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Parables of Jesus

Parables of Jesus

Wesley Simons takes an in-depth look at the parables. It includes an introduction and a detailed treatment of 28 different parables of the Lord. Each parable is approached in a systematic way. Elements stressed include practical lessons for today as…


Lección 04: No Peleemos sobre el Método | Evangelismo Simplificado

En esta lección, Marlon Retana nos introduce a los folletos evangelísticos “Volver a la Biblia” y demuestra cómo podemos usarlos. Si desea hacer una pregunta sobre el material presentado en este video, envíenosla por medio del siguiente formulario: Length: 19:22


¿Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?) ¿Acaso importa lo que crees? La pregunta más importante en todo el mundo es: “¿Adónde iremos cuando muramos?” Dios ha provisto todo lo que debes saber en la Biblia. Tus preguntas sobre la salvación, el pecado y la Iglesia… Length: 49:02


¿Acaso Importa? (Does It Matter?)

¿Acaso importa lo que crees? La pregunta más importante en todo el mundo es: “¿Adónde iremos cuando muramos?” Dios ha provisto todo lo que debes saber en la Biblia. Tus preguntas sobre la salvación, el pecado y la Iglesia serán…


Acerca de la Casa de Dios | Buscando la Verdad

La mayoría de gente en el mundo vive en alguna clase de casa o morada. Esas casas tienen formas y tamaños diferentes, pisos y estructuras diferentes, y están amuebladas en muchas maneras diferentes. Cada hogar es precioso y único para… Length: 44:29


Acerca de la Iglesia | Buscando la Verdad

Se usa la palabra iglesia más de cien veces en el Nuevo Testamento. Obviamente es una palabra muy importante, pero ¿qué significa exactamente? ¿Es la iglesia simplemente un lugar para adorar? ¿Es la suma de todas las denominaciones religiosas, o… Length: 40:13


La Verdad Sobre el Infierno (The Truth About Hell)

Spanish-La-Verdad-Sobre-el-Infierno-the-Truth-About-Hell ¿Qué es el infierno? ¿Qué no es el infierno? ¿Cómo será el infierno para los que van allí? Sabiendo que el castigo eterno es un tema complejo, muchos tienen preguntas de las que desean respuesta. Marlon Retana usa la… Length: 33:38


Los Diez Mandamientos (Spanish – The Ten Commandments)

Mucha gente cree que los Diez Mandamientos representan la ley de Dios para la humanidad hoy en día, y que, si simplemente obedecemos estas cosas, seremos agradables a Él. Otros argumentan que los Diez Mandamientos representan una parte de la… Length: 22:42


La Oración del Pecador (The Sinner’s Prayer)

La Oración del Pecador

¿Alguna vez has orado la oración del pecador? La intención de esta oración es pedirle a Jesús que entre en tu corazón como un medio para ser salvo. ¿Sabes en qué parte de la Biblia se puede encontrar la oración… Length: 4:18


Solo Creo En Un Dios Menos que Usted

Es posible que hayas escuchado esta declaración antes, ya que se usa frecuentemente como argumento en contra de la creencia en un Dios verdadero. ¿Qué significa este juego de palabras? Y lo que es más importante, ¿proporcionan un argumento lógico… Length: 2:58


The Truth About Heaven

The Truth About Heaven

What is heaven? Is it a real place? Who lives in heaven? While Christians discuss a lot about heaven, many still have unanswered questions. In this short segment, Don Blackwell provides answers from God's Word to help understand this beautiful… Length: 37:50


1. Who Cares (Luke 15:1-2) | Lost

God cares deeply for each and every person in this world. Each soul is valuable and precious to Him. Join Mike Vestal as he takes an in-depth look at the teachings from the parable of the “Prodigal Son” in Luke… Length: 29:19


2. Happy Days (Luke 15:3-10) | Lost

We have all experienced it: the sadness and frustration of losing something precious to us, whether it was physical possessions or someone close. Luke chapter 15 has been rightly called "God’s Lost and Found Department." In this lesson, Mike Vestal… Length: 30:10


8. Staying Home | Lost

Our God receives sinners and values every precious soul. For the one that has returned to God after having visited the "far country" and tasted of its fruits, the allurement of sin may make staying home feel more difficult. In… Length: 30:08


