World Video Bible School is excited to provide free access to our videos through the Roku platform.
What is Roku?
Roku is a company that makes streaming devices that connect to TVs and other displays. These devices have access to on-demand channels from a variety of vendors, including World Video Bible School. You can connect one of these devices to your TV and your internet, then load the WVBS channel and begin watching our videos.
Here are some simple steps for adding the WVBS channel on your Roku device.
Option 1: Add the WVBS Channel to your online Roku account
Add Channel
Option 2: Add the WVBS Channel directly on your Roku device
Instructions Below
Table of Contents for this page:
- Browse: WVBS Programs and Videos available on Roku
- Add the WVBS channel
- Using the WVBS channel
- Rate the WVBS channel and help others
Programs and Videos Available on Roku
Program¿Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?)
![¿Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?)](
Program¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos? (Where Do We Go When We Die?
![¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos](
Program¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?)
![¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?)](
Program¿Necesito Ser Rebautizado?
![¿Necesito Ser Rebautizado?](
Program¿Por qué Dios? (Spanish - Why God?)
![Spanish: Why God?](
Program¿Por Qué Hay Tantas Iglesias? (Why Are There So Many Churches?) - Spanish Version
![¿Por Qué Hay Tantas Iglesias? (Why Are There So Many Churches?) - Spanish Version](
Program¿Qué Debo Hacer Para Ser Salvo? (What Must I Do to Be Saved?) - Spanish Version
![Qué Debo Hacer Para Ser Salvo](
Program¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo? (Who Is the Holy Spirit?) - Spanish Version
![¿Quién es el Espíritu Santo? (Who Is the Holy Spirit?) - Spanish Version](
Program1 Corinthians (ASL)
![1 Corinthians (ASL)](
Program2 Corinthians (ASL)
Program2 Thessalonians (ASL)
![2 Thessalonians (ASL)](
ProgramA Call for New Testament Christianity
![A Call for NT Christianity Program](
ProgramA Christian's Life in the Roman World (Program)
![A Christian's Life in the Roman World (Program)](
ProgramA Woman's Life: Newly Wed to Widowhood
![A Woman's Life: Newly Wed to Widowhood](
ProgramAmerica's Most Pressing Concern
![America's Most Pressing Concern Program](
ProgramApple of Thine Eye
![Apple of Thine Eye](
ProgramAre You A Pearl Seeker?
![Are You A Pearl Seeker?](
ProgramAscertaining Bible Authority
![Ascertaining Bible Authority](
ProgramBEHOLD! The Lamb of God
![Behold! The Lamb of God](
ProgramBible From God to Us
![Bible From God to Us](
ProgramBible Land Passages - Connections
![Bible Land Passages - Connections](
ProgramBible Land Passages
![BLP Volume 1](
ProgramBible Land Passages (Volume 1)(Bible Class Version)
![Bible Land Passages (Volume 1)(Bible Class Version)](
ProgramBible Land Passages (Volume 2)
![BLP Volume 2](
ProgramBible Land Passages (Volume 2)(Bible Class Version)
![Bible Land Passages (Volume 2)(Bible Class Version)](
ProgramBible Land Passages (Volume 3)
![BLP Volume 3](
ProgramBible Land Passages (Volume 3)(Bible Class Version)
![Bible Land Passages (Volume 3)(Bible Class Version)](
ProgramBible Lands Museum
![Bible Lands Museum Program](
ProgramBiblical Timeline: From Creation to the Church
![Biblical Timeline Program](
ProgramBuilding Great Kids
![Building Great Kids](
