video observamos, junto con Marlon… Length: 07:58


¿Necesito Ser Rebautizado?

Esta es una pregunta que se ha hecho muy popular en años recientes. Es una pregunta legítima y con implicaciones eternas. Bíblicamente hablando, una persona solo necesita ser bautizada una vez, sin embargo, en este video observamos, junto con Marlon…


The Truth About Heaven

The Truth About Heaven

What is heaven? Is it a real place? Who lives in heaven? While Christians discuss a lot about heaven, many still have unanswered questions. In this short segment, Don Blackwell provides answers from God's Word to help understand this beautiful… Length: 37:50


La Verdad Sobre el Infierno (The Truth About Hell)

Spanish-La-Verdad-Sobre-el-Infierno-the-Truth-About-Hell ¿Qué es el infierno? ¿Qué no es el infierno? ¿Cómo será el infierno para los que van allí? Sabiendo que el castigo eterno es un tema complejo, muchos tienen preguntas de las que desean respuesta. Marlon Retana usa la… Length: 33:38


What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What must I do to be saved? The answer to this question has implications both now and for eternity. Sadly, wrong answers are being given all the time. In this study, Don Blackwell opens the Bible and shares with us… Length: 29:47


What Must I Do To Be Saved? (in ASL)

What must I do to be saved? The answer to this question has implications both now and for eternity. Sadly, wrong answers are being given all the time. In this study, Don Blackwell opens the Bible and shares with us… Length: 29:47


Where Do We Go When We Die? (Program)

Where Do We Go When We Die?

Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing…


What Must I Do to Be Saved?

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What must I do to be saved? The answer to this question has implications both now and for eternity. Sadly, wrong answers are being given all the time. In this study, Don Blackwell opens the Bible and shares with us…


Acerca de la Autoridad en Religion | Buscando la Verdad

En el mundo religioso moderno, existe mucha controversia en cuanto a lo que es correcto e incorrecto. Cuando se trata de asuntos de fe, existen muchos puntos de vista diferentes. Pero ¿cuál es correcto? Y ¿quién determina lo que es… Length: 42:01


La Verdad Sobre Navidad (Spanish – The Truth About Christmas)

¿Le sorprendería saber que la Biblia ni siquiera menciona la Navidad? ¿Le sorprendería aún más saber que la historia del nacimiento de Jesús, como se cuenta comúnmente, es muy diferente del texto inspirado? ¿Cuál es la responsabilidad de un Cristiano… Length: 24:56


5. Where Do We Go When We Die? | Preparing for Heaven

Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing… Length: 38:33


Where Do We Go When We Die?

Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing… Length: 32:48


Where Do We Go When We Die? (in ASL)

Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing… Length: 32:49


Where Do We Go When We Die? (ASL)

Where do we go when we die? What happens to us after we breathe our last breath? These are questions that everyone has pondered. The world offers many answers to these questions: from reincarnation, to becoming a ghost, to ceasing…


Is God Important?

When we think about the big questions of life, the existence of God enters as the most important. What is the meaning of life? Where did we come from? What is our purpose? These questions are all affected by how… Length: 5:52


WHO is God?

Who is God?

Who is God? You know people have asked this question for years. Some people say God is a life force, others say that He is a personal Being, and still others say that God is only made up to control… Length: 2:51


The Truth About Angels (Part 1)

There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts… Length: 25:24


The Truth About Angels (Part 2)

There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts… Length: 24:42


The Truth About Angels (ASL – Part 1)

There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts… Length: 25:25


The Truth About Angels (ASL – Part 2)

There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts… Length: 24:42


Acerca de la Iglesia | Buscando la Verdad

Se usa la palabra iglesia más de cien veces en el Nuevo Testamento. Obviamente es una palabra muy importante, pero ¿qué significa exactamente? ¿Es la iglesia simplemente un lugar para adorar? ¿Es la suma de todas las denominaciones religiosas, o… Length: 40:13


1. Background of the Problem | Authority of Elders

Some rebel against the authority of an eldership, but such an attitude is injurious to the Lord’s Church. The Bible has plain teaching for having elders in the church today as they operate under God’s instructions. The authority of elders… Length: 38:26


2. Pertinent Greek Words | Authority of Elders

Join Roy Deaver as he studies the significance of the Greek word exousia, a general term which cannot be restricted to only the authority of Christ Himself. Mr. Deaver also takes a look at other significant Greek words relating to… Length: 39:45


3. Nature of Elders’ Authority | Authority of Elders

Multiple verses in Scripture give authority to the elders of the Lord’s Church, under the Lord’s arrangement, which deserves our respect. Elders have delegated authority from God to perform what He has given them to do, and they operate with… Length: 40:32


The Killing of Jesus (ASL)

The greatest story ever told that changed the world and our eternal destiny forever. This story of life, love, compassion and sacrifice but also of evil, betrayal and treachery is told in a story-telling format. Part 1 covers the raising…


WHERE is God?

Where is God?

Where is God? Can He be seen with a microscope or maybe a telescope? Is He high on a mountain top or deep within the ocean? There is no single, physical place that God resides in our Universe. Where is… Length: 3:06


The Unpardonable Sin | Search Bible Topics

The Unpardonable Sin - Search Bible Topics

Most of the time, people are not exactly sure what it is, but there are lots of people who believe they’ve committed the unpardonable sin. Have you ever wondered what the unpardonable sin is? Can it still be committed today?… Length: 3:59


Do Miracles Exist Today?

What exactly is a miracle? The Bible describes many miracles in times past, but do miracles still exist today? In this lesson, Don Blackwell looks to the Bible for the answers to important questions. Length: 24:05


The Truth About Hell

The Truth About Hell

What is hell? What is hell not? What is Hell going to be like for those who go there? While eternal punishment is a difficult subject, there are many questions for which people still want to have answers. Don Blackwell… Length: 34:07


Will My Pet Be In Heaven?

Many people have asked this question through the years. Our pets live in our homes, protect our families, perform service activities, and provide love. We give names to and provide care for our pets. Animals are part of creation and… Length: 19:24


Search Premillennialism

Search Premillenialism Campaign

Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the rapture? What is the 'mark of the beast'? Will there soon arise a world ruler known as the Anti-Christ? All of these questions are part of a doctrine known as Premillennialism. This…


1. Is There a God? | Beyond the Sunset

It has been the questions of the ages: “Is there anything beyond this earthly life or does death end it all and we just cease to exist?” and “Is there a God?” In this lesson, Perry B. Cotham takes an… Length: 35:24


4. Will Any Infants Be Lost? | Beyond the Sunset

Many people have asked the question, “If an infant dies without being baptized, is that infant going to be lost in eternity?” Join Perry B. Cotham as he delves into the word of God to accurately answer this question. Length: 35:28


Evil, Pain and Suffering (in ASL)

Where is God when I hurt? Why do innocent people suffer? How could a loving God let this happen? Millions of people have searched for the answers to these questions. If you are one of them, you need to see… Length: 32:34


3. Baptism | Waves of Change

Stan Butt, Jr. talks about the big question in the Bible revolving around the most crucial decision we need to make that will impact our spiritual eternity. The Bible holds the true answer to that question that has been asked… Length: 23:07


Was Jesus A Vegetarian? | Understanding Jesus

Is it true that Jesus was a vegetarian? You may have heard a statement like this before, but what does the Bible say? Join Kyle Butt as he answers this question from Scripture and how the answer to this question… Length: 4:24


Age of the Universe | Beyond the Stars

Age of the Universe | Beyond the Stars

Come explore the question, "How old is the Universe?" As we observe our Cosmos, we see a fully-functioning, complete system, from the largest galaxies to the smallest bacteria, from the vast multitude of existing stars to our single, complex planet… Length: 10:17


How Long Were Adam and Eve in the Garden? (ASL)

If you have read Genesis and the Creation account, then you may have wondered about this question. How long did the first couple live in the Garden of Eden before committing sin and being cast out? Follow along with Kyle… Length: 3:22


Premilenialismo: Un Estudio a Profundidad


¿Enseña la Biblia la doctrina del rapto? ¿Regresará Cristo a esta tierra donde establecerá su reino y reinará por mil años? Todas estas preguntas y muchas más son parte de una doctrina conocida como Premilenialismo. En esta lección Marlon Retana…


When Did God Create the Sun?