1. Background of the Problem | Authority of Elders

Some rebel against the authority of an eldership, but such an attitude is injurious to the Lord’s Church. The Bible has plain teaching for having elders in the church today as they operate under God’s instructions. The authority of elders… Length: 38:26


2. Pertinent Greek Words | Authority of Elders

Join Roy Deaver as he studies the significance of the Greek word exousia, a general term which cannot be restricted to only the authority of Christ Himself. Mr. Deaver also takes a look at other significant Greek words relating to… Length: 39:45


3. Nature of Elders’ Authority | Authority of Elders

Multiple verses in Scripture give authority to the elders of the Lord’s Church, under the Lord’s arrangement, which deserves our respect. Elders have delegated authority from God to perform what He has given them to do, and they operate with… Length: 40:32


The Killing of Jesus (ASL)

The greatest story ever told that changed the world and our eternal destiny forever. This story of life, love, compassion and sacrifice but also of evil, betrayal and treachery is told in a story-telling format. Part 1 covers the raising…


WHERE is God?

Where is God?

Where is God? Can He be seen with a microscope or maybe a telescope? Is He high on a mountain top or deep within the ocean? There is no single, physical place that God resides in our Universe. Where is… Length: 3:06


Acerca del Bautismo | Buscando la Verdad

En el mundo moderno, existen muchas perspectivas diferentes acerca del bautismo. Algunos dicen que se debe bautizar a los bebés, mientras que otros dicen que el bautismo está reservado solamente para los adultos. Algunos creen que el bautismo es necesario… Length: 56:03


¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?) ¿Siguen existiendo los milagros en la actualidad? ¿Están ocurriendo curaciones milagrosas? En la Biblia encontramos muchos pasajes que describen eventos milagrosos. Jesús realizó milagros durante el tiempo de Su ministerio en la Tierra. Únase a Marlon Retana para ver… Length: 21:14


¿Existen los Milagros en la actualidad? (Do Miracles Exist Today?) ¿Siguen existiendo los milagros en la actualidad? ¿Están ocurriendo curaciones milagrosas? En la Biblia encontramos muchos pasajes que describen eventos milagrosos. Jesús realizó milagros durante el tiempo de Su ministerio en la Tierra. Únase a Marlon Retana para ver…


Evangelismo Simplificado

Esta serie de lecciones se basa en las presentadas por House to House School of Evangelism y sirven de gran ayuda para que la iglesia se motive en evangelizar tanto a nivel personal como congregacional, y esto se logra al…


1. The Crux of the Matter

The Crux of the Matter focuses on the central, most important issue in our lives—the cross. The Bible provides a clear focus for the Christian's life, helping to understand what to do and why. Join Bill Watkins in looking at… Length: 34:35


Lesson 6: Inside Out | Abounding in Hope

To abound in hope is to do what God asks in the way He has asked it. For the Lord's church, this means to view our lives, our family, and the lost in the world as precious to God. Join… Length: 33:01


Searching for Truth: Introduction About Truth

About the Truth | Searching for Truth

Truth is a most precious thing. In our world, everyone is searching for something. If you are searching for answers to questions regarding God, Jesus, hope, happiness, faith, life after death, good and evil, the church, the Bible, God's plan… Length: 14:31


Searching for Truth: About the House of God

Most people in the world live in some kind of house or dwelling. Those houses come in all shapes and sizes, with different floor plans and layouts, and furnished in a lot of different ways. Yet each home is precious… Length: 44:22


ASL Searching for Truth: About the House of God

Most people in the world live in some kind of house or dwelling. Those houses come in all shapes and sizes, with different floor plans and layouts, and furnished in a lot of different ways. Yet each home is precious… Length: 44:22


The Unpardonable Sin | Search Bible Topics

The Unpardonable Sin - Search Bible Topics

Most of the time, people are not exactly sure what it is, but there are lots of people who believe they’ve committed the unpardonable sin. Have you ever wondered what the unpardonable sin is? Can it still be committed today?… Length: 3:59


Venus | Beyond the Stars

Beyond the Stars: Venus

Come explore Earth’s nearest planetary neighbor, Venus. As the brightest object in our sky, after the Sun and Moon, the beauty of Venus has captivated humanity since Creation. Though sometimes called “Earth’s twin,” this planet’s design has drastic differences from… Length: 6:39


3. Did the Universe Cause Itself? | Science vs. Evolution

Do creationists have a blind, evidenceless faith, or a reasonable faith? Scientists and philosophers recognize that there must be an adequate cause to bring about observed effects. However, how did the universe and everything in it come into being? Could… Length: 34:22


Do Miracles Exist Today?

