1. Blessed Assurance | Light of the World (Season 4)
While the Bible is clear about what will happen after death, some still doubt God’s promise of salvation for those who follow Him. As Christians, can we be sure that God will keep His promise to us? The book of Romans focuses on God and His nature, with Chapter 8 focusing on the assurance of salvation that comes with following God. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study Romans 8 and the blessed assurance it gives us.
2. The Importance of Sound Doctrine | Light of the World (Season 4)
God describes His word as food for our souls. And just as the quality of our food affects our bodies, so does what we take in from scripture affect our spiritual being. Just as whole foods give our bodies what they need to grow, sound doctrine from the word of God nourishes us spiritually. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study 1 Timothy chapter 1 and the importance of sound doctrine.
3. Four Ways to Hold to Your Faith | Light of the World (Season 4)
In life, there are “storms” we must face. Physical storms cause us to respond in a physical way. However, the most serious storms are those that impact us on the spiritual and emotional level. In First Timothy 2, Paul gives encouragement for holding fast in the face of life’s storms. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at 4 ways to hold to your faith from the Scriptures.
4. Seeing Jesus for All He Is Worth | Light of the World (Season 4)
In the book of 1 Timothy, Paul spends the first few chapters telling Timothy how he and the other Christians in Ephesus must behave in the household of God. He tells them they must behave this way in order to point people to Jesus. Then he transitions in Chapter 3 to writing about Jesus. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study 1 Timothy 3 and how we can see Jesus for all He is worth.
5. We Are the Product of Our Beliefs | Light of the World (Season 4)
When it comes to spiritual matters, our beliefs greatly impact our spiritual lives. If we believe the wrong thing we can be led astray. This is why it is important for Christians to be vigilant against false teachers who would lead them to believe things contrary to the Bible’s teachings. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at 1 Timothy 4 and the importance of correct beliefs.
6. House Rules for God's Family | Light of the World (Season 4)
Every household has rules for the family. Parents provide these rules for the house to help keep order, safety, and beneficial relationships. God has provided rules for His house, which is His family or the church. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss the "house rules" provided by God in 1 Timothy 5.
7. How to be Content No Matter What | Light of the World (Season 4)
In a life or death emergency what would be important to you? Would you try to save possessions that are important to you, or would you focus on making sure you were safe? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at the end of First Timothy to learn what God says about having a healthy perspective concerning our material things.
8. Seven Things to Say to God Everyday | Light of the World (Season 4)
We live in a world full of ways to communicate with each other, and we probably use multiple ways every day. But the Bible says we must also communicate to our heavenly Father, and it provides prayer as the way in which this is possible. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at what our prayers to God should include.
9. It's All About People | Light of the World (Season 4)
Our lives and activities revolve around people, both those we know personally and those we simply come in contact with in order to live out our daily activities. For Christians, we are called to follow in the example of Jesus. While we may not be a "people" person, we should all be concerned with the spiritual well-being of people. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at Luke 17 to consider Jesus' example in being a people person.
10. Lies the Devil Wants You to Believe | Light of the World (Season 4)
Maybe you've seen images people have drawn to represent the Devil...pitch fork, horns, red colored, and mean looking. However, the Devil is a deceiver. It is his goal to trick and tempt us in ways that we are not prepared to defend. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at lies the Devil wants you to believe.
11. What One Man Teaches About Sin| Light of the World (Season 4)
One of the greatest generations of Israel's history was the generation of conquest with Joshua. It began in such a glorious fashion with the fall of the walls of Jericho, but fell to such a low with the demoralizing loss at Ai. How could such a contrast of circumstances have happened? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at the book of Joshua to see the impacts one man's sin on so many
12. What Everybody Should Know About the Church of Christ | Light of the World (Season 4)
Just as a husband knows his wife because of her unique characteristics, when He comes back, Christ will know His Church. But what are the characteristics of the Church? Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at the uniqueness of Lord’s Church.
13. What I Learned from Judgement | Light of the World (Season 4)
In the old hymn, "Almost Persuaded" the last verse is a sobering view of someone who does not submit to God's will in obedience to the Gospel. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at what 2 Corinthians 5 teaches us about the Judgment.
