1. Misunderstood Verses of the Bible | Light of the World (Season 5)
2. The New Testament and Baptism | Light of the World (Season 5)
3. What the NT Teaches About the Devil | Light of the World (Season 5)
4. Blessed Assurance | Light of the World (Season 5)
5. How Did the Early Church Worship? | Light of the World (Season 5)
6. Misunderstood Verses of the New Testament | Light of the World (Season 5)
7. What the New Testament Teaches About Hell | Light of the World (Season 5)
8. Lessons from a Man After God's Own Heart | Light of the World (Season 5)
9. How to Become a Christian According to the Bible | Light of the World (Season 5)
10. What Jesus Taught About Prayer | Light of the World (Season 5)
11. What the New Testament Teaches About Heaven | Light of the World (Season 5)
12. Lessons from the Beginning | Light of the World (Season 5)
13. The New Testament Plea for Unity | Light of the World (Season 5)
14. Can We Fall from Grace? | Light of the World (Season 5)
15. Practical Christianity from James | Light of the World (Season 5)
16. Favorite Verses from the Old Testament | Light of the World (Season 5)
17. Hard Sayings of Jesus | Light of the World (Season 5)
18. Reeling in the Rejects | Light of the World (Season 5)
19. Powerful Proverbs | Light of the World (Season 5)
20. On Judgement Day | Light of the World (Season 5)
21. What the Bible Teaches About Grace | Light of the World (Season 5)
22. The Christian's Relationship to the Old Testament | Light of the World (Season 5)
23. Misunderstandings About the Church | Light of the World (Season 5)
24. What John Says About Jesus | Light of the World (Season 5)
25. Favorite Verses from the New Testament | Light of the World (Season 5)
26. I've Fallen and I Can Get Up | Light of the World (Season 5)
Light of the World (Season 5) Program

The Light of the World series provides lessons designed to shed the light of God's Word in our lives and on our world. In Season 5, Neal Pollard and Hiram Kemp discuss a variety of significant issues from misunderstood verses of the Bible to Powerful Proverbs to understanding what the New Testament says about baptism. Each lesson focuses on scripture and how God's principles can light our journey in life.