Is God Listening? | Search Prayer
Is God listening? Many sincere people have asked this question and desire to know if God hears their prayers. The short answer is, " Yes God is listening." In the Bible, God promises that He listens and answers prayer. He has not promised to always say "Yes" to our requests, but if it is necessary He will provide in His appointed time.
How Do I Pray? | Search Prayer
How do I pray? When we come to God in prayer, we need to have humility, faith, and trust. God is the Creator and all-powerful. Our prayers should also be frequent and with purpose. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses what the Bible says about "How we should pray?"
Does Prayer Work? | Search Prayer
Have you ever wondered, "Does prayer work?" The Bible instructs Christians to "pray without ceasing" (1 Thessalonians 5:17). God listens to our prayers and knows what is best for our lives. So the answer is, " Yes prayer works!" God's power, wisdom, and will for our lives guides how He will answer our requests. Join Kevin Rutherford as he looks at what the Bible says about effective prayers.
What Should I Tell God? | Search Prayer
God is all-knowing and understands our struggles, but God wants to hear from us. What should we tell God? We should tell God about our struggles, our sins, our love for Him, and our thanksgiving. In short, we should tell God everything. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses biblical principles for what we should tell God in our prayers.
Search Prayer Program

An important part of a Christian's life involves our prayers. Many have sincere questions about how effective their prayers are, or even how they ought to pray. Does prayer work? Is God listening to our prayers? What should I tell God? In the Search Prayer program, Kevin Rutherford provides short answers to address important questions that impact our prayer lives. Make sure to share these insightful messages to encourage others.