The Good News and Seven Ones: 1. The One God, the One Lord, and the Bible
In the first lesson of this program, David Ballard introduces how important a study of the “good news” is and how the "7 ones" outlined in the New Testament help relate the Gospel to us. Join David as he opens this study and focuses on the One God, One Lord, and the Bible.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 2. The Gospel
In this lesson, the focus will be on what the Gospel means and what it is. Join David Ballard as he opens up the Bible to see the good news explained, and how it provides hope for humanity.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 3. Obeying the Gospel and the One Spirit
In this third lesson, the focus is on what it means to obey the Gospel, which is the Good News. How does the Bible compare the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus to the commands in how a person is to respond in obedience? Join David Ballard as he looks at being "out of Christ" and lost, to coming "into Christ" and being saved.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 4. Repentance
As you consider your life, what are some "bad" things that you feel should stop doing? On the opposite side, what are some "good" things that you feel should start doing? In this lesson, David Ballard looks at the concept of repentance, what it means, and how your life should be different after deciding to obey the Gospel.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 5. The One Body
What is the "body of Christ" discussed in the New Testament? When the Bible says that Jesus is the "head of the body," what does this mean? Join David Ballard as he looks at the "One Body" and its importance to everyone seeking to become a Christian.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 6. The One Faith
What is the difference between your personal faith, meaning your belief in God, and the "one faith" described in Ephesians 4? Join David Ballard as he looks at the significance of the one New Covenant brought to the world by Jesus and how a person's belief in that one faith.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 7. The One Faith's Teaching about Church Leaders
Does gender matter when choosing those who lead the church? When the church comes together, assembled to worship, what are the roles of men and women in the congregation? Join David Ballard as he looks into God's Word and the one faith brought by Jesus, to see what orderliness and commands are given.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 8. The One Faith's Teaching about the Song Service
Does it matter how we worship God in song? Who is intended to benefit from this part of our worship? Join David Ballard as he looks at New Testament commands and examples to understand what the "one faith" says about the song service.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 9. The One Faith's Teaching about Giving
Does God command Christians to give? Are we commanded to give a specific amount, and is there a specified time? Join David Ballard as he looks at God's Word to see what commands apply to Christians in regards to giving back to the Lord as a part of our worship.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 10. The One Faith's Teaching about the Lord's Supper
Jesus provided the church with a memorial to remember His sacrifice, often referred to as the Lord's Supper. What are the elements of this memorial? When and how often are Christians instructed to partake? Join David Ballard as he looks at the significance of what Jesus instructed and answers straightforward questions for application in our worship.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 11. The One Baptism
In previous lessons, the importance of baptism in the plan of salvation was shown through God's Word. However, does it matter how baptism is administered? Join David Ballard as he looks into God's Word at how a person can correctly respond to the one faith's baptism.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 12. The One Hope
Will all who hope for heaven receive this eternal reward? What about the hope of the wicked and unjust man? Join David Ballard as he looks at the Bible's description of the "one hope" and how it applies to humanity.
The Good News and Seven Ones: 13. Can you change your religion?
In this final lesson of the program, the question is, "Can you change your religion?" As you consider the seven "ones" found in Ephesians 4, there is a simple emphasis on the life of every person. Join David Ballard as he considers if there is a change needed in your life.
The Good News and the Seven Ones Program

The Gospel is the “good news” of Jesus’ sacrifice to save humanity from our sins. In the New Testament, there are “7 ones” outlined to help explain God’s plan and our response to His plan. Join David Ballard as studies these concepts to help you see directly from the Bible God’s plan to save you.