What is Providence?
Providence is a wonderful subject, one that takes in so many aspects of life. Providence is nothing more than God's providing. Through history this providing falls within two major categories: Miraculous (special) and Non-miraculous (natural). Follow along with Chuck Horner, as he briefly breaks down the various forms of providence.
Providence: 1. Assumptions and Goals
This video addresses the overall assumptions and goals for the Providence program. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 2. Providence in General
This video addresses the general definitions and understanding about Providence. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 3. Deism and Fatalism
This video addresses different perspectives on Providence, namely Deism and Fatalism. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 4. Miraculous Providence
This video addresses the miraculous or special aspects of Providence, such as Creation. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 5. Miraculous Communication (Part 1)
This video addresses the miraculous aspects of Providence by way of His communication. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 6. Miraculous Communication (Part 2)
This video continues the discussion about the miraculous aspects of Providence by way of His communication. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 7. Preservation of Creation
This video addresses the general or natural aspects of Providence, such as God's preservation of the Creation. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 8. Providence Among Nations
This video addresses the aspect of God ruling over the nations through His providence. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 9. Providence Among Individuals
This video addresses the providential aspects among individuals and their lives. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 10. God's Care Embraces All Circumstances
This video addresses how God's providence allows for human free will, but continues to superintend all circumstances. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 11. God's Providence in Relation to Sin
This video addresses how God's providence can be understood in light of mankind's sinful actions. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 12. Providence in Prayer (Part 1)
This video addresses the purpose of prayer and God's providence in our lives. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 13. Providence in Prayer (Part 2)
This video continues looking at the Christian's prayers and light of God's providence. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 14. Providence in Prayer (Part 3)
This video continues looking at providence and prayer in relation to promises, free will, and fear. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 15. Providence in the Church
This video addresses God's providence in preparing and bringing into existence His Church. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence: 16. Providence and the Cross of Christ
This video addresses God's providence in view of the cross of Christ and mankind's need for redemption. Chuck Horner is the teacher and presents a biblical view of this often misunderstood topic.
Providence Program

The providence of God is one of the least understood doctrines of the Bible. This course covers the entire spectrum from miraculous to non-miraculous providence. The subjects of creation and “confirming” miracles are discussed. Non-miraculous providence is discussed under three headings – preservation of creation, providence in the lives of nations and in the lives of individuals. Chuck Horner teaches this series and substantiates his findings thoroughly from the Bible.