In Genesis, we read the biblical account of the Days of Creation and see that God made the Sun on day four. However, as many people try to intermix evolution and creation, a confusing question arises: When did God create… Length: 04:46


¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?) ¿Siguen existiendo los milagros en la actualidad? ¿Están ocurriendo curaciones milagrosas? En la Biblia encontramos muchos pasajes que describen eventos milagrosos. Jesús realizó milagros durante el tiempo de Su ministerio en la Tierra. Únase a Marlon Retana para ver… Length: 21:14


¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?) ¿Siguen existiendo los milagros en la actualidad? ¿Están ocurriendo curaciones milagrosas? En la Biblia encontramos muchos pasajes que describen eventos milagrosos. Jesús realizó milagros durante el tiempo de Su ministerio en la Tierra. Únase a Marlon Retana para ver…


Learning about Baptism

Learning about Baptism

There are often many questions about baptism and what God's word has to say about it. In this program, there are several short videos addressing various questions and topics relating to learning more about baptism.


How Long Were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?

If you have read Genesis and the Creation account, then you may have wondered about this question. How long did the first couple live in the Garden of Eden before committing sin and being cast out? Follow along with Kyle… Length: 03:20


Denominational Doctrines

Denominational Doctrines

This course provides a thorough explanation of all the major doctrines across numerous denominations. Detailed biblical answers are provided for why these doctrines are contrary to Scripture. Considerable time is given to explaining the erroneous teaching of Calvinism, which undergirds…


Can Science Test for God?

Science involves the search for the best explanations to our questions. When the questions involve universal issues of existence, function, and purpose, the scope of possible explanations must not be unduly limited. Join Kyle Butt as he discusses how God… Length: 5:51


Searching for Truth: Introduction About Truth

About the Truth | Searching for Truth

Truth is a most precious thing. In our world, everyone is searching for something. If you are searching for answers to questions regarding God, Jesus, hope, happiness, faith, life after death, good and evil, the church, the Bible, God's plan… Length: 14:31


Who is the Holy Spirit?

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Among Christians there are many questions about the Holy Spirit. One of the most fundamental questions is, "Who is the Holy Spirit?" Follow along with Don Blackwell as he discusses what the Bible says about the Person, Position, and Role… Length: 19:55


Search Prayer

Search Prayer Program

An important part of a Christian's life involves our prayers. Many have sincere questions about how effective their prayers are, or even how they ought to pray. Does prayer work? Is God listening to our prayers? What should I tell…


Who Is the Holy Spirit? (ASL)

Among Christians there are many questions about the Holy Spirit. One of the most fundamental questions is, "Who is the Holy Spirit?" Follow along with Don Blackwell as he discusses what the Bible says about the Person, Position, and Role… Length: 19:14


The Holy Spirit

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Among Christians there are many questions about the Holy Spirit. One of the most fundamental questions is, "Who is the Holy Spirit?" Follow along with Don Blackwell as he discusses what the Bible says about the Person, Position, and Role…


Premillennialism: A Deeper Study

Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the rapture? Will Christ return to this earth where he will establish his kingdom and reign for a thousand years? What is the 'mark of the beast?' Will there soon arise a world… Length: 44:16


Premillennialism: A Deeper Study (in ASL)

Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the rapture? Will Christ return to this earth where he will establish his kingdom and reign for a thousand years? What is the 'mark of the beast?' Will there soon arise a world… Length: 44:16


Will My Pet Be in Heaven? (ASL)

Many people have asked this question through the years. Our pets live in our homes, protect our families, perform service activities, and provide love. We give names to and provide care for our pets. Animals are part of creation and… Length: 19:24


The Animals | The Reality of Noah’s Ark

Have you ever heard the questions: “How did Noah and his small family find and trap the animals? How did Noah transport the animals and house them all back on the Ark? Are there not hundreds of millions of animal… Length: 26:48


5. Evil, Pain and Suffering | Answering Atheism

5. Evil, Pain, and Suffering

In their attempt to discredit the God of the Bible, the atheistic community has come up with the problem of evil, pain and suffering. It is the question that has been asked through the ages: If God is all-powerful and… Length: 23:59


3. Evil, Pain, and Suffering | Out With Doubt

When there is pain in a person's life, often the questions that arise are: "Where is God when I hurt?" and "If there is an all-powerful, loving God, then why does He let people suffer?" Join Kyle Butt in this… Length: 28:57


4. Is The Bible God’s Word? | Out With Doubt

Why is the Bible so popular? The easy answer to this question is that people who are reading it and buying it believe they are reading the inspired word of God. However, can a person prove that the Bible is… Length: 29:10



Is There a God?

Is there a God? You know virtually every person in the world has asked this question. Some people say there is no such thing as God. Others are firmly convinced He exists, and some people, they don't really seem to… Length: 4:00


2. Why do terrorists hate America?

Have you asked the question, “Why do radical Muslims hate America and more specifically Christians?” In this lesson Dave Miller, Ph.D., takes an in-depth look at this question to gain a better understanding of the Islamic religion. Length: 30:03


La Verdad Sobre Modestia (Spanish – The Truth About Modesty)

“La Verdad Sobre… Modestia” Cubre el importante tema de la modestia. ¿Pueden los Cristianos vestir cualquier ropa que venda una tienda? ¿Cambian las normas culturales la perspectiva de un cristiano? Tarde o temprano, la mayoría de nosotros nos enfrentamos a… Length: 27:21


Search God

Search God Campaign

Does God exist? What, Who and Where is God? Virtually every person in the world has considered these questions. Atheists say that God is not real. Agnostics say we cannot be sure. Theists and Christians say we can absolutely know.…


The Truth About Angels

The Truth About Angels

There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts…


Video Bible Study

Video Bible Study

This video Bible study is designed to introduce you to God's word and show you the simple plan to become a Christian. You do not need an in-depth knowledge of the Bible, as you will be guided and shown the…


Angels Lesson 1: The Nature and Origin of Angels

For many, the subject of angels is a fascinating subject to study. However, most mainstream ideas are not biblically accurate. This video will examine the Bible to answer questions such as: What do angels look like? What is their purpose?… Length: 34:06


Angels Lesson 6: Angels and the Ministry of Christ

Hebrews chapter 1 explains that Jesus is more excellent than the angels. From the announcement of His birth, to the witness of His ascension, angels played an important role throughout Jesus’ life. This lesson answers the question, “How did Jesus… Length: 36:32


1. The Existence of God | Truth Be Told

The question, "Does God exist?" is naturally one of the primary questions we as humans can ask. It is fundamental to our view of life and society. Were we created by an intelligent God, or are we the product of… Length: 40:17


Boston Marathon Bombing – Is God to Blame?

Horrific events, such as the Boston Marathon Bombing, can lead to questions of blame. Who receives blame for the Boston Marathon Bombing? Is God to blame? What about man's free-will? And an even deeper question, "Why is there evil in… Length: 5:10


Does It Matter?

Does It Matter?

Does it matter what you believe? The most important question in all the world is, "Where will you go when you die?" God has provided all that you must know in the Bible. Your questions about salvation, sin, and the… Length: 1:02:31


¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos? (Where Do We Go When We Die?

¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos

¿Adónde vamos cuando morimos? ¿Qué nos pasa tras respirar nuestro último aliento? Estas son preguntas en que todos hemos reflexionado. El mundo ofrece muchas respuestas a estas preguntas: como la reencarnación, los fantasmas, e incluso dejar de existir. Sin embargo,…


Why Address the Age of the Earth?

Through the years, many Christians have questioned the age of the Earth. Does it really matter if the Earth is thousands or billions of years old? Why does it matter to Christianity at all? In this program, Eric Lyons answers… Length: 04:35


¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos? (Where Do We Go When We Die?)

¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos

¿Adónde vamos cuando morimos? ¿Qué nos pasa tras respirar nuestro último aliento? Estas son preguntas en que todos hemos reflexionado. El mundo ofrece muchas respuestas a estas preguntas: como la reencarnación, los fantasmas, e incluso dejar de existir. Sin embargo,… Length: 33:17


The Truth About Angels (ASL)

There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels. We want to know what angels look like? What do angels do? Do guardian angels exist? Does Satan have angels? Travis Quertermous conducts…


Is Mormonism Really from God?

