1. Don't Settle For Less | Light of the World (Season 3)
What does it mean to live an abundant life? The Bible tells us that rather than settling for less, Jesus wants us to abound both in the blessings of God and in service to God. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study the scriptures and what it means to live an abundant life in Christ.
2. It Starts at Home | Light of the World (Season 3)
Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home. Home conjures up many images in our minds, both positive and negative. But how can we navigate the home in such a way that everyone in it can lead a life pleasing to God? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study Deuteronomy 4 and how to have a home that encourages righteous living.
3. How to Survive the Worst Days of Your Life | Light of the World
When everything is falling apart around you it can feel as though you are utterly alone with no one and nowhere to turn to. What do we do at times like these? Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study the study the scriptures to learn how to survive the worst days your life.
4. The Day of The Lord | Light of the World (Season 3)
People tend to procrastinate. Sometimes this inclination to procrastinate is so strong that we put off preparing for important events to our detriment. This extends to spiritual things as well. We know that we are not doing the things we should but we put off doing what is right thinking we have more time. The Bible warns us that no one knows when the day of the Lord will be so we must be prepared. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study 2 Peter and the day of the Lord.
5. What Jesus is Doing Right Now | Light of the World (Season 3)
The Bible is the story of Jesus. In its pages we see an active Jesus, one who is working with intention in the lives of His people. Then, in Acts 1:9-11, Jesus ascends to heaven. From this point on it is easy to view Jesus’ mission as complete, but the Bible tells us that He is still actively working today. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss what Jesus is doing right now.
6. How Deep the Father's Love for Us | Light of the World (Season 3)
Despite the fact that John 3:16 is the golden verse of the Bible, people often struggle with whether or not God truly loves them. While the Bible says that God loves us, many think His love is too good to be true or that they are not worthy of it. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss God’s love for us.
7. Why Did My Savior Come to Earth? | Light of the World (Season 3)
Jesus did many things while He was on Earth. He helped the poor, He taught people about God, He performed miracles, and He healed people. But have you ever stopped to consider what Jesus’ purpose was in coming to Earth? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss "why" our Savior came to Earth.
8. What Jesus Teaches Us About Prayer | Light of the World (Season 3)
Prayer is a valuable part of a Christian’s life. We are blessed to have the ability to approach our God with not only our gratitude and praise but also our problems and worries. The Bible has much to say about prayer and what a healthy prayer life looks like. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study the book of James and what it says about prayer.
9. Types of Friends We Need | Light of the World (Season 3)
In Genesis 2:18 God says “It is not good that man should be alone.” God made humans to be social creatures. While it is important that we have friends in our lives, does it matter what kinds of friends we have? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss the types of friends we need.
10. Lead Me to Calvary | Light of the World (Season 3)
It is often hard for us to witness other people suffer in pain and agony. One of the worst events of suffering was that of Jesus on the cross. Not only did He suffer immense pain but He did so for our sins. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss the magnitude of our Savior’s sacrifice at Calvary.
11. What is Sin? | Light of the World (Season 3)
In life, there are times we find ourselves being weighed down, especially emotionally. Sin in our lives can weigh us down and eat away at us. The problem of sin is central to the purpose of the Bible. With numerous different words used to describe sin in the Bible, we need to appreciate how damaging sin is. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss how the Bible answers the question, "What is sin?"
12. I Have Found a Book | Light of the World (Season 3)
In 2 Kings 22 during the reign of King Josiah, the Book of Law, which had been lost, was found in the temple. Today the average American home has about four different copies of the Bible, so it is hard for us to imagine what it would be like to lose the Word of God. Is it even possible for us, with our easy access to the Bible, to lose the Word of God? Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss what it means to have the Word of God.
13. How to Draw Near to God | Light of the World (Season 3)
Have you ever felt as though you were far away from God? As we live our lives we often go through periods where we feel close to God and periods where we feel distant. The book of James is sometimes considered the “Proverbs” of the New Testament, it is full of practical advice for a Christian. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study the book of James and what it says about how to draw near to God.
14. What Does God Want from Me? | Light of the World (Season 3)
Many people have heard since childhood that they should live their life so that it is pleasing to God. But what does that mean? If you look to the religious world you often get different answers on how to please God. Is there a way we can know for sure that we are living a righteous life? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss what it means to live a life that is pleasing to God.
