1. Single | Christ in Every Season of Your Life
This program is taught by and intended for women.
No matter what stage of life you might find yourself, Jesus should be the Lord of your life. As a single lady, you should seek to be like Christ throughout your daily walk. Join Becky Blackmon as she presents a Bible based lesson on this topic.
2. Married with Children | Christ in Every Season of Your Life
This program is taught by and intended for women.
The recipe for a happy and successful marriage is to have God the main focus. In a like manner, raising our children to love and obey God is the most important job a mother can have. In this lesson, Becky Blackmon gives encouraging words from the Bible to Christian wives and mothers.
3. The Golden Years | Christ in Every Season of Your Life
This program is taught by and intended for women.
As women who have matured in their faith, raised a family, and have had a godly marriage we are called to be an example to younger sisters in Christ. Through every stage of life there is work to be done for the kingdom. Join Becky Blackmon in this concluding lesson on how women in their golden years can continue to be a tool for Christ and the church.
Christ in Every Season of Your Life Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
This series explores the three critical areas of the Christian woman’s life, when she is single, married with children, and her “golden” years. Becky Blackmon is a very popular ladies speaker and has been called upon to speak in many venues throughout the nation. Becky’s lessons show her in-depth Bible knowledge and she brings to bear her personal insight and application for the daily lives of Christian women. She was raised in the mission fields of New England and has been privileged to help her mother, Lea Fowler, write three books. Becky has raised two children, is a grandmother, and lives in Woodway, Texas, with her husband, Jeff.