1. Cutting Complaining Out of My Life | Light of the World (Season 2)
We all know someone who complains too much; sometimes we might even be that person. However, is complaining as harmless as it seems, or is it indicative of deeper problems such as a lack of faith? Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses what the Bible says about why we complain, including lessons from some who complained in the Old Testament, how Jesus dealt with complaints, and how we can get complaining out of our lives.
2. I Struggle with Trouble | Light of the World (Season 2)
Are you struggling? God has an answer for you in any struggle or time of trouble. Join Neal Pollard as he looks at Psalm 10 for what God's Word has to say about our troubles.
3. Getting the Most Out of Grace | Light of the World (Season 2)
We know ourselves well enough to know that people are not perfect. As humans, we make mistakes and fall short of God's standard. What do we do in those times of failure, and what do we need most? Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses God's grace, the Bible's definition versus the world's, and how we are to respond to it today.
4. What Theophilus Would Have Known from Acts | Light of the World
The book of Acts is a special book written to an individual by the name of Theophilus. It is a historical book that tells about the history of the first century Church. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss the book of Acts from the vantage point of Theophilus, and what he would have learned of the early Church.
5. He Arose | Light of the World
The greatest news in history started in a graveyard. Jesus’ empty tomb has had a life changing impact on both skeptic and believer. Join Neal Pollard as he discusses the resurrection of Jesus and what this good news means for us today.
6. Our Love For God | Light of the World
The Bible tells us that God is love and that He loves us. But have you ever considered that God wants something in return? He wants us to love Him. Join Hiram Kemp as he looks at Mark 12 for what God wants in our love for Him.
7. God's Goals For His Church | Light of the World
Goals give us a purpose, something to strive for. What are God’s goals for His Church? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at the book of Acts and discuss the goals God has laid out for His people.
8. Home Improvement | Light of the World
Families that serve and glorify God have a strong foundation. Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses what Solomon wrote in Psalm 127 about building a proper foundation.
9. In Love with the Head and Not the Body | Light of the World (Season 2)
We recognize it is important to have a proper perspective for our physical bodies, but how do we feel about Christ's body, the Church? Join Neal Pollard as he discusses what the Bible says about the Church, and how to have a proper biblical perspective for the body of Christ.
10. Jesus Is - John 8:25 | Light of the World (Season 2)
Jesus is the most famous figure in history. Many thoughts and questions have been asked about who Jesus is? Even Jesus' contemporaries had questions they wanted to know about Him. Join Hiram Kemp as he looks into Scripture to answer the question: Who is Jesus?
11. A People of Prayer | Light of the World (Season 2)
Despite intense persecution in the first century, the Christians of that time continued to bow their heads. They were not bowing in defeat, but in victory as they were reaching up to God through prayer. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study the book of Acts to learn about the early Christians' faith as people of prayer.
12. How to Stay the Course | Light of the World (Season 2)
It can be difficult to make our way through life. Where is the path that we should follow spiritually? How do we stay on the path? Jesus offers comforting words, when He said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life." Join Neal Pollard as he looks at the Scriptures for help in how to stay the course.
13. What to Look for in a Church | Light of the World (Season 2)
Choosing a Church can be difficult since many Churches promote themselves as the individuals we should align with. Thankfully we have the New Testament as the standard to choose a Church by. Join Hiram Kemp as he delves into Acts 2 and considers what God has put there for us to look for in a Church.
14. You Can Take the Bible Seriously | Light of the World (Season 2)
The Bible is composed of 66 books, containing 1189 chapters and over 31,000 verses. Is this book a compilation of writings from man's imagination and refined by men through the years? Join Neal Pollard as he takes a look at the Bible, its contents, and the question of whether you can take its message seriously, as God's Word.
15. Preaching from Acts | Light of the World (Season 2)
There is only 1 book in the Bible devoted to the history of the Church, and that is the book of Acts. In this book there are a variety of important subjects in regards to the history of how the Church was to go into all the world. In particular, the vital aspect of preaching. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they consider the topic of "Preaching" from the book of Acts.
16. Peace in a World of Anxiety | Light of the World (Season 2)
The Bible tells us that Christ brings peace. Despite this, anxiety and depression are common struggles among Christians. How do we obtain peace and live our lives to the glory of God in a world of turmoil? Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses Philippians 4 and the practical advice given on living a peaceful life.
17. Is It Well with the Young Man? | Light of the World (Season 2)
Our time with our children passes quickly. There are only so many years we have to mold and to shape them. Join Neal Pollard as he discusses Ephesians 6:4 and how parents and grandparents can make the most of that time.
18. How Deep Is the Father's Love for Us? | Light of the World (Season 2)
Does God love us? In the darkness and despair of life, you may have wondered if God really loves you? Join Hiram Kemp as he looks at what the Bible says about how deep the Father's love really is for you.
