Night 1 | Debate on the Catholic Church (Pottsville, PA)
This video is the first night of a 3-night debate on recognizing the Bible as the Church's only authority. The debate was between three members of the Catholic Church and three members of the Church of Christ.
Night 2 | Debate on the Catholic Church (Pottsville, PA)
This video is the second night of a 3-night debate on recognizing the Bible as the Church's only authority. The debate was between three members of the Catholic Church and three members of the Church of Christ.
Night 3 | Debate on the Catholic Church (Pottsville, PA)
This video is the third night of a 3-night debate on recognizing the Bible as the Church's only authority. The debate was between three members of the Catholic Church and three members of the Church of Christ.
Debate on the Catholic Church (Pottsville, PA) Program

In 1996, Paul Rothermel (Catholic priest), Edward Connolly (Catholic), and Benjamin Luther (Catholic) engaged in a 3-night debate with Darrell Conley (Church of Christ), H.A. Buster Dobbs (Church of Christ), and Jerry Moffitt (Church of Christ) on recognizing the Bible as the Church's only authority.