What exactly is a miracle? The Bible describes many miracles in times past, but do miracles still exist today? In this lesson, Don Blackwell looks to the Bible for the answers to important questions. Length: 24:05


Acerca de la Verdad | Buscando la Verdad

Spanish Searching for Truth

¿Sabía que según las estadísticas, 107 personas mueren cada minuto? Ese es un número increíble. Aunque deseemos continuar viviendo, todos enfrentaremos la muerte. Pero ¿qué pasa cuando morimos? ¿Existe la vida después de la muerte? Si existe, ¿qué clase de… Length: 14:31


¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos? (Where Do We Go When We Die?

¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos

¿Adónde vamos cuando morimos? ¿Qué nos pasa tras respirar nuestro último aliento? Estas son preguntas en que todos hemos reflexionado. El mundo ofrece muchas respuestas a estas preguntas: como la reencarnación, los fantasmas, e incluso dejar de existir. Sin embargo,…


¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos? (Where Do We Go When We Die?)

¿Adónde Vamos Cuando Morimos

¿Adónde vamos cuando morimos? ¿Qué nos pasa tras respirar nuestro último aliento? Estas son preguntas en que todos hemos reflexionado. El mundo ofrece muchas respuestas a estas preguntas: como la reencarnación, los fantasmas, e incluso dejar de existir. Sin embargo,… Length: 33:17


人死后会往何处去?(Where Do We Go When We Die?) (Chinese – Simplified)

人死后会往何处去?当我们咽下最后一口气时,接下来会发生什么事?这些问题是每一个人都曾经思考过的问题。这世上的人对于这问题也提出了许多不同的解答:从轮回、变成鬼魂、到不复存在等等…。然而,相信圣经的人不需要去玩这种猜迷游戏,因为我们不只知道我们是从哪里来的,我们也知道我们要往何处去!在这一个课程中,陈中文追踪并解释了人类灵魂的旅程 – 从受孕一直到永生。 Length: 34:44


Did Jesus Perform Miracles or Not? | Why Jesus? (ASL)

How could Jesus truthfully say that “no sign shall be given to this generation” yet allegedly work many “miracles, wonders, and signs”? Was Jesus merely a mistaken Messiah, or was He a real miracle worker? Interpreted in American Sign Language… Length: 5:02


Dinosaurs: Separating Fact from Fiction

Dinosaurs Separating Fact from Fiction

Should Christians refrain from painting and publishing illustrations of dinosaurs and humans together because “it makes us look crazy”? On the contrary, since “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and since the “thousand words” upon which “this picture” is… Length: 8:58


1. History’s Battleground | Intertestamental Period

While the Bible doesn't record what happened during the centuries between the end of Malachi and the beginning of Matthew, we are given many predictive prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled during this time. Called the Intertestamental Period,… Length: 31:39


从圣经探讨前千禧年主义 (Simplified Chinese- Biblical View of Premillennialism)

前千禧年主义,也就是基督不久就会第二次降临,并建立一个千年之久的地上王国之理论,是当今基督信仰世界里流行的观点。前千禧年主义究竟是千真万确之真理或是穿凿附会之说?陈中文邀请您一起查考圣经,以建构正确的末世观。 欲看更多圣经相关视频,欢迎点击以下网址: Length: 46:27


Passage 3 | Dan: City of Unfaithfulness

Dan: City of Unfaithfulness is a documentary showing the significance of Dan as a center of idolatry and unfaithfulness to God. Important aspects of Dan are explored. First, its location in the northern section of Israel helped to define the… Length: 17:35


A Son Who Ran Away: A Story About the Prodigal Son

A Son Who Ran Away

The story of the prodigal son is one of the most insightful, memorable stories that Jesus told while He was on Earth. Through it, Christ brought to light the ravages of sin, the value of true repentance, and the love… Length: 3:25


5. Growing Old Gracefully | A Woman’s Life

The winter of life may have some cold days and snowflakes, but there may also be days full of sunshine and joy. Our older years can be deeply satisfying as we continue faithfully as Christians. Let’s think about how we… Length: 28:55


The Truth About Hell

The Truth About Hell

What is hell? What is hell not? What is Hell going to be like for those who go there? While eternal punishment is a difficult subject, there are many questions for which people still want to have answers. Don Blackwell… Length: 34:07


The Age of Anxiety

Some define anxiety as the “fear of future loss over which we have no control.” Bad things happen to people every day. As much as we would like to, no one can prevent bad things from happening. This lack of… Length: 25:55


Are Christians Brainwashing Their Kids?

