Lesson 1: Lord, Why Haven't You Removed this Thorn | Mental Health
There are many stories in the Bible to help us learn how to improve our mental health. Join Shun Evans as he discusses 2 Corinthians 12 about the issues in our lives that the Lord has allowed to remain.
Lesson 2: The Dark Side of Depression | Mental Health
Mental disorders and issues affecting mental health can often lead to and express themselves in depression. Join Shun Evans as he looks at the dark side of depression and considers examples from the Bible to understand healthy ways to respond.
Lesson 3: Can I Let Go of Hurt and Pain? | Mental Health
In times of pain and hardship, how do we endure? When pain comes from those close to us, how do we forgive and let go? Join Shun Evans as he looks at God's Word and the example of Joseph to learn healthy ways to let go of hurt and pain.
Lesson 4: Hardships for Care Providers | Mental Health
Among the many disorders people face today are those that impact the health care providers. Sometimes these care providers can be parents or older, but sometimes they are younger or children. Join Shun Evans as he considers what care providers face as he looks at Matthew 17 for a biblical example.
Mental Health Program

Whether it is depression, anxiety, loss, or the hardships in caring for others, God’s Word provides examples, stories, and direct instructions that can help you in improving your mental health. Join Shun Evans as he discusses some of the circumstances that affect us and seeing how to respond in a healthy way.