It's About Time | Finding the Time
This program is taught by and intended for women.
We are all busy. However, no matter how hectic our lives are and no matter the time constraints we might face, we always need to make time for God. Join Becky Blackmon as she presents a Bible-based lesson on the importance of making time for God.
Where Did It Go? | Finding the Time
This program is taught by and intended for women.
At some point in your life you have probably wondered, “Where did the time go?” As we look back on our lives, let us never put off knowing and obeying the word of God. In this lesson, Becky Blackmon presents a lesson on the importance of being steadfast and diligent in our faith.
Finding the Time Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
We all have said to ourselves, “Where has the time gone?” Our lives are flying by, and there are days when we can barely hold on! What does God want us to do with the time He has so graciously given us? This series of lessons by Becky Blackmon examines the beginning of time and amazing accounts of time itself. In addition, it also looks at a Christian’s priorities in this short life of ours. Will we choose to live our lives for Him or will we selfishly choose our own desires? Come, and let’s learn together what God has to say about Time and our eternity.