Once Saved Always Saved (Program)
The Bible tells us that being baptized allows us to receive the gift of salvation. But what does this mean? Do we have the gift of salvation no matter what we do? Does salvation give us the freedom to live as we please? Join Troy Spradlin as he looks in God’s Word to determine if we are "once saved always saved."
Gender: A Biblical View
In recent years, questions about gender and a person’s view of their identity have taken a prominent role in public discussions. What is it that identifies a man and a woman? What does it mean to transition and what is the Bible’s view of this topic? Join Daniel Stearsman as he looks at the biblical view of the physical, mental, and spiritual implications.
The Value of Human Life
This program contains sensitive topics and may not be suitable for younger age viewers. Life is a precious, fragile gift. But what is the value of this gift? Does this value change depending upon the stage or circumstances that life is in? When does life start? Is it wrong to end the life of a person suffering with health issues? Join Daniel Stearsman as he uses scripture to determine the value of human life and what that means for us.
Biblical Ages
Did you know that not all commands in the Bible apply to you? In the Bible we find the story of God’s relationship with humanity, from the very beginning of Creation through the life of Jesus to the establishment of the Church. Have there been changes in God’s covenant with His people? Do we worship the same today as Abraham or Moses did? Join Don