1. Glorying in the Cross (Part 1) | Great Bible Themes
The cross reveals the magnificent glory of God. When we look at the cross of Jesus Christ, we should see it as the stage for God revealing His glory in all of His greatness and all of His splendor. Join Mike Vestal in this video lesson as he presents an in-depth lesson on the glory of the cross.
2. Glorying in the Cross (Part 2) | Great Bible Themes
The more we seriously contemplate and study about the meaning of the cross, the more we see about the nature and glory of God. The cross of Jesus Christ is the stage upon which the the glory of God is most clearly revealed. Join Mike Vestal as he presents a second lesson on the glory of the cross.
3. Embracing Grace (Part 1): A Biblical Overview of God's Grace | Great Bible Themes
Christianity stands or falls on the matter of grace. Without it, Christianity is nothing. Grace makes Christianity distinct from all other world religions because of what it has to say about the grace of God. In this lesson, Mike Vestal takes an in-depth look at the topic of God’s grace and what it means to Christians.
4. Embracing Grace (Part 2) | Great Bible Themes
Grace is unmerited favor bestowed at Christ’s expense when anger was owed. In this second lesson on God’s grace, Mike Vestal explores the beauty and importance of God’s love and mercy towards us.
5. Following Christ Closely: A Study of Discipleship | Great Bible Themes
As we journey through our Christian life, we should always seek to imitate Christ. It should be our ultimate goal in life to be His disciples and in so being, we should be Christ-like. Join Mike Vestal in the lesson as he presents a lesson on the Bible topic of discipleship.
6. Adding What Really Counts: A Study of the Christian Graces | Great Bible Themes
There is nothing more important than to be growing daily in the Lord. The book of 2 Peter is all about being spiritually minded in trying times. In this lesson, Mike Vestal expounds upon the seven “Christian Graces” that are found in the book of 2 Peter and how we can apply them to our lives to grow spiritually.
7. Leaving a Legacy: A Study of the Family from Ephesians 5 and 6 | Great Bible Themes
What kind of legacy are leaving your family and those you love the most regarding eternity? When we pass from this world, what will they remember as our legacy to them? Join Mike Vestal as he presents this lesson on the importance of how we live our lives and what we do today can and will affect future generations.
8. Finishing Strong: A Study of Faithful Endurance from 2 Timothy 4 | Great Bible Themes
God wants us to finish our Christian race well and reach our eternal reward of heaven. He wants us to begin what we’ve started as Christians and finish even better. In this lesson, Mike Vestal presents an in-depth Biblical look at how we as Christians can have a strong faith to continually walk in Christ and obtain our ultimate goal.
Great Bible Themes Program

Great Bible Themes is a sermon series emphasizing key biblical messages to improve a Christian's faith. Mike Vestal includes themes such as Glorying in the Cross, Embracing Grace, and Finishing Strong. He also provides relevant studies in discipleship, the Christian graces and leaving a family legacy. Each lesson is approximately 30 minutes in length.