Is Mormonism really from God? Have you ever considered this question and its implications? This seminar addresses topics and questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Join Nathan Franson as he explores the truth through history, archaeology,…


11. The Historical Christ | Out With Doubt

Did Jesus Christ really live? It’s a question that many are wondering and asking. Have you ever wondered if you could prove Jesus is an historical person? In this lesson, Kyle Butt takes an in-depth look at the historicity of… Length: 27:19


12. Miracles and the Resurrection | Out With Doubt

What makes the story of Jesus’ resurrection unique? Why do people believe the Bible’s account of the resurrection and not other resurrection stories? Can we actually prove that Jesus rose from the grave? Join Kyle Butt, as he examines these… Length: 24:46


Acerca de la Casa de Dios | Buscando la Verdad

La mayoría de gente en el mundo vive en alguna clase de casa o morada. Esas casas tienen formas y tamaños diferentes, pisos y estructuras diferentes, y están amuebladas en muchas maneras diferentes. Cada hogar es precioso y único para… Length: 44:29


1. The Crux of the Matter

The Crux of the Matter focuses on the central, most important issue in our lives—the cross. The Bible provides a clear focus for the Christian's life, helping to understand what to do and why. Join Bill Watkins in looking at… Length: 34:35


Lección 04: No Peleemos sobre el Método | Evangelismo Simplificado

En esta lección, Marlon Retana nos introduce a los folletos evangelísticos “Volver a la Biblia” y demuestra cómo podemos usarlos. Si desea hacer una pregunta sobre el material presentado en este video, envíenosla por medio del siguiente formulario: Length: 19:22


Venus | Beyond the Stars

Beyond the Stars: Venus

Come explore Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor, Venus. As the brightest object in our sky, after the Sun and Moon, the beauty of Venus has captivated humanity since Creation. Though sometimes called “Earth’s twin,” this planet’s design has drastic differences from… Length: 6:39


3. Did the Universe Cause Itself? | Science vs. Evolution

Do creationists have a blind, evidenceless faith, or a reasonable faith? Scientists and philosophers recognize that there must be an adequate cause to bring about observed effects. However, how did the universe and everything in it come into being? Could… Length: 34:22


人死后会往何处去?(Where Do We Go When We Die?) (Chinese – Simplified)

人死后会往何处去?当我们咽下最后一口气时,接下来会发生什么事?这些问题是每一个人都曾经思考过的问题。这世上的人对于这问题也提出了许多不同的解答:从轮回、变成鬼魂、到不复存在等等…。然而,相信圣经的人不需要去玩这种猜迷游戏,因为我们不只知道我们是从哪里来的,我们也知道我们要往何处去!在这一个课程中,陈中文追踪并解释了人类灵魂的旅程 – 从受孕一直到永生。 Length: 34:44


Did Jesus Perform Miracles or Not? | Why Jesus? (ASL)

How could Jesus truthfully say that “no sign shall be given to this generation” yet allegedly work many “miracles, wonders, and signs”? Was Jesus merely a mistaken Messiah, or was He a real miracle worker? Interpreted in American Sign Language… Length: 5:02


Dinosaurs: Separating Fact from Fiction

Dinosaurs Separating Fact from Fiction

Should Christians refrain from painting and publishing illustrations of dinosaurs and humans together because “it makes us look crazy”? On the contrary, since “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and since the “thousand words” upon which “this picture” is… Length: 8:58


1. History’s Battleground | Intertestamental Period

While the Bible doesn't record what happened during the centuries between the end of Malachi and the beginning of Matthew, we are given many predictive prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled during this time. Called the Intertestamental Period,… Length: 31:39


从圣经探讨前千禧年主义 (Simplified Chinese- Biblical View of Premillennialism)

前千禧年主义,也就是基督不久就会第二次降临,并建立一个千年之久的地上王国之理论,是当今基督信仰世界里流行的观点。前千禧年主义究竟是千真万确之真理或是穿凿附会之说?陈中文邀请您一起查考圣经,以建构正确的末世观。 欲看更多圣经相关视频,欢迎点击以下网址: Length: 46:27


Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness

Dan: City of Unfaithfulness is a documentary showing the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God. Important aspects of Dan are explored. First, its location in the northern section of Israel helped to define the… Length: 17:35


A Son Who Ran Away: A Story About the Prodigal Son

A Son Who Ran Away

The story of the prodigal son is one of the most insightful, memorable stories that Jesus told while He was on Earth. Through it, Christ brought to light the ravages of sin, the value of true repentance, and the love… Length: 3:25


5. Growing Old Gracefully | A Woman’s Life

The winter of life may have some cold days and snowflakes, but there may also be days full of sunshine and joy. Our older years can be deeply satisfying as we continue faithfully as Christians. Let’s think about how we… Length: 28:55


The Age of Anxiety

Some define anxiety as the “fear of future loss over which we have no control.” Bad things happen to people every day. As much as we would like to, no one can prevent bad things from happening. This lack of… Length: 25:55


Are Christians Brainwashing Their Kids?

Are Christians Brainwashing Their Kids? | Why God?

Is it arrogant to teach children that God exists? Is it cultish to say that Jesus “is the way”? Should children be allowed to think for themselves? How do Christians logically respond to the “brainwashing” charge? Length: 4:58


How Did Life Begin? | Proof for God (ASL)

How did life begin? If the Cosmos is all that there is, all that there was, and all that there ever will be, then how could life come from non-life? What does science have to say about this scenario, and… Length: 9:47


Are You A Pearl Seeker?

This program is taught by and intended for women.Do you like to ask questions? Are you inquisitive? Do you enjoy learning new things about the Bible? In this series, Becky Blackmon challenges all of us to seek the Lord and…


Beyond the Stars

Beyond the Stars: Seeing Cosmic Design

Every clear night, humanity is treated to an overwhelming celestial show. Twinkling stars of all varieties fill the sky as the heavens declare the glory of God. What is beyond the stars? Branyon May (Ph.D.) leads viewers through our Solar…


Moral Values and Atheism | Proof for God

Have you ever done anything morally right or morally wrong? The answer to this question has a serious bearing on the existence of God. If there is no God, then there cannot be anything objectively morally right or objectively morally… Length: 8:40


6 Proofs for God’s Existence | Proof for God

6 Proofs for God's Existence

When we consider the most profound question of life, “Does God exist?” we should follow the evidence wherever it leads. In this video, Kyle Butt presents six powerful evidences proving God’s existence, from the complexity and order of our Universe… Length: 8:42


Génesis: El Libro de los Inicios (Escuela Biblica)

Este curso es un estudio a profundidad del libro de Génesis con énfasis en la aplicación práctica, y consta de 18 lecciones en video con una duración aproximada de 30 minutos. En la sección Materiales encontrarás las anotaciones de curso…


The Thief on the Cross (Program)

One of the most frequent objections offered to baptism is the thief on the cross. People will argue, "The thief on the cross wasn't baptized and he was saved, therefore I don't have to be baptized. I want to be…


The Kingdom and End Times

The Kingdom and End Times

A study of God's Kingdom, the Rapture and Premillennialism. When will Jesus come again? Will it be soon? Will he set up is kingdom at that time? What about the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast and the rapture? This…


God Made You

Children are naturally curious about themselves. "Why do I have two eyes?" "How do my ears work?" "Who made me?" These are just a few of their many questions. The Bible says that the human body is "fearfully and wonderfully… Length: 3:38


The Kingdom of Heaven

The Kingdom of Heaven Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.Join Doritta Johnson in an enriching topical study on not only the unique nature of the Kingdom of Heaven, but also what Kingdom-living looks like for women today. Through these four lessons,…


Drawn Toward God

Drawn Toward God Program

Drawn Toward God includes short videos presented in a visually stunning illustrated presentation. Approaching difficult questions with a simple animated discussion, these videos focus on the Bible's message to provide clear answers.


God Made Sea Creatures

On day five of Creation, the waters were filled with interesting, amazing fish similar to the ones we see today. All sea creatures have unique abilities specifically designed by God. The more our children learn about these animals, the more… Length: 5:49


1. Abortion: A Woman’s Right?

An examination of what may be the most controversial and crucial moral issue of our day. Tyler Young conducts a candid discussion of abortion from cultural, scientific and biblical perspectives. Using images of life in the womb and focusing on… Length: 30:37


2. The Madness of Abortion

Cutting through the rhetoric and propaganda, Tyler Young exposes the maddening inconsistency of abortion legislation in the United States. This program explores the critical question of what gives value to human life, and offers practical suggestions of what we can… Length: 34:55


¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo? (Who Is the Holy Spirit?)