14. I Stand Amazed | Light of the World (Season 4)
Some of the most beautiful lyrics penned about Jesus have come from the depth of what God's word has to say about the Savior, His life, death, and power. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they open up the Bible to see what it means to stand in awe of God.
15. Lead Me to Calvary | Light of the World (Season 4)
When the Bible talks about Calvary, it is describing not just the location where Jesus was crucified but the fullness of the depth and meaning of that event. Calvary can be a difficult place for us to consider, because it requires us to put our minds into the mindset of understanding Jesus' love. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at God's word and ask "lead me to Calvary".
16. How to Correct the Righteously Mistaken | Light of the World (Season 4)
We all make mistakes, but some times it is hard for us to admit we need to change. We all need good friends who can help us see our mistakes and correct. What if there was a blueprint for how to lovingly correct and be corrected? Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they consider what the Bible says about correcting the mistaken.
17. Some Things We Cannot Choose | Light of the World (Season 4)
In life there is an inescapable truth that decisions will have to be made. Some of these decisions are pleasant and some are difficult. With all of the choices available to us today, there are still some things we cannot choose. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look into God's word to consider choices humans make and their consequences, but also things that cannot be chosen.
18. Six Things God Wants to Say to Everyone | Light of the World (Season 4)
Humanity is privileged to not only have the ability to speak to God but also to have a God who speaks to us through His word. Despite having access to His word, some want God to speak directly to them because they do not know His will for them. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss six things that God wants everyone to know.
19. Hills on the Road to Hell | Light of the World (Season 4)
God wants everyone to go to heaven. While Jesus said that many will take the road to hell and few will take the road to heaven, God wants everyone to be saved. Because of His love for us, God has placed hills on the road to hell to help prevent us from going there. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss the hills on the road to hell.
20. If You Ever Think about Quitting | Light of the World (Season 4)
Discouragement is a trial everyone encounters at some point in their lives. It is not a sin to be discouraged but the Bible warns us to not allow discouragement to influence us to turn away from Christ. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they encourage us to remain faithful in the face of discouragement.
21. Help When My Faith Is Weak | Light of the World (Season 4)
No matter how strong we are there is always going to be something or somebody who is stronger. In times of trial when our strength is tested, it is easy to feel weak and unable to withstand the hardship. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they open up the Bible to see what it says about strengthening our faith when it is weak.
22. Our Favorite Bible Characters | Light of the World (Season 4)
The Bible is made up of real events happening to real people in real places. There are many different characters in the Bible who provide both good and bad examples. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss the men and women that make up scripture and how they can encourage us in our faith.
23. Some of Our Favorite Books of the Bible | Light of the World (Season 4)
The Bible consists of 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament. While the Bible is God’s word and we should study the entirety of it, there are going to be books of the Bible that resonate with us more than others. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss their favorite books of the Bible.
24. Treasures from the Psalms | Light of the World (Season 4)
There are many different types of Psalms, Psalms of Lament, Wisdom Psalms, Royal Psalms, Imprecatory Psalms etc. All of them were authored by God. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss their favorite Psalms and what we can learn from them.
25. Lessons from the Parables | Light of the World (Season 4)
The Parables of Jesus contain some of Jesus’ most memorable messages. Jesus taught the parables so the people would be able to wrestle with the truths that Jesus imparted, not only that moment, but the rest of their lives. Parables were designed for people to question where they fit in the story, how have they responded to God and how can they get themselves aligned with the will of God in a way that would ultimately be pleasing to Him. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they look at the parables for the eternal principles that Jesus emphasized.
26. Major Lessons from the Minor Prophets | Light of the World (Season 4)
Near the end of the Old Testaments we encounter the books of the Minor Prophets. We might find ourselves tempted to skip over these books in favor of the “more important” books of the Bible, but Jesus and the Apostles often quoted the Minor Prophets. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they survey the books of the Minor Prophets and the major lessons we can learn from them.
Light of the World (Season 4) Program

The Light of the World series provides lessons designed to shed the light of God's Word in our lives and on our world. In Season 4, Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp discuss a variety of significant issues from being contented in life to having a solid faith to how the church of Christ follows Jesus. These lessons are presented with a focus on scripture, where God's principles can light our journey through this life. Open your Bible and join in these illuminating studies.