A Story about Job: A Patient Man from Uz
Through the life and story of Job, God gives us amazing insight into the problem of pain and suffering. By putting that story into rhyming verse on a child’s level, this video offers an easy-to-watch resource for teaching children how to handle life’s tough times.
A Son Who Ran Away: A Story About the Prodigal Son
The story of the prodigal son is one of the most insightful, memorable stories that Jesus told while He was on Earth. Through it, Christ brought to light the ravages of sin, the value of true repentance, and the love of the heavenly Father. By putting that story into rhyming verse on a child’s level, A Son Who Ran Away offers an easy-to-understand resource for teaching children the meaning and importance of the prodigal son.
A Man Who Loved Money: A Story About the Rich Young Ruler
A rich young man learns a very hard lesson when he comes to Jesus. He learned that Jesus must be more important to him than his money. Using rhyming verse, this important lesson is put on a child’s level to help them recognize the importance of priorities in their life.
Children's Video Bible Stories Program

The Bible is for all ages, providing lessons, principles, and illustrations to help lead an abundant life. Using rhyming verse, the lessons in this program are put on a child’s level to help them understand how much God loves them and wants them to make good choices.