Entre los Cristianos hay muchas preguntas sobre el Espíritu Santo. Una de las preguntas más fundamentales es: "¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo?" Medite junto a Marlon Retana sobre lo que dice la Biblia sobre la Persona, la Posición y el… Length: 20:52


Saved Without A Doubt (in ASL)

Saved Without a Doubt (in ASL)

Do you constantly beat yourself up for sins committed years ago? Do you struggle with the feeling that you are not perfect? Are you filled with worry and dread about your eternity? Do you have constant doubts whether you will… Length: 25:26


What Must I Do to Be Saved? | Drawn Toward God

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

This question is the most important one in all of life. Please take just a few minutes and consider the matter of your salvation. What exactly does God say? Join us as we look at what the Bible says. Length: 5:11


Part 1: The Bible | Video Bible Study

In this first part, you will learn how to be pleasing to God. Everything you need to know about God, Jesus, and how to live as a Christian has been written down in God’s word – the Bible. Follow along… Length: 51:44


Acerca del Creador | Buscando la Verdad

Si observamos el Universo, la Tierra y nuestro asombroso cuerpo humano, es fácil concluir que estas cosas no pudieron haber existido por accidente. De hecho, son el producto de un Creador inteligente. Pero ¿qué clase de Creador? ¿Qué realmente sabemos… Length: 27:58



Angels (In-depth) Program

This 13-lesson series is one of the most thorough and biblically in-depth studies on angels, giving the viewer an opportunity to consider sound answers to many of the questions often asked on this topic. This subject is almost universally misunderstood…


How We Got the Bible (ASL)

ASL How We Got the Bible

Many scholars today claim the Bible has missing books, has books that do not belong, and was not accurately transmitted (copied) or translated. This program by Denny Petrillo, Ph.D., takes a factual look at the evidence on how we got…


1. Who Has the Right? | Waves of Change

The one with authority has the power to say what to do. The Bible says Jesus has all authority. Therefore, Jesus has the power to tell us what we need or need not to do. But why then do we… Length: 28:52


Evidence for Jesus | Proof for God (ASL)

Did Jesus truly exist? What evidence is there for His life, resurrection, and deity? Follow Kyle Butt as he presents evidence for Jesus’ unique existence, message, miraculous ability, and divine nature. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.


Examples of Conversion

An examination by Perry B. Cotham of various accounts of conversion to Christianity recorded in Acts, including the Pentecostians, Samaritans, Ethiopian Officer, Saul, Cornelius, Lydia, Philippian Jailer, Corinthians and Ephesians. He answers the question, “Must one be a member of…


Angels Lesson 2: The Characteristics of Angels

Did you know that there are more than 300 references in the Old and New Testaments about angels? By examining these scriptures, we can learn about the angels’ characteristics, such as power, knowledge, language, and emotions. Length: 30:46


La Verdad Sobre Apuestas (Spanish – The Truth About Gambling)

“La Verdad Sobre Apuestas” trata el controvertido tema de las apuestas o juegos de azar. ¿Pueden los Cristianos participar en estos? ¿Qué constituye una apuesta? Tarde o temprano, la mayoría de nosotros nos enfrentamos a situaciones morales, sociales y éticas… Length: 23:42


11. What is Sin? | Light of the World (Season 3)

In life, there are times we find ourselves being weighed down, especially emotionally. Sin in our lives can weigh us down and eat away at us. The problem of sin is central to the purpose of the Bible. With numerous… Length: 27:15


The Truth About Hell (in ASL)

The Truth About Hell in ASL

What is hell? What is hell not? What is Hell going to be like for those who go there? While eternal punishment is a difficult subject, there are many questions for which people still want to have answers. Don Blackwell… Length: 34:08


Miracles | Search Bible Topics

Miracles - Search Bible Topics

What is a Miracle? Is there anything beyond the natural realm? What does the Bible say about the supernatural? When we read about Jesus' life, miracles served a central role in both His life and teaching. What purpose did miracles… Length: 4:25


Dinosaur Soft Tissue and Evolution’s Timetable

Most people seem unaware of the fact that, in recent years, scientists have unearthed many dinosaur bones from around the world that are not completely fossilized. Indeed, dinosaur bones with soft, flexible, fibrous tissue still intact should cause evolutionists to… Length: 5:10


Angels Lesson 4: The Work of Angels

Angels are a fascinating and popular subject and the Bible has much to say about them, including their variety of works. This lesson looks closely at the Bible to learn about the many tasks that God created angels to perform. Length: 32:09


2. Where Are the Dead? | Beyond the Sunset

What happens to a person’s spirit when they die? What does the Bible say on the matter? In this lesson, Perry B. Cotham delves into God’s Word to give an answer to these questions. Length: 36:04


The Truth About Heaven (in ASL)

The Truth About Heaven in ASL

What is heaven? Is it a real place? Who lives in heaven? While Christians discuss a lot about heaven, many still have unanswered questions. In this short segment, Don Blackwell provides answers from God's Word to help understand this beautiful… Length: 37:51


Angels Lesson 5: Angels and the Providence of God

What are angels doing today? What are they not doing today? While there is a great deal of speculation in the world today, the Bible is clear on this topic. This lesson will investigate the subject of angels and the… Length: 37:30


Truth Be Told

Truth Be Told

Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons present 6 great lessons exposing the myth of evolution. Kyle and Eric refute the lie of evolution with abundant evidence from scientific facts, as well as from God's word. This course is for everyone who…


Is the Bible from God?

In this program, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons present six great lessons examining the inspiration and reliability of the Bible. Evidences of inspiration include internal unity, prophecies, history, archaeology, and science. The question of whether the Bible truly is God's…


6. What About the Jews? | Beyond the Sunset

Does the Bible teach that one day, before the end of time, that all Jewish people will be converted to Christ? Will the join Him in eternity? In this lesson, Perry B. Cotham takes an in-depth look at the Scriptures… Length: 36:13


Angels Lesson 9: The Origin and Nature of Satan

The Bible describes Satan as the adversary, the tempter, an enemy, the evil one, a murder, a liar, the wicked one, and the deceiver of the whole world. Looking at the passages associated with these names, it does not take… Length: 36:55


7. Will Hell Be Eternal Punishment? | Beyond the Sunset

The Bible speaks of heaven and of hell. Many people ask the question, “Will hell be eternal punishment?” Join Perry B. Cotham as he gives an in-depth Biblically sound lesson concerning the place referred to in the Scriptures as hell. Length: 35:31


A Woman’s Life: Newly Wed to Widowhood

This program is taught by and intended for women.As we pass from one stage of life to another, we face different challenges, unique problems, and situation-specific issues. Our interests and concerns change with each new chapter of our lives. Wanda…


Angels Lesson 10: What is Satan’s Mission?

The Bible clearly states what Satan’s mission is. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We must be diligent to secure our souls and not be taken captive by Satan. Length: 37:19


What Is Apologetics?

What Is Apologetics? | Why God?

Is Christian apologetics about apologizing for one’s beliefs? If not, why is the word apologetics used? Is this word even found in the Bible? Join Eric Lyons as he answers these questions and more in under 3 minutes. Length: 2:56


Why Is Jesus’ Resurrection Special? | Why Jesus? (ASL)

Given all of the recorded resurrections in Scripture, what’s so important about Jesus’ resurrection? If others in the past have died to live again, what makes Jesus coming back from the dead so unique? Why is His resurrection more significant… Length: 9:17


The Truth About Dressing to Worship

Does it matter how we dress when we go to worship God? Is it only the heart that matters, or does God also care about our outward appearance? What does our clothing communicate to other people? Has personal comfort and… Length: 33:46


How to Begin Reading the Bible

The Bible: How to Begin

Getting started reading the Bible can be intimidating. Where do you begin? How do you start? The Bible contains an amazing variety of historical figures and accounts: kings and queens, angels and demons, the righteous and wicked, great battles, assassination… Length: 4:03


Do Not Fear | Crisis and the Creator (ASL)

What is your greatest fear? If you had been asked this question in months past, it may have been completely different than today during such a time of crisis. In this lesson, Wayne Jones presents a biblical perspective for understanding… Length: 27:41


Did Jesus Really Exist? | Evidence for Jesus (ASL)

Did Jesus really exist? Two thousand years ago, that question wouldn’t have been asked because people would have seen a living, breathing man first-hand. Join Kyle Butt as he presents evidence of Jesus’ existence in “Did Jesus Really Exist?” Interpreted… Length: 7:10


15. Jesus Is | Light of the World (Season 3)

Much of the Bible is spent focusing on who Jesus is. It is the most important opinion we will ever have in our lives. The four writers of the gospel accounts tell us that the people of Jesus’ day pondered… Length: 27:25


Evil, Pain and Suffering

Where is God when I hurt? Why do innocent people suffer? How could a loving God let this happen? Millions of people have searched for answers to the questions of why there is Evil, Pain and Suffering in the world.… Length: 32:19


Evidence for the Bible (in ASL) | Proof for God

ASL Evidence for the Bible | Proof for God

Is the Bible God's inspired word? What evidence is there to recognize the proof for God as its divine source? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates both the external and internal evidences for the Bible being from God. See amazing…


Why Is the Bible So Hard to Understand?

