1. What Is Evolution and Why Does It Matter? | Science vs. Evolution
What is the theory of evolution? Can the Bible’s creation account and evolution be in harmony? Why does it matter to Christians? Join Jeff Miller as he takes a balanced approach to answer these and other questions about Christianity and evolution.
2. Can Evolution Get Something from Nothing? | Science vs. Evolution
For decades, people in the naturalist scientific community have proclaimed that evolution is the correct scientific model of how the universe came into existence. Evolutionists claim that the biblical creation account is not scientific and those who believe it are ignorant. Is the evolutionary model scientifically accurate? Can the biblical account of creation be proven through science? In this lesson, Jeff Miller discusses these topics and arrives at a scientifically sound answer for how the universe was created.
3. Did the Universe Cause Itself? | Science vs. Evolution
Do creationists have a blind, evidenceless faith, or a reasonable faith? Scientists and philosophers recognize that there must be an adequate cause to bring about observed effects. However, how did the universe and everything in it come into being? Could the universe simply cause itself, or does it also require an adequate cause to bring it into existence?
4. Can Life Come from Non-life and Turn into You? | Science vs. Evolution
There are several gaping chasms in the theory of evolution that cannot be satisfactorily answered by the atheistic proponents, including the law of biogenesis. In the lesson, Jeff Miller presents several common arguments given by atheists concerning how life came into existence, and gives scientifically and biblically sound evidence to prove God is the Creator of the universe.
5. Do Science Textbooks Prove Evolution? | Science vs. Evolution
The Law of Rationality states that a person should only draw conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence. Most mainstream science textbooks make proof-positive claims of evolution, but can these claims be backed up with solid evidence? Join Jeff Miller in this lesson as he examines several evolutionary arguments that are commonly presented in textbooks.
6. Do Fossils Prove Evolution? | Science vs. Evolution
The area of alleged evidences for evolution, commonly proclaimed the loudest, is the fossil record. Does the fossil record indicate that humans evolved from an ape-like ancestor? What does the evidence say? In this lesson, Jeff Miller takes an in-depth look at this topic and presents the facts.
7. Do Dating Techniques Prove the Earth is Old? | Science vs. Evolution
According to evolutionists, the techniques that are used to date materials are solid proof of an old Earth and universe. Do dating methods disprove the Creation model? In this lesson, Jeff Miller takes an in-depth look at this topic and explains how typical dating methods are used.
8. Why Be an Evolutionist? | Science vs. Evolution
In the previous lessons of this series, Jeff Miller has shown that the scientific evidence, reason, and common sense all point to a Supernatural Entity. With all the evidence before them, why do some people refuse to believe in God? In this final lesson, Jeff Miller answers this question from a biblical perspective.
Science vs. Evolution Program

Is evolution scientific? Do the laws of science support naturalism or contradict it? Do the commonly cited evidences for Darwinian evolution actually prove it to be true? If the evidence doesn't support atheistic evolution, why do so many believe in it? Join Jeff Miller, Ph.D., as he explores the answers to these questions and more in this eight-lesson program. About the Author: Jeff Miller earned a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Auburn University, and currently serves in the Science Department at Apologetics Press where he regularly lectures on Christian Evidences and science.