ProgramBuscando la Verdad (Spanish Searching for Truth)
![Buscando la Verdad (Spanish Searching for Truth)](
ProgramChallenging Bible Verses: From Atheists and Skeptics
![Challenging Bible Verses: From Atheists and Skeptics](
ProgramChildren's Video Bible Stories
![Childrens Video Bible Stories](
ProgramChrist in Every Season of Your Life
![Christ in Every Season of Your Life](
ProgramChrist-Centered Home
![Christ-Centered Home](
ProgramChrist-Centered Home (ASL)
![Christ-Centered Home (ASL)](
ProgramChristian Growth (Program)
![Christian Growth](
ProgramChristians and Sports
![Christians and Sports](
ProgramCoping with Problems
![Coping with Problems](
ProgramCreation and Evolution
![Creation and Evolution Program](
ProgramCreation Questions
![Creation Questions Program](
ProgramCrisis and the Creator
![Crisis and the Creator](
ProgramDebate on the Catholic Church (Pottsville, PA)
![Debate on the Catholic Church (Pottsville, PA)](
ProgramDebate: The God of the Bible Exists (Butt/Shermer Debate) (Program)
![Debate: The God of the Bible Exists (Butt/Shermer Debate) (Program)](
ProgramDenominational Doctrines
![Denominational Doctrines](
ProgramDismantling Evolution Seminar
![Dismantling Evolution Seminar](
ProgramDrawn Toward God (Bible Class Version)
![Drawn Toward God (Bible Class Version)](
ProgramEl Día de Reposo | Sabbat (The Day of Rest | Sabbath) - Spanish Version
![El Día de Reposo | Sabbat](
ProgramEvangelismo Simplificado
![Evangelismo Simplificado](
ProgramEveryday Princess: Daughter of the King
![Everyday Princess](
ProgramEvidence for Jesus | Proof for God
![Evidence for Jesus | Proof for God](
ProgramEvidence for the Bible
![Evidence for the Bible | Proof for God](
ProgramEvil, Pain and Suffering
![Evil, Pain and Suffering](
ProgramEvolution Is Religion Not Science
![Evolution is Religion Not Science](
ProgramGo Now to Shiloh | Special Edition Documentary
![Go Now to Shiloh | Special Edition Documentary](
ProgramGod Made: Early Reader Series
![God Made: Early Reader Series](
ProgramGod's Hardest Commands
![God's Hardest Commands](
ProgramGod's Plan for Saving Man
![God's Plan for Saving Man](
ProgramGod's Plan for Saving Man (ASL)
![God's Plan for Saving Man (ASL)](
ProgramGospel Sermons by George Bailey
![Gospel Sermons by George Bailey](
ProgramGreat Bible Themes
![Great Bible Themes](
ProgramHas the Bible Been Corrupted?
![Has the Bible Been Corrupted?](
ProgramHow to be Complete in Christ: Lessons from Colossians
![How to be complete in Christ Program](
ProgramHow to Read the Bible
![How to Read the Bible](
ProgramHow We Got the Bible
![How We Got the Bible](
ProgramHow We Got the Bible (ASL)
![ASL How We Got the Bible](
ProgramI Just Want to Be a Sheep
![I Just Want to Be a Sheep](
ProgramIntertestamental Period
![Intertestamental Period Program](
ProgramInterview with Satan (Program)
![Interview with Satan](
ProgramInterviews with Christian Women
![Interviews with Christian Women](
ProgramIntriguing Men of the Bible
![Intriguing Men of the Bible](
ProgramIntroduction to the Intertestamental Period
![Introduction to the Intertestamental Period](
ProgramIs God a Respecter of Persons? (Program)
![Is God a Respecter of Persons? (Program)](
ProgramIs Mormonism Really from God?
![Is Mormonism Really from God?](
ProgramIs the Bible Contradictory?
![Is the Bible Contradictory?](
ProgramIs the Bible from God?
![Is the Bible from God?](
ProgramIs the Bible Reliable?
