Do Miracles Exist Today?
What exactly is a miracle? The Bible describes many miracles in times past, but do miracles still exist today? In this lesson, Don Blackwell looks to the Bible for the answers to important questions.
Grace, Faith, and Works
How is mankind saved from our sins? Is it by grace? Is it by faith? Is there anything man must do in order to go to heaven? In this study, Don Blackwell leads us through God’s Word, explaining how all three of these concepts work together for the salvation of man.
The Providence of God
How does God provide for mankind today? Is He involved in our lives, and if so is providence something miraculous? Join Don Blackwell in considering how the Bible describes the various aspects of God’s providence and mankind’s role in His plan.
Was I Born a Sinner?
Are we naturally inclined to do evil? Do children do wrong because they inherited a sinful nature? The Bible has much to say about sin and its influence in the world. Follow along with Don Blackwell as he looks, not at what men says but what the Bible says in answer to these questions.
Miracles, Grace, and Providence Program

Do miracles exist today? How do grace, faith, and works come into play for mankind's salvation? What is providence and how does God provide for us today? All of these profound questions are addressed from God's Word in this succinct and intriguing program. Join Don Blackwell in revealing what the Bible says on these topics.