Search God
Does God exist? What, Who and Where is God? Virtually every person in the world has considered these questions. Atheists say that God is not real. Agnostics say we cannot be sure. Theists and Christians say we can absolutely know. Come explore the Search God program and find solid answers to these fundamental questions.
Search Jesus
Does Jesus exist? Who is Jesus? Two-thousand years ago Jesus of Nazareth lived, walked and taught. Come Search Jesus and find the evidences for His existence and the proofs of His deity. The short videos in this program will stimulate your desire to learn about Jesus and to share this message with others.
Search Creation and Evolution
When considering the history of the world and our Universe in general, two major worldviews exist in contrast to each other. Evolutionists view the world as the result of purely naturalistic processes, whereas creationists view the world as a product of a Grand Designer. How do Christians view the contrasts between chaos and purpose, or random chance and intelligent complexity, in terms of what the Bible describes for cosmic history? Join Kyle Butt in this set of short videos addressing various questions within the Creation/Evolution controversy.
Search Heaven and Hell
People search for answers about life and death. People also search for answers to whether there is life after death? After we die, what happens? Will we just cease to exist, or does Heaven or Hell exist? As Bible believers, we don't have to engage in speculation and guessing, because the Bible tells us both where we came from and where we're going. This program includes short videos about Heaven, Hell and Life After Death to stimulate our thoughts about eternity.
Search Bible Topics
The Bible is filled with interesting topics, which can intrigue, excite and build our faith. These short videos provide Bible-based answers to some commonly searched topics. Watch, study and then share these videos with others.
Search Prayer
An important part of a Christian's life involves our prayers. Many have sincere questions about how effective their prayers are, or even how they ought to pray. Does prayer work? Is God listening to our prayers? What should I tell God? In the Search Prayer program, Kevin Rutherford provides short answers to address important questions that impact our prayer lives. Make sure to share these insightful messages to encourage others.
Search Bible Archaeology
The Bible makes many specific references to people, places and events. The accuracy of these references can be checked using historical and archaeological evidence. Can the Old Testament references to King Hezekiah and his actions be verified? Is there archaeological evidence for the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who presided over Jesus' trial? Join Kyle Butt as he presents amazing evidence that testifies to the Bible’s validity and inspiration.
Search Premillennialism
Does the Bible teach the doctrine of the rapture? What is the 'mark of the beast'? Will there soon arise a world ruler known as the Anti-Christ? All of these questions are part of a doctrine known as Premillennialism. This program includes numerous short videos answering each of these questions (and others) providing appropriate Scripture references. Get your Bible and examine what God has to say!
Internet Search Campaign Series

In our modern, search-engine driven world, we often need powerful and concise answers to grab our attention. The Internet Search Campaign is a series designed to do just that...quickly grab and keep your attention. These videos are powerful and inspirational nuggets of truth for Christians to share online.