![Is the Bible Reliable?](
ProgramIslam, the Quran, and Christianity
![Islam, the Quran, and Christianity](
ProgramJourney Through the New Testament
![Journey Through the New Testament](
ProgramJourney Through the Old Testament
![Journey Through the Old Testament](
ProgramJudgment Day: Jesus as Your Attorney
![Judgment Day Program](
ProgramLa Oración del Pecador (The Sinner's Prayer) - Spanish Version
![La Oración del Pecador](
ProgramLa Verdad Sobre Asuntos Morales (Spanish - The Truth About Moral Issues)
![La Verdad Sobre Asuntos Morales (Spanish - The Truth About Moral Issues)](
ProgramLearning about Baptism
![Learning about Baptism](
ProgramLearning about the Godhead
![Learning about the Godhead](
ProgramLight of the World (Season 1)
![Light of the World (Season 1)](
ProgramLight of the World (Season 2)
![Light of the World (Season 2)](
ProgramLight of the World (Season 3)
![Light of the World (Season 3)](
ProgramLight of the World (Season 4)
![Light of the World (Season 4)](
ProgramManaging Media In Our Homes
![Managing Media In Our Homes](
ProgramMarriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
![Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage](
ProgramMatrimonio, Divorcio, y Segundas Nupcias (Marriage, Divorce, & Remarriage) - Spanish Version
ProgramMiracles, Grace, and Providence
![Miracles, Grace, and Providence](
ProgramMy God and His Money
![My God and His Money](
Program Organización y Liderazgo según la Enseñanza Bíblica
![Organización y Liderazgo según la Enseñanza Bíblica](
ProgramPleasing God in Worship
![Pleasing God In Worship Program.](
ProgramPreparing for Death (Program)
![Preparing for Death (Program)](
ProgramPreparing for Heaven
![Preparing for Heaven](
ProgramPublic Discussion on Water Baptism
![Public Discussion on Water Baptism](
ProgramPublic Discussion: Eternal Security of the Believer
![Public Discussion Eternal Security of the Believer](
ProgramQualifications of Elders
![Qualifications of Elders](
ProgramRestoration History Tour
![Restoration History Tour Retracing the Steps](
ProgramReturning to Truth
![Returning to Truth](
ProgramRussian Searching for Truth
![Russian Searching for Truth](
ProgramRuth: Refuge Under His Wings
![Ruth Program](
ProgramSaved Without a Doubt (Program)
![Saved Without a Doubt Program](
ProgramScience vs. Evolution
![Science vs. Evolution](
ProgramSearch Christianity and the Church
![Search Christianity and the Church](
ProgramSearch Creation and Evolution
![Search Creation and Evolution](
ProgramSearch Heaven and Hell
![Search Heaven and Hell Campaign](
ProgramSearch Premillennialism
![Search Premillenialism Campaign](
ProgramSearching for Truth (ASL)
![Searching for Truth (ASL)](
ProgramSearching for Truth
![Searching for Truth](
ProgramSecond Fiddle: God's Favorite Instrument
![Women's Studies: Second Fiddle](
ProgramSeeking Spiritual Beauty
![Seeking Spiritual Beauty](
ProgramSermon on the Mount
![Sermon on the Mount](
ProgramSermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 1)
![Sermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 1)](
ProgramSermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 2)
![Sermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 2)](
ProgramSermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 3)
![Gospel Sermons with Neal Pollard Volume 3](
ProgramSermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 4)
![Gospel Sermons by Neal Pollard (Volume 4)](
ProgramShould We Disfellowship? (Program)
![Should We Disfellowship?](
ProgramSinging in the Rain
![Singing in the Rain Program](
ProgramSinging with the Spirit
![Singing with the Spirit Program](
ProgramSpotlight on the Word | New Testament
![Spotlight on the Word | New Testament](
ProgramSpotlight on the Word | Old Testament
![Spotlight on the Word | Old Testament](
ProgramStudy of 1 and 2 Thessalonians
![Study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians Program](
ProgramThe Age of Anxiety
![The Age of Anxiety (Program)](
ProgramThe Christian Woman and Her Home
![The Christian Woman and Her Home](
ProgramThe Crux of the Matter: A Virtual Gospel Meeting