Are Christians Brainwashing Their Kids? | Why God?

Is it arrogant to teach children that God exists? Is it cultish to say that Jesus “is the way”? Should children be allowed to think for themselves? How do Christians logically respond to the “brainwashing” charge? Length: 4:58


The Stars | Beyond the Stars

The Stars | Beyond the Stars

Come explore the stars. Throughout history, astronomers have acknowledged that the stars display an incredible diversity in appearance. Brightness, color, temperature, size, mass and distance are all parameters that distinguish one star’s glory from another. By studying the stars, we… Length: 7:52


La Verdad Sobre el Cielo (The Truth About Heaven)


¿Qué es el cielo? ¿Es un lugar real? ¿Quién vive en el cielo? Mientras los Cristianos hablan mucho sobre el cielo, muchos todavía tienen preguntas sin responder. En este breve segmento, Marlon Retana proporciona respuestas de la Palabra de Dios… Length: 34:27


Did God Forsake Jesus? | Understanding Jesus

What did Jesus mean when He cried that God had forsaken Him in Mark 15:34? Though many have speculations about Jesus’ lament, perhaps the best way for us to understand it is to go to the Old Testament and draw… Length: 3:56



Lost - Mike Vestal

The program, Lost, focuses on the parable told by Jesus in Luke chapter 15. Mike Vestal details eight perspectives found in this story with sermons titled: (1) Who Cares? (2) Happy Days, (3) Rebels Without A Cause, (4) Prone To…


Wonders of Creation: Stinking Corpse Lily

You may think plants are boring, because how exciting can plants really be? However, join Kyle Butt as he introduces you to the Stinking Corpse Lily. This magnificently massive, oddly odorous, parasitic plant will amaze you for how wonderful God's… Length: 3:21


¿Por Qué Hay Tantas Iglesias? (Why Are There So Many Churches?)

Los eruditos e historiadores religiosos contemporáneos estiman que actualmente hay aproximadamente 38,000 denominaciones en el mundo. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado si la verdadera iglesia todavía existe? ¿Realmente importa a qué iglesia pertenezco? Si la iglesia verdadera existe, ¿cómo puedo… Length: 27:18


3. Rebels Without A Cause (Luke 15:11-32) | Lost

When we leave God, there may be times of passing pleasure, but there will be no lasting joy. Every person on Earth matters dearly to God and He wants to have a lasting relationship with each one of us. Join… Length: 30:41


Lección 01: Vamos a Motivarnos | Evangelismo Simplificado

En esta lección, Marlon Retana nos motiva a prepararnos para llevar el evangelio a nuestras comunidades tras presentar varios relatos personales de conversión, y como el evangelismo simplificado ha funcionado y sigue funcionando. Si desea hacer una pregunta sobre el… Length: 20:34


7. A Glimpse Of God (Luke 15:25-32) | Lost

What you and I think when we think consider God might be the most revealing thing about us. There is nothing else on Earth more important than knowing our God richly, deeply and intimately. In this lesson, Mike Vestal examines… Length: 30:00


How to Read the Bible

How to Read the Bible

The Bible is a complex library of 66 books, and for the newcomer it may seem overwhelming. These 66 books tell a story. The story is told using different kinds of literature: narrative, poetry, proverbs, parable, satire, etc. This study…


6. Coming Home | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)

How do you feel when attending worship with the Church? Do you feel guilt or relief? Now consider how you feel when you come back home from a journey, when you are surrounded by family. Join Bill Watkins as he… Length: 24:11


6. Coming Home | The Crux of the Matter

How do you feel when attending worship with the Church? Do you feel guilt or relief? Now consider how you feel when you come back home from a journey, when you are surrounded by family. Join Bill Watkins as he… Length: 24:11

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