Have you ever been asked, or even thought to yourself, "Why is the Bible so hard to understand?" Join Kyle Butt as he considers this question to help identify what exactly is meant, and then discuss some reasons why this… Length: 30:59


Angels Lesson 13: False Ideas

We must compare all that we believe and all that we practice against the standard of God’s Word. This lesson will examine four popular doctrines about angels and test how they line up with the Bible. Length: 36:32


Science vs. Evolution

Science vs. Evolution

Is evolution scientific? Do the laws of science support naturalism or contradict it? Do the commonly cited evidences for Darwinian evolution actually prove it to be true? If the evidence doesn't support atheistic evolution, why do so many believe in…


La Verdad Sobre el Cielo (The Truth About Heaven)


¿Qué es el cielo? ¿Es un lugar real? ¿Quién vive en el cielo? Mientras los Cristianos hablan mucho sobre el cielo, muchos todavía tienen preguntas sin responder. En este breve segmento, Marlon Retana proporciona respuestas de la Palabra de Dios… Length: 34:27


Death of a Child

Where do children go when they die? What hope is there for parents? Will you ever see your child again? When a young child dies, parents are left with sorrow-filled hearts and feelings of despair. Many questions arise and answers… Length: 5:57


Is the Bible Reliable?

Is the Bible Reliable?

Of all challenges to a Christian's faith, one of the most troubling may be the skeptic's charge that the Bible is filled with discrepancies. But do such criticisms hold up under serious scrutiny? Can a person have a rational belief…


Lesson 5: What Can the Righteous Do? | Abounding in Hope

It seems today that the foundations of righteousness and justice are being removed. Light is being called darkness, and wickedness is promoted. In Psalm 11 the question was asked, "If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?" Join… Length: 24:59


Worship and the Instrument

This program takes an in-depth look at questions concerning the use of instruments in the worship of the church. Does Ephesians 5:19 refer to corporate worship assemblies or merely the Christian's daily walk? What is the meaning of the Greek…


4. Am I Strong Enough To Survive? | Everyday Princess

This program is taught by and intended for women. With cyber-bullying on the rise and gossip a rampart part of most teens' lives, staying the Christian course may sometimes seem like a daunting task. As Christian young ladies, we are… Length: 31:55


3. The Bible and Archaeology | Is the Bible from God?

One of the most commonly asked questions about archeology is: "Did the things the Bible says really happen?" In this lesson, Kyle Butt puts forth the idea that the more we uncover the past, the more we uncover the Truth.… Length: 42:03


1. Jesus Christ and His Church | The One True Church

In our world today, there exist many denominations. Does God allow for divisions in Christianity? Is there one true Church that Jesus came to redeem? Join Rod Rutherford as he opens up the Bible to answer questions about the one… Length: 38:00


America’s Most Pressing Concern (trailer)

As America faces troubled times, instability and an uncertain future, the question to ponder is, "Will it be a more godly or less godly nation?" Some say the founding fathers were not really men of God and that they spoke… Length: 4:15


3. Descriptions of the Church | The One True Church

Having established that we can, indeed, find the one true Church mentioned in the New Testament, the question of how to recognize the Lord’s Church should be asked. As we study the New Testament, we can learn about the nature… Length: 39:04


1. The Historicity of Jesus | Behold! The Lamb of God

Did Jesus Christ really live? Many people claim that Jesus was not a real person and that Christians follow a made-up religion with a blind faith. Is there evidence to prove that Jesus was an actual, historical person? In this… Length: 39:51


2. The Uniqueness of Christ | Behold! The Lamb of God

Many critics of Christianity claim that the story of Jesus the Christ is not a unique story in history. They say that many other ancient religions that pre-date Christianity also claim that their god had a miraculous birth or were… Length: 38:10


Time, Evolution, and the Bible

Time, Evolution, and the Bible

The Bible is not silent about origins, time, and the sequence of Creation. Time and chronology are also important to naturalistic evolutionists, who admit that if the Earth is not billions of years old, but much younger, then evolution is…


Prayer | Crisis and the Creator (ASL)

There are few topics as important for a Christian as prayer. It is an incredible blessing to be able to approach God, both in times of crisis and thanksgiving. Follow along with Don Blackwell, as he introduces the basics of… Length: 27:43


Wonders of Creation: Elephants

Wonders of Creation Elephants

As the largest land animals on Earth today, elephants are amazing icons of size and strength. The impressive and unique features of the elephant serve to show how wonderful God's creation is. Join Eric Lyons as he investigates the incredible… Length: 3:03


Wonders of Creation: Chameleons

With crazy-looking eyes, funny-looking toes, and weird tongues, some may thoughtlessly dismiss what a deeper examination of chameleons reveals. These lizards are loaded with complex, functional design that logically demands a Designer. Join Eric Lyons in examining these exciting and… Length: 8:17


8. Why Be an Evolutionist? | Science vs. Evolution

In the previous lessons of this series, Jeff Miller has shown that the scientific evidence, reason, and common sense all point to a Supernatural Entity. With all the evidence before them, why do some people refuse to believe in God?… Length: 22:06


Was Jesus Really Perfect? | Understanding Jesus

While we cannot know all involved in Jesus' incarnation here on Earth. The Bible does give us information to understand pivotal aspects of Jesus' earthly life and ministry. One important aspect of Jesus' role as the Messiah is in answering… Length: 7:30


Passage 1 | Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City

Jerusalem: An Unforgettable City is a documentary about the significance and grandeur of the ancient city of Jerusalem, and its relationship to biblical history and thought. Shot on location in Israel, this film examines the unique location, topography, history, and… Length: 25:54


10. When Do the Rules Apply? | Waves of Change

There are questions we need to consider concerning worship. When do we need to sing acapella? When must we pray in Jesus’ name? Could a person sometimes worship but the rules for worship not apply? What rules apply to worship,… Length: 27:22


Qualifications of Elders

Qualifications of Elders

It is God's desire for every congregation of His people to have elders. However, not just anyone can serve as an elder. What is an elder? What does the Bible say about the qualifications and roles of an elder? What…


12. Right and Wrong | Waves of Change

What determines if something is right or wrong? Where do we look for answers to moral questions? Do we turn to the Bible and God’s standard, or do we search elsewhere? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the subject of… Length: 25:35


Earth | Beyond the Stars

Earth |Beyond the Stars

Come explore your home—planet Earth. As the home for all humanity and teeming with all kinds of life on its lands, in its sees and across its skies, Earth is a wondrous planet. To fully appreciate the privileged place you… Length: 8:11


Wonders of Creation: Platypus

Scientists classify the platypus as a mammal, but it’s unlike any mammal you’ve ever seen. From its flat duck-bill to its extremely dense fur to its incredible electro-receptor hunting system, this animal is unique indeed. In this program, Eric Lyons… Length: 02:45


How Did Life Begin? | Proof for God

How Did Life Begin?

How did life begin? If the Cosmos is all that there is, all that there was, and all that there ever will be, then how could life come from non-life? What does science have to say about this scenario, and… Length: 9:47


The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage (ASL)

ASL The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage

What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to… Length: 36:37


Qualifications of Elders: Session 1

Qualifications of Elders: Session 1

What is an elder? What does the Bible say about the qualifications and roles of an elder? It is God's desire for every congregation of His people to have elders. However, not just anyone can serve as an elder. In… Length: 31:12


Arise and Be Baptized | Does It Matter?

Arise and Be Baptized | Does It Matter?

Choosing to become a Christian and wear Christ’s name is the most important decision you can ever make. In this video, Rob Whitacre points out the elements of baptism and shows us the answers to important questions about baptism. Length: 4:13


The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage (Program) (ASL)

ASL The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage

What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to…


Miracles, Grace, and Providence

Do miracles exist today? How do grace, faith, and works come into play for mankind's salvation? What is providence and how does God provide for us today? All of these profound questions are addressed from God's Word in this succinct…


La Verdad Sobre Pornografia (The Truth About Pornografia)

“La Verdad Sobre Pornografía” trata la explosión de la industria de la pornografía. ¿Pueden los cristianos ver pornografía? Tarde o temprano, la mayoría de nosotros nos enfrentamos a situaciones morales, sociales y éticas que demandan nuestra atención. Estas situaciones pueden… Length: 36:21


Pangea and the Bible (ASL)

While we see numerous different continents on Earth's surface today, there seems to be some evidence for these continents being joined together into one large landmass, sometimes called Pangaea. Does the Bible say anything about Pangaea? Would this idea be… Length: 4:10


16. Names of the Church | The One True Church

A key mark of identification of anything is its name. Does the name of the Church and the name by which its members are called really matter? Join Rod Rutherford in this lesson as he answers this question about the… Length: 39:02


“I Just Believe in One Less God than You.” (ASL)

You may have heard this statement before, as it is frequently used as an argument against the belief in one true God. What does this play on words mean? And more importantly, does it provide a logical argument against God?… Length: 3:09


10. Alleged Contradictions Pertaining to Salvation

Is the Bible vague concerning how a person can go to heaven? Skeptics of the Bible claim that the Bible writers contradicted each other concerning salvation. Can a person know exactly what to do in order to be pleasing and… Length: 33:31


4. When Abnormal Becomes Normal (Part 2) | Side By Side

This program is taught by and intended for women. In this video, Brenda Poarch continues her lesson on chronic illness. Those who are dealing with chronic health issues often have unique physical and emotional needs that need to be met.… Length: 32:36


The Ten Commandments (in ASL) (Program)

The Ten Commandments (in ASL)

Many people believe that the Ten Commandments represent God's law for mankind today, and that if we will simply obey these things we will be pleasing to Him. Others argue that the Ten Commandments represent a portion of God's old…


Did God Create Other People? (ASL)

The first chapters of Genesis tell of the direct creation of two people: Adam and Eve. Some do not think, however, that the various races could have come from Adam and Eve alone. This begs the question, did God ever… Length: 3:18


When Did God Create Dinosaurs?