![The Crux of the Matter Program](
ProgramThe Emerging Church Movement
![Emerging Church Movement](
ProgramThe End of Time: A Study of the Book of Revelation
![The End of Time Program](
ProgramThe Girl for My Son
![Women's Studies: The Girl for My Son](
ProgramThe Good News and the Seven Ones
![The Good News and the Seven Ones](
ProgramThe Joy of Being a Christian
![The Joy of Being a Christian](
ProgramThe Killing of Jesus
![The Killing of Jesus](
ProgramThe Killing of Jesus (ASL)
![The Killing of Jesus (ASL)](
ProgramThe Kingdom and End Times
![The Kingdom and End Times](
ProgramThe Old Testament and New Testament Simplified
![Old and New Testament Simplified Program](
ProgramThe One True Church
![The One True Church](
ProgramThe Reality of Noah's Ark
![The Reality of Noah's Ark Program](
ProgramThe Silencing of God
![Silencing of God Program](
ProgramThe Story of Moses
![The Story of Moses](
ProgramThe Temple: Then and Now
![The Temple: Then and Now](
ProgramThe Ten Commandments
![The Ten Commandments](
ProgramThe Thief on the Cross
![The Thief on the Cross (Program)](
ProgramThe Truth About Angels
![The Truth About Angels](
ProgramThe Truth About Christmas
![The Truth About Christmas](
ProgramThe Truth About Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage
![Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage](
ProgramThe Truth About Moral Issues
![The Truth About Moral Issues](
ProgramThe Truth About Same-Sex Marriage (Program) (ASL)
![ASL The Truth About Same-Sex Marriage](
ProgramThe Truth About the Apocrypha and Lost Books of the Bible
![The Truth About the Apocrypha and the Lost Books of the Bible](
ProgramThe Truth About Worship
![The Truth About Worship](
ProgramTime, Evolution, and the Bible
![Time, Evolution, and the Bible](
ProgramUnderstanding Jesus
![Understanding Jesus](
ProgramWarren-Flew Debate on the Existence of God
![Warren-Flew Debate on the Existence of God](
ProgramWe Believe What We Sing
![Women's Studies: We Believe What We Sing](
ProgramWhat Must I Do to Be Saved?
![What Must I Do To Be Saved?](
ProgramWhat The World Needs Now
![What The World Needs Now (Program)](
ProgramWhere Do We Go When We Die? (ASL)
![Where Do We Go When We Die? (ASL)](
ProgramWhere Do We Go When We Die?
![Where Do We Go When We Die?](
ProgramWhy Are There So Many Churches?
![Why Are There So Many Churches?](
ProgramWhy Is the Bible So Hard to Understand?
![Why Is the Bible So Hard to Understand? (Program)](
ProgramWoman to Woman: Marriage Matters
![Woman to Woman Marriage Matters Program](
ProgramWonders of Creation
![Wonders of Creation](
ProgramWorship and the Instrument
![Worship and the Instrument](
ProgramYour First Forty Days in the Wilderness
![Your First Forty Days in the Wilderness](
II. Add the World Video Bible School Channel
- From a web browser,
- From your Roku device
- From the Roku homepage, arrow down to the “Search” option.
- Type “WVBS” into the search bar (or use the voice search if your device supports it).
- Navigate over to the right and click on the “World Video Bible School WVBS” entry.
- Click the option “Add channel” and choose “Accept” on the confirmation page.
- The channel will now download to your Roku device. After the process finishes, you can either choose “Go to channel” to begin browsing, or click the remote’s Home button to see the WVBS channel listed on your Home screen.
III. Using the WVBS Channel
1. On our channel there are several different categories to browse programs. A category showing all programs is available if you scroll to the bottom of the page.
2. Once you find a program to watch, simply click on it and choose “Play” or select the “Episodes” option to see each segment’s title and description.
IV. Rate the WVBS Channel
Having good ratings helps the WVBS channel be found by other Roku users. Please leave us a rating, if you have found the channel useful.
On the home screen, move the selection rectangle to the WVBS channel and on your remote click the star “*” button. Choose “My rating” and select the amount of stars you believe we deserve. Thanks for your help!
To God be the Glory!