19. How People Received the Gospel | Light of the World (Season 2)
It is a frustrating reality that if you were to ask the simple question, "What must I do to be saved?" you would receive different answers from different groups who claim to follow the Bible. Is this really how it is supposed to be? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they open God's word and read how this exact question was answered, and answered consistently.
20. Jesus Is the Answer for Courage and Commitment | Light of the World
What does it mean to be dedicated? What does commitment and courage look like? While the world presents people and actions as examples of these character traits, Jesus provides the answer for what godly dedication and faithfulness should look like. Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses Jesus' example in our relationship to God.
21. Respect One Another | Light of the World (Season 2)
Do you ever feel that we are living in a society without much respect for one another? You probably have seen the disrespect both online and offline. Join Neal Pollard as he looks at Acts 10 to find a biblical example for the respect we should have for each other.
22. What Jesus Prayed for His People | Light of the World (Season 2)
During the last hours of Jesus’ life, He prayed to His Father. This prayer provides unique insight into what Jesus found important and what He wanted from His followers. Join Hiram Kemp as he studies John 17 and how we can be the answer to Jesus’ prayer.
23. How God Changed Saul | Light of the World (Season 2)
Sometimes people believe there is no way that a perfect God can love someone imperfect. Questions like “Are my sins too great for God to forgive? Can God love a sinner like me? How can someone like me be of use to a perfect God?” are often asked by people who fear their sins are bigger than God’s forgiveness. In the book of Acts we read of a man who believed he was the “chief of sinners” but who God used to teach multitudes of people about His love. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study how God changed Saul.
24. Pressing Towards The Goal - Philippians 3:12-21 | Light of the World (Season 2)
Christians have a common goal: to live a life that glorifies God. The everyday hustle and bustle of life, however, often distracts us from pursuing this goal. If we are not careful to remain focused, it is easy to become complacent and lazy in our walk with Christ. Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses Philippians 3:12-21 and how to live for Jesus and press toward the goal.
25. What Will Help Us Forgive | Light of the World (Season 2)
Have you ever found it hard to forgive someone? As Christians we are called to bring glory to Christ by forgiving others. After all, He forgave us, didn’t He? Join Neal Pollard as he studies the epistles of Ephesians and Colossians and how we can glorify God by forgiving others.
26. When a Centurion Encountered Jesus | Light of the World (Season 2)
The Bible calls us to come sit at the feet of Jesus. In the New Testament, Matthew records an occasion where Jesus encounters a centurion. This encounter teaches us not only about how Jesus views us but also how we should view Jesus, His authority and His humility. Join Hiram Kemp as he studies Matthew 8:5-13 and how we should approach Christ.
27. Six Things God Wants to Say to Everyone | Light of the World (Season 2)
Have you ever wondered what God would say if He would speak to you directly? While God does not speak to us directly today, He does speak to us through the scriptures. Join Hiram Kemp as he studies scripture to see what six things God wants to say to everyone.
28. The Church on a Mission | Light of the World (Season 2)
We often receive direction from outside sources such as GPS and other devices. Charged with a mission to go into the world to spread the gospel, the first century Church also received direction, but their direction came from God. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss the mission minded Church and the way they accomplished God’s mission.
29. The Church As God Designed It | Light of the World (Season 2)
In Acts 2 we have a picture of the first century Church as it was supposed to be. Not only do we see Christians gather together on the first Pentecost after the resurrection but we see them live in harmony together in the days following. Join Hiram Kemp as he studies how the Church was designed and how we can reproduce that today.
30. Jesus First in My Relationships | Light of the World (Season 2)
The Bible tells us that one day Jesus will come again and take first place in everything. In the meantime, we must strive to put Jesus first in our own lives. Join Neal Pollard as he studies the book of Colossians and what Paul has to say about putting Jesus first in every aspect of our lives.
31. The Pathway to Spiritual Maturity | Light of the World (Season 2)
How do we know if we are spiritually mature or not? How do we know if we are becoming the people God ultimately wants us to be? The Bible provides us with pictures of what spiritual maturity looks like. Join Hiram Kemp as he discusses the marks of spiritual maturity.
32. What Do I Do When I Am a Caregiver | Light of the World (Season 2)
Caregiving can be a hard and thankless task. It is estimated between 53 and 65.7 million Americans are caregivers to an adult or child with special needs. But what kind of guidance does the Bible gives us in providing care for another? Join Neal Pollard as he studies the Parable of the Good Samaritan and what it means to be a caregiver.
33. How to Be Blessed in Bad Times | Light of the World (Season 2)
The Bible tells us that God has blessed us, but when we are going through relentlessly difficult times it can be hard to remember how blessed we are. So how do we live as blessed people through times of trial? How do we consider the harshest circumstances as times of joy? Join Hiram Kemp as he studies James 1 and what it means to be blessed in bad times.
Light of the World (Season 2) Program

The Light of the World series provides lessons designed to shed the light of God's Word in our lives and on our world. These lessons are presented with a focus on scripture, where God's principles can light our journey through this life. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they open the Bible with you.