According to evolution, dinosaurs became extinct over 60 million years ago and were never alive at the same time as man. How does this description for the dinosaur timeline match with the Bible's description of God's creation in Genesis? Were… Length: 09:51


Logic: 3. Propositions (Cont); Distribution 

What is the quality of a proposition? What’s the quantity of a proposition? In this lesson, Mac Deaver discusses the answers to these questions, class exclusion and inclusion, identifying different categorical propositions, and distribution. Length: 38:39


Was There Enough Time on Day 6 of Creation?

One reason people reject the literal creation account is that they find it impossible to believe that one man could name every single species of animal on Earth in a single day. Is this possible? Does Genesis give an accurate… Length: 03:17


9. Celebration and Reflection | Side By Side

This program is taught by and intended for women. In the final lesson of this series, Brenda Poarch discusses the importance of loving God and loving others. She reviews the topics covered in this series and provides discussion questions to… Length: 12:09


How We Got the Bible

How We Got the Bible

Many scholars today claim the Bible has missing books, has books that do not belong, and was not accurately transmitted (copied) or translated. This program by Denny Petrillo, Ph.D., takes a factual look at the evidence on how we got…


Was I Born a Sinner?

Was I Born a Sinner?

Are we naturally inclined to do evil? Do children do wrong because they inherited a sinful nature? The Bible has much to say about sin and its influence in the world. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he looks, not… Length: 28:59


Did God Create Other People?

The first chapters of Genesis tell of the direct creation of two people: Adam and Eve. Some do not think, however, that the various races could have come from Adam and Eve alone. This begs the question, did God ever… Length: 3:14


“I Just Believe in One Less God than You.”

You may have heard this statement before, as it is frequently used as an argument against the belief in one true God. What does this play on words mean? And more importantly, does it provide a logical argument against God?… Length: 03:08


Preparing for Heaven (ASL)

Are you prepared for heaven? In traveling the road of life, Christians are faced with everyday issues that can trouble their minds. In this six-lesson, Gospel meeting program, Don Blackwell deals with challenging questions to help us prepare for heaven.…


Pangaea and the Bible

While we see numerous different continents on Earth's surface today, there seems to be some evidence for these continents being joined together into one large landmass, sometimes called Pangaea. Does the Bible say anything about Pangaea? Would this idea be… Length: 04:04


Part 1: The Bible | Video Bible Study

In this first part, you will learn how to be pleasing to God. Everything you need to know about God, Jesus, and how to live as a Christian has been written down in God’s word – the Bible. Follow along… Length: 51:44




This program is taught by and intended for women.Becky Blackmon presents an enlightening and enjoyable study of Esther. She begins with a little history of the life and times of the king and queen followed by a chapter-by-chapter study of…


Christians and the Government (in ASL)


What is the Christian’s responsibility as a citizen? What should Christians do when their government commits injustice. How should governments view Christians living in their jurisdiction? The Bible has some surprising answers to these questions. This presentation will help you… Length: 30:58


Christians and the Government

Christians and the Government

What is the Christian’s responsibility as a citizen? What should Christians do when their government commits injustice. How should governments view Christians living in their jurisdiction? The Bible has some surprising answers to these questions. This presentation will help you… Length: 30:59


When Will the Kingdom Come?

When Will the Kingdom Come?

There is a great deal of confusion over the kingdom of the Lord. Some say that it was established in the 1900s. Others believe it was set up in the first century. Many think that it has not yet come,… Length: 29:19


When Will the Kingdom Come? (in ASL)

ASL: When Will the Kingdom Come?

There is a great deal of confusion over the kingdom of the Lord. Some say that it was established in the 1900's. Others believe it was set up in the first century. Many think that it has not yet come,… Length: 29:19


Creation and Evolution

Creation and Evolution Program

Our understanding for the origin of the world is important for how we view life. Was the Universe brought into existence by a divine Creator, or did it originate through naturalistic evolution? When considering these two choices, are there implications…


The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage (Program)

The Truth About Same-Sex

What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to…


A Scientific Approach to God

What would it take for you to believe in God? If you do not believe that God exists, what would you need to see? It is common to take a scientific approach when studying the unknown, but can you take… Length: 5:26


Uranus and Neptune | Beyond the Stars

Uranus and Neptune | Beyond the Stars

Come explore the Outer Gas Giants, Uranus and Neptune. Each planet presents some unique characteristics as we consider their roles in our Solar System. These strange worlds provide intriguing examples of planetary dynamics and have served well in their role… Length: 5:52


Where Did God Come From? | Why God?

Where Did God Come From?

If God supposedly created everything, then who made God? Isn’t this a real dilemma for Christians? Join Eric Lyons as he logically and succinctly responds to this frequently asked question. Length: 4:12


2. Come and Meet Esther (Part 2) | Esther

This program is taught by and intended for women. The book of Esther has a powerful message and provides us with a unique perspective of the Jewish nation. In this second lesson, Becky Blackmon delves into the word of God… Length: 37:19


Believe the Bible: 1. Affirmation of God

Are you curious if there is evidence to know if God exists? Do you have questions about the God described in the Bible? Join Rob Whitacre in this simple study to reason about the existence of God, and whether the… Length: 43:41


Believe the Bible

Where did we come from? What is your purpose in life? How you answer these fundamental questions is greatly affected by whether you believe in God, believe the Bible is true, and believe Jesus to be divine. In these lessons,…


Evil, Pain and Suffering (Program)

Evil, Pain and Suffering

Where is God when I hurt? Why do innocent people suffer? How could a loving God let this happen? Millions of people have searched for answers to the questions of why there is Evil, Pain and Suffering in the world.…


Miracles, Grace, and Providence (ASL)

Do miracles exist today? How do grace, faith, and works come into play for mankind's salvation? What is providence and how does God provide for us today? All of these profound questions are addressed from God's Word in this succinct…


La Oración del Pecador (The Sinner’s Prayer)

La Oración del Pecador

¿Alguna vez has orado la oración del pecador? La intención de esta oración es pedirle a Jesús que entre en tu corazón como un medio para ser salvo. ¿Sabes en qué parte de la Biblia se puede encontrar la oración… Length: 4:18


Do Miracles Exist Today? (ASL)

What exactly is a miracle? The Bible describes many miracles in times past, but do miracles still exist today? In this lesson, Don Blackwell looks to the Bible for the answers to important questions. Interpreted into American Sign Language by… Length: 24:04


Searching for Truth: About the Creator

As we observe the Universe, the Earth, and the amazing human body, it is easy to conclude that these things could not have occurred by accident. They are, in fact, the product of an intelligent Creator. But what kind of… Length: 28:13


Should We Disfellowship? (Program)

Should We Disfellowship?

Many questions have been raised concerning withdrawing fellowship from unfaithful members of the church. Some regard the practice as “unloving” while others believe it is not being done enough. What does the Bible say about withdrawing our fellowship from erring…


Should We Disfellowship?

Should We Disfellowship?

Many questions have been raised concerning withdrawing fellowship from unfaithful members of the church. Some regard the practice as “unloving” while others believe it is not being done enough. What does the Bible say about withdrawing our fellowship from erring… Length: 44:39


Searching for Truth: About the House of God

Most people in the world live in some kind of house or dwelling. Those houses come in all shapes and sizes, with different floor plans and layouts, and furnished in a lot of different ways. Yet each home is precious… Length: 44:22


Are the Jews God’s Chosen People Today?

Are the Jews God's Chosen People Today?

