Angels Lesson 1: The Nature and Origin of Angels
For many, the subject of angels is a fascinating subject to study. However, most mainstream ideas are not biblically accurate. This video will examine the Bible to answer questions such as: What do angels look like? What is their purpose? Where did angels come from? and When were they created? to learn about the nature and origin of angels.
Angels Lesson 2: The Characteristics of Angels
Did you know that there are more than 300 references in the Old and New Testaments about angels? By examining these scriptures, we can learn about the angels’ characteristics, such as power, knowledge, language, and emotions.
Angels Lesson 3: The Organization of Angels
The Word of God has much information about angels, the host of heaven. In this video, we will do an in-depth study of the organization of angels.
Angels Lesson 4: The Work of Angels
Angels are a fascinating and popular subject and the Bible has much to say about them, including their variety of works. This lesson looks closely at the Bible to learn about the many tasks that God created angels to perform.
Angels Lesson 5: Angels and the Providence of God
What are angels doing today? What are they not doing today? While there is a great deal of speculation in the world today, the Bible is clear on this topic. This lesson will investigate the subject of angels and the providence of God.
Angels Lesson 6: Angels and the Ministry of Christ
Hebrews chapter 1 explains that Jesus is more excellent than the angels. From the announcement of His birth, to the witness of His ascension, angels played an important role throughout Jesus’ life. This lesson answers the question, “How did Jesus interact personally with the angels during His time on Earth?”
Angels Lesson 7: Angels and the Second Coming of Christ
Acts 1:11 says that the angels declared, “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in a like manner as you saw Him go into heaven.” This lesson looks at the topic of angels and the second coming of Christ. When our Lord returns in judgment one day, what role will angels play?
Angels Lesson 8: Angels That Give Allegiance to Satan
The Bible teaches that there are some angels who follow the Devil. What does the Bible say about those angels that have given allegiance to Satan? This lesson will give an in-depth Biblical study of these fallen angels.
Angels Lesson 9: The Origin and Nature of Satan
The Bible describes Satan as the adversary, the tempter, an enemy, the evil one, a murder, a liar, the wicked one, and the deceiver of the whole world. Looking at the passages associated with these names, it does not take us long to realize the evil nature of Satan. This lesson investigates what the Bible has to say about the origin and nature of Satan.
Angels Lesson 10: What is Satan's Mission?
The Bible clearly states what Satan’s mission is. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” We must be diligent to secure our souls and not be taken captive by Satan.
Angels Lesson 11: Do You Have a Guardian Angel? Part 1
Does the Bible teach about guardian angels? Do we each have an angel that will guide, guard, and protect us? Or, do angels act in a less direct way? This video lesson will turn to the pages of the Bible to answer these important questions.
Angels Lesson 12: Do You Have a Guardian Angel? Part 2
The Bible teaches that there are angels who guard God’s children, but what about guardian angels? This lesson will give an in-depth look at one of the roles that God has given to angels.
Angels Lesson 13: False Ideas
We must compare all that we believe and all that we practice against the standard of God’s Word. This lesson will examine four popular doctrines about angels and test how they line up with the Bible.
Angels Program

This 13-lesson series is one of the most thorough and biblically in-depth studies on angels, giving the viewer an opportunity to consider sound answers to many of the questions often asked on this topic. This subject is almost universally misunderstood and incorrectly portrayed. These lessons help set the record straight.