15. Jesus Is | Light of the World (Season 3)
Much of the Bible is spent focusing on who Jesus is. It is the most important opinion we will ever have in our lives. The four writers of the gospel accounts tell us that the people of Jesus’ day pondered this question too. Some thought He was a prophet of God, others a blasphemer. Still others thought He was the Messiah. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study the book of John and what it has to say about who Jesus is.
16. The Biblical Pattern | Light of the World (Season 3)
The Bible is the book for God’s people. Our view of the Bible is what sets us, as Christians, apart from the world. But what do people need to know about the Bible that would encourage us to have faith in the text and realize that as average people we can approach the text and reap its benefits? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study 2 Timothy 3:14-17 and the biblical pattern.
17. Embracing the Truth about God's Grace | Light of the World (Season 3)
Grace is one of our greatest blessings from God. It can be hard to grasp the magnitude of grace and its effect on our lives. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study the scriptures and what they have to say about God’s grace.
18. What David Learned in The Sheepfolds | Light of the World (Season 3)
The most interesting and influential people of history often have some of the humblest backgrounds. David, king of Israel, is no exception to this. David was a man after God’s own heart and one of Israel’s greatest kings. But before he was king, David was a shepherd. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they study what David learned in the sheepfolds.
19. It's Great to Be A Christian | Light of the World (Season 3)
Christ calls us to follow Him. But if I’m considering being a Christian what’s so great about it? Why should I desire to be a Christian? Or if I am a Christian, why should I be excited or joyful about the greatness of Christianity? What makes it great to be a Christian? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss why it’s great to be a Christian.
20. What the Thief on the Cross Believed | Light of the World (Season 3)
The most famous thief in the world is a man we do not know the name of. He is famous because he is in the most famous book in the world, the Bible. The thief on the cross teaches us many things. He teaches us about faith and the grace of God, but most importantly he teaches us some things that we need to believe and practice if we want to be faithful to God. Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss what we can learn from the thief on the cross.
21. What We Can Know about Heaven? | Light of the World (Season 3)
People often use “heaven” to describe something. A beautiful tourist destination is described as “heaven on earth”. A delicious desert is said to be “heavenly”. But can they really compare to heaven? What do we actually know about heaven? Join Hiram Kemp and Neal Pollard as they discuss what we can know about heaven.
22. Properly Dealing with Guilt | Light of the World (Season 3)
Have you ever done something that brought you shame and guilt? Throughout the course of a lifetime that will happen quite a bit. There are many people in the Bible who dealt with guilt. David was particularly affected by guilt when the consequences of his actions changed his life. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study the life of David and how to deal with guilt.
23. Lessons from Jericho | Light of the World (Season 3)
Everybody loves a story in which the underdog overcomes a seemingly insurmountable foe. Often when we think of Biblical underdogs we think of David fighting Goliath, but the battle between Israel and Jericho is another example of this. There Joshua led the nation of Israel against the walled city of Jericho. Today our foes may not be hiding behind impenetrable walled cities but from this battle we can learn how to conquer the spiritual battle we face today against the devil. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they study Joshua 6 and the lessons we can learn from the battle of Jericho and how God makes the difference.
24. The Bible From A To Z | Light of the World (Season 3)
From the many different people we learn about in the Bible to the many different types of literature we find in its pages, some find it difficult to know what the Bible is all about. While the Bible is made up of 66 individual books, it does all come together to tell us one grand story. Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss what the Bible is all about.
25. Putting on the New Man | Light of the World (Season 3)
When we put on Christ in baptism, we are called to live a new life. But how do we go about doing that? What does it take for us to become a new person? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they look at Colossians 3:10-14 and putting on the new man.
26. Six Things to Remember If You Think about Quitting | Light of the World (Season 3)
The goal of every Christian should be to walk in the footsteps of Christ until the end of our lives. But sometimes the troubles of life overwhelm and we begin to think about giving up. Does God care if we give up? What does the Bible say about giving up? Join Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp as they discuss things to remember when you are thinking about quitting.
Light of the World (Season 3) Program

The Light of the World series provides lessons designed to shed the light of God's Word in our lives and on our world. In Season 3, Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp open the Bible to discuss a variety of topics from aspects of a Christian's relationships to current lessons from Old Testament accounts to the depth of God's love. You are encouraged to take a few moments in stepping out of a world of darkness into the light God offers.