Did you know in the Old Testament the Jews were God's chosen people, a special nation set apart to follow the Law of Moses? What about today, under the Law of Christ, are the Jews still God's chosen people? Can… Length: 5:09


Preparing for Heaven

Are you prepared for heaven? In traveling the road of life, Christians are faced with everyday issues that can trouble their minds. In this six-lesson, Gospel meeting program, Don Blackwell deals with challenging questions to help us prepare for heaven.


Why Are There So Many Churches? | Drawn Toward God

Why Are There So Many Churches?

There is one Bible, but there are so many different denominations claiming Christianity. Are these representing different paths to the same goal? Do the differences between their teachings matter? Join us to consider the Bible's answer to the question: "Why… Length: 5:55


4. Is Jesus Coming Soon? | Millennial Mania

What does the Bible teach about Christ’s coming? Does it say that His coming is imminent? Join Rod Rutherford as he presents a Bible-based lesson that answers these questions and takes an in-depth look at this topic. Length: 38:17


ASL Searching for Truth: About the Creator

As we observe the Universe, the Earth, and the amazing human body, it is easy to conclude that these things could not have occurred by accident. They are, in fact, the product of an intelligent Creator. But what kind of… Length: 28:13


Passage 11 | The Power of Jesus in Galilee

Passage 11 Sea of Galilee

Situated some 690 feet below sea level, Israel’s largest fresh water lake and its surrounding majestic hills form the backdrop to some of our Lord’s most dramatic miracles. Complete with epic footage of the Sea of Galilee and compelling reenactments,… Length: 22:31


8. Have You Really Read Revelation? | Millennial Mania

Does Revelation really teach all the bizarre and sensational things that premillennialism teaches? Does Revelation have a message for people today? In this lesson, Rod Rutherford turns to the pages of Scripture to discuss these questions. Length: 39:16


ASL Searching for Truth: About the House of God

Most people in the world live in some kind of house or dwelling. Those houses come in all shapes and sizes, with different floor plans and layouts, and furnished in a lot of different ways. Yet each home is precious… Length: 44:22


Was I Born a Sinner? (ASL)

Are we naturally inclined to do evil? Do children do wrong because they inherited a sinful nature? The Bible has much to say about sin and its influence in the world. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he looks, not… Length: 28:29


Is Heaven Real?

Is Heaven Real? | Search Heaven and Hell

Is Heaven real? Or, is it merely an idea made up to give false hope to people? If Heaven is real, then where is it and how can we know? Most importantly, if Heaven truly does exist, how can we… Length: 3:58


Is Hell Real?

Is Hell Real? | Search Heaven and Hell

What comes to your mind when you hear the word 'Hell'? Does this word have any real meaning, or has it become nothing more than a vain English cuss word? Is Hell a real place that actually exists? And, if… Length: 4:24


Moral Values & Atheism | Proof for God

Moral Values and Atheism

Have you ever done anything morally right or morally wrong? The answer to this question has a serious bearing on the existence of God. If there is no God, then there cannot be anything objectively morally right or objectively morally… Length: 8:42


Are the Jews God’s Chosen People Today? (ASL)

Did you know in the Old Testament the Jews were God's chosen people, a special nation set apart to follow the Law of Moses? What about today, under the Law of Christ, are the Jews still God's chosen people? Can… Length: 04:59


The Ten Commandments (Program)

The Ten Commandments

Many people believe that the Ten Commandments represent God's law for mankind today, and that if we will simply obey these things we will be pleasing to Him. Others argue that the Ten Commandments represent a portion of God's old…


Is God Listening? | Search Prayer

Is God listening? Many sincere people have asked this question and desire to know if God hears their prayers. The short answer is, " Yes God is listening." In the Bible, God promises that He listens and answers prayer. He… Length: 02:06


America’s Most Pressing Concern (Program)

America's Most Pressing Concern Program

As America faces troubled times, instability and an uncertain future, the question to ponder is, "Will it be a more godly or less godly nation?" Some say the founding fathers were not really men of God and that they spoke…


What are the Ten Commandments?

What are the Ten Commandments? Given to Moses and the children of Israel, the Ten Commandments were important in God's covenant in the Old Testament. For the Christian, are the Ten Commandments binding? What should the Christian's stance be concerning… Length: 3:47


Drawn Toward God (Bible Class Version)

Drawn Toward God (Bible Class Version)

Drawn Toward God includes short videos presented in a visually stunning illustrated presentation. Approaching difficult questions with a simple animated discussion, these videos focus on the Bible's message to provide clear answers.


The Ten Commandments

Many people believe that the Ten Commandments represent God's law for mankind today, and that if we will simply obey these things we will be pleasing to Him. Others argue that the Ten Commandments represent a portion of God's old… Length: 25:50


Is Sin Fun?

Is Sin Fun?

This program is taught by and intended for women. Is Sin Fun? While this may seem like a strange question to ask on a Christian ladies video, Brenda Poarch breaks down some of the fundamentals for understanding and addressing sinful… Length: 26:41


Why Is Jesus’ Resurrection Special? | Why Jesus?

Given all of the recorded resurrections in Scripture, what’s so important about Jesus’ resurrection? If others in the past have died to live again, what makes Jesus coming back from the dead so unique? Why is His resurrection more significant… Length: 9:16


The Ten Commandments (in ASL)

The Ten Commandments (in ASL)

Many people believe that the Ten Commandments represent God's law for mankind today, and that if we will simply obey these things we will be pleasing to Him. Others argue that the Ten Commandments represent a portion of God's old… Length: 25:50


The Greatest Book

The Greatest Book

What is your view about the Bible? There are only 2 possible views about the origin of the Bible: (1) The Bible is from God, or (2) The Bible is from men. Do you think the Bible is from God?… Length: 9:00


The Kingdom and End Times (ASL)

A study of God's Kingdom, the Rapture and Premillennialism. When will Jesus come again? Will it be soon? Will he set up is kingdom at that time? What about the Anti-Christ, the mark of the beast and the rapture? This…


What are the ‘Signs of the Times’?

What are the 'Signs of the Times'? It is commonly believed that Jesus' coming and the end times will be preceded by various signs and events. Jesus will then setup an earthly kingdom, reign for one thousand years, and be… Length: 4:23


The Worshiper & the Waitress

This program is taught by and intended for women. Are you quiet and introverted? Or are you outgoing and talkative? Mary and Martha were sisters with two different personalities who served God according to their own unique qualities. Jesus was… Length: 07:18


Why God?

Why God?

Can atheism logically explain the existence of the Universe and everything in it, or does God exist? Does an honest investigation of the world around us logically lead to a Creator, or does godless naturalism sufficiently explain design, intelligence, and…


Prayer | Crisis and the Creator

Prayer | Crisis and the Creator

There are few topics as important for a Christian as prayer. It is an incredible blessing to be able to approach God, both in times of crisis and thanksgiving. Follow along with Don Blackwell, as he introduces the basics of… Length: 27:46


The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage

What does the Bible teach about homosexuality? How does God feel about same-sex marriage? Have we been misusing the Bible when citing it to condemn gay and lesbian behavior? Did Jesus ever mention it? Is it time for Christians to… Length: 36:38


Evidence for God | Proof for God

Does God exist? Is there proof for God? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates the evidence for God from the areas of logic, philosophy, and science. Some of the most profound questions of life will be addressed, and deeper insight…


Evil, Pain and Suffering | Crisis and the Creator

Crisis and the Creator: Evil, Pain and Suffering

Where is God when I hurt? Why do innocent people suffer? How could a loving God let this happen? Millions of people have searched for answers to the questions of why there is Evil, Pain and Suffering in the world.… Length: 31:56


Evangelismo Simplificado

Esta serie de lecciones se basa en las presentadas por House to House School of Evangelism y sirven de gran ayuda para que la iglesia se motive en evangelizar tanto a nivel personal como congregacional, y esto se logra al…


Proof for God

Proof for God

Does God exist? Is the Bible God's inspired word? What evidence is there for Jesus? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates proof for God through the evidences in history, philosophy, science, and logic. Some of the most profound questions of…


Was Jesus Powerless in His Hometown? | Why Jesus?

