Passage 6 | Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith
Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. Filmed on location in southern Israel and in portions of the West Bank, the film examines the historical account and poetic literature associated with one of Israel’s greatest heroes, and how the terrain, climate, and environs of Judah served as an important element in shaping his faith. This Passage will forever change the way you read the Bible, and especially the Psalms. By watching this unique presentation on the interrelationship between the land of Israel and the people who lived there, you will find yourself being strengthened in faith and better prepared to meet your own personal trials and hardships.
Passage 7 | The Southern Steps: Coming into the Presence of the Lord
The Southern Steps: Coming into the Presence of the Lord is a documentary explaining the significance of the architecture on the southern side of the Temple Mount during the days of Jesus. Recent excavations reveal the areas known as the Southern Steps, which worshipers would ascend to enter the temple, as well as the many immersion pools located near the temple. These are directly linked to the ministry of Jesus and the beginnings of Christianity, making this an important study for disciples today.
Passage 8 | Masada: Fortress of Misplaced Faith
In the hot barren desert of the ancient tribal territory of Judea stands a gaunt and yet majestic plateau known as Masada. Rising some 1,300 feet above the Dead Sea, this natural island of defense is surrounded on all sides by rugged and deep canyon ravines. Thought to have been one of King David’s hiding places, this site was in the first century B.C. transformed into what was believed to be an impregnable palace fortress for King Herod the Great, and later would become the place for a legendary showdown between Jewish Zealots and their Roman nemeses. Masada: Fortress of Misplaced Faith is an excellent film which documents and explains through creative and powerful illustrations, photography and video the history of this historic site. The ruins of this modern national monument have today been unearthed and are a classic example of how archaeology has shown the Jewish historian Josephus to be a reliable source for the history of first-century Palestine. Bible Land Passages has assembled the evidence and information which testifies to the events and experiences of life during the time of Jesus and the early church, and the struggles of a nation seeking to maintain its identify. A must-see film with a much needed lesson about ingenuity, courage, and faith.
Passage 9 | Jericho: City of Rahab
Tel es-Sultan, the ancient city of Jericho, is the lowest city on earth. Prized for its natural springs and trade location, Jericho was a highly fortified city destroyed in a massive conflagration when the Israelites entered the Promised Land. The Bible reveals that its walls fell flat, and that the children of Israel marched up into the city and destroyed it by fire. However over the last one-hundred years, another great battle has been going on in Jericho; the battle over whether or not archaeologists have actually discovered the city destroyed by Joshua as recorded in the Bible. While a debate continues on the dates associated with the proposed city destroyed by Joshua, the evidence from the strata is compelling and fascinating. The archaeology of Jericho, coupled with the biblical account, has captured the imagination of many, but just as captivating is the story of a woman by the name of Rahab, whom God saved from the destruction. Her story is one of the rare jewels to truly be examined in this treasure trove of facts and information. Jericho: City of Rahab captures the essence of her life in a way that will encourage and inspire you.
Passage 10 | Khirbet Qeiyafa: Witness to David's Kingdom
Sitting on top of a hill overlooking the Valley of Elah, Khirbet Qeiyafa—the biblical city of Sha’arayim—serves as a powerful witness for the historicity of the Davidic monarchy. Occupying a strategic location near the border of Israel and Philistia, Qeiyafa offers a treasure trove of information about the United Monarchy and the specific beliefs and practices of ancient Israel. Recent critics have claimed that the kingdom ruled by David and Solomon was a tiny chiefdom. The evidence from Qeiyafa indicates that only a powerful king ruling a nation-state could have been responsible for the discoveries made there. Additional finds, such as the absence of pig bones and the incredible Khirbet Qeiyafa Inscription, highlight the ethnic distinctiveness of ancient Israel. Khirbet Qeiyafa: Witness to David’s Kingdom is a documentary that will strengthen your faith in the accuracy of Scripture and encourage you to live the distinctive life God desires for his people.
Bible Land Passages (Volume 2) Program

Volume 2 of the Bible Land Passages series is dedicated to telling the Bible story and its message of salvation from the real places mentioned in the Bible. In this volume, lessons on faith are drawn from the region of Judah, the steps of the Temple, the fortress of Masada, the city of Jericho, and the ruins of Khirbet Qeiyafa.