Why could Jesus “do no mighty work” in His hometown of Nazareth? Did He lack the power that an omnipotent God would have? Is the Bible’s portrayal of Jesus as a mighty miracle worker contradictory? Join Eric Lyons as he… Length: 5:45


The Thief on the Cross

The Thief on the Cross

One of the most frequent objections offered to baptism is the thief on the cross. People will argue, "The thief on the cross wasn't baptized and he was saved, therefore I don't have to be baptized. I want to be… Length: 27:24


The Global Flood | The Reality of Noah’s Ark

The Global Flood of Noah

How big was the Great Flood found in the Bible? Was it a local flood affecting only the region around the Black Sea? Or, was it a global flood, covering the entire world? As we consider these questions, we need… Length: 33:13


1. God’s Creation of Time | Biblical Timeline

Have you ever wondered “Why study the Bible with respect to time?” or “Why did God create time?” In this first lesson to “Biblical Timeline,” John Hall answers these questions as an introduction to the Creation account. Length: 20:36


Do Not Fear | Crisis and the Creator

Crisis and the Creator: Do Not Fear

What is your greatest fear? If you had been asked this question in months past, it may have been completely different than today during such a time of crisis. In this lesson, Wayne Jones presents a biblical perspective for understanding… Length: 27:40


Passage 6 | Judah: David’s Training Ground of Faith

Passage 6 - Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith

Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. Filmed on location in southern Israel and in portions of the West… Length: 26:23


Why Doesn’t God Show Himself?

Why Doesn't God Show Himself?

Many unbelievers wonder why, if God exists, He doesn’t simply appear to every person on Earth to prove that He exists. Wouldn’t this settle the question once and for all? Does such “absence” of God actually prove His non-existence? Length: 4:55


DOES Jesus Exist?

Does Jesus Exist? | Search Jesus

Did Jesus Exist? You know 2,000 years ago that question wouldn't have even been asked. That's simply because Jesus was alive and well in a small village in the land of Israel. Had you seen him for yourself, you most… Length: 4:35


WHO is Jesus?

Who is Jesus? | Search Jesus

Who is Jesus? To say that He's most famous person in the world is an understatement. He lived almost two thousand years ago, and yet His name is still one of the most often searched for words on the Internet.… Length: 3:52


3. The Bible and Slavery | Answering Atheism

The modern atheistic community has come up with lots of accusations against the God of the Bible. One of those is that God is pro-slavery. Is it true that the idea of human servitude depicted in the Bible goes against… Length: 39:15


Saved Without a Doubt

Saved Without a Doubt Program

Do you constantly beat yourself up for sins committed years ago? Do you struggle with the feeling that you are not perfect? Are you filled with worry and dread about your eternity? Do you have constant doubts whether you will… Length: 25:26


Evidence for the Bible | Proof for God

Evidence for the Bible | Proof for God

Is the Bible God's inspired word? What evidence is there to recognize the proof for God as its divine source? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates both the external and internal evidences for the Bible being from God. See amazing…


Who Was at the Tomb of Jesus? | Why Jesus?

Two of the main problems that many cite in the four accounts of the resurrection of Jesus have to do with the identity and number of women who went to the empty tomb of Jesus, as well as who they… Length: 8:05


Lección 05: Apliquemos el Modelo | Evangelismo Simplificado

En esta lección, Marlon Retana responde a varias preguntas sobre situaciones tanto difíciles como inusuales que pueden presentarse durante los estudios bíblicos personales. ¿Cómo funciona esto en mi mundo? Si desea hacer una pregunta sobre el material presentado en este… Length: 22:26


If God Exists, Why Do People Suffer?

If God Exists Why Do People Suffer

Can a loving God and suffering exist at the same time? Does the presence of suffering prove that God is either not all powerful or not all good? Or, does the existence of suffering demand the existence of goodness? Join… Length: 8:21


A Trailer for “How We Got the Bible”

Trailer for "How We Got the Bible"

Many scholars today claim the Bible has missing books, has books that do not belong, and was not accurately transmitted (copied) or translated. Denny Petrillo (Ph.D.) introduces how to logically and reasonably understand these skeptical views in the program, "How… Length: 5:24


Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

Skeptics, atheists, and modernists have waged an aggressive war against the Bible for over a century. They have succeeded in undermining public confidence in the authenticity of the text of the Bible, eroding the faith of young people by often…


El Día de Reposo | Sabbat (The Day of Rest | Sabbath)

El Día de Reposo | Sabbat

¿Qué hay acerca del día de reposo o Sabbat? ¿Deberían los Cristianos guardar el día de reposo en la actualidad? ¿Debería ser el día de reposo nuestro día de adoración? Únase a Marlon Retana mientras examina lo que dice el… Length: 8:04


Why Jesus?

Why Jesus Program

What makes Jesus so special? Why should anyone believe that a first-century man from Nazareth was more than a mere man? Why should we believe Jesus worked miracles, including coming back from the dead? Are there not biblical inconsistencies about…


Proof For God (ASL)

Does God exist? Is the Bible God's inspired word? What evidence is there for Jesus? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates proof for God through the evidences in history, philosophy, science, and logic. Some of the most profound questions of…


5. Grace | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)

It is easy to see that "grace" is one of the most important subjects you will read about in all the Bible. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each described relative to their embodiment of grace, and the Gospel… Length: 25:55


Evidence for God | Proof for God (ASL)

Does God exist? Is ther proof for God? Follow Kyle Butt as he demonstrates the evidence for God from the areas of logic, philosophy, and science. Some of the most profround questions of life will be addressed, and deeper insight…


Saved Without a Doubt (Program)

Saved Without a Doubt Program

Do you struggle with the feeling that you are not perfect? Do you constantly beat yourself up for sins committed years ago? Do you have constant doubts whether you will go to heaven? If you answered yes to any of…


Why Jesus? (ASL)

ASL Why Jesus Program

What makes Jesus so special? Why should anyone believe that a first-century man from Nazareth was more than a mere man? Why should we believe Jesus worked miracles, including coming back from the dead? Are there not biblical inconsistencies about…


1. Introduction | Has the Bible Been Corrupted?

Has the Bible been corrupted? Can we be sure the Bible is God's word? Skeptics, atheists, and other religions have aggressively attacked the Bible for centuries. How do their arguments fair against the historical and documented history? Join Dave Miller,… Length: 41:03


Evidence for Jesus | Proof for God

Evidence for Jesus | Proof for God

Did Jesus truly exist? What evidence is there for His life, resurrection, and deity? Follow Kyle Butt as he presents evidence for Jesus’ unique existence, message, miraculous ability, and divine nature.


6 Proofs for God’s Existence | Proof for God (ASL)

When we consider the most profound question of life, “Does God exist?” we should follow the evidence wherever it leads. In this video, Kyle Butt presents six powerful evidences proving God’s existence, from the complexity and order of our Universe… Length: 8:44


7. Creation Versus Evolution | Out With Doubt

In his book, “The Origin of Species,” Charles Darwin first presented his evolutionary ideas. Though his ideas are commonly held as the origin of life the question remains, did life evolve over multiplied millions of years? Or, as the Bible… Length: 27:10


1. What is Islam?

In recent polls, about 22% of the world’s population claim Islam as their religion, making it number two, behind Christianity. What is the Islamic religion? Who is Muhammad? What does it mean to be Muslim? In this first lesson Dave… Length: 28:27


The Truth About…

The Truth About Series

This is a large series of programs designed to teach the simple truth about many of the most commonly asked questions and controversial topics facing Christians today. Solid Bible answers are provided to guide the viewer through the world's misconceptions…


Search Creation and Evolution

Search Creation and Evolution

When considering the history of the world and our Universe in general, two major worldviews exist in contrast to each other. Evolutionists view the world as the result of purely naturalistic processes, whereas creationists view the world as a product…


Wonders of Creation: Hummingbirds

Hummingbirds are the hovering helicopters of the bird world, able to fly sideways and backward, as well as up and down, all the while keeping their torsos virtually stationary. They can even fly upside down! Truly, the unique maneuverability of… Length: 6:09


Did Jesus Really Exist? | Evidence for Jesus

Did Jesus really exist? Two thousand years ago, that question wouldn’t have been asked because people would have seen a living, breathing man first-hand. Join Kyle Butt as he presents evidence of Jesus’ existence in “Did Jesus Really Exist?” Length: 07:11


How Can Jesus Be the Only True God? | Why Jesus?

If Jesus prayed to the Father and called Him “the only true God,” then how could Jesus be God? Does Jesus’ statement in John 17:3 imply that He is less than Divine? Join Eric as he addresses this question using… Length: 11:00


5. Grace | The Crux of the Matter

It is easy to see that "grace" is one of the most important subjects you will read about in all the Bible. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each described relative to their embodiment of grace, and the Gospel… Length: 25:56


2. Sister to Sister | Apple of Thine Eye

This program is taught by and intended for women. God has given Christian women a wonderful gift: fellow Christian sisters! In good times and bad, we should strive to be a comfort to each other and continually encourage one another.… Length: 39:56


What do we really know about Angels?

What do we really know about Angels?

What do we really know about angels?What does the Bible say about angels? What do they look like, and what is their purpose? There are very few subjects in the religious world that captivate our attention like that of angels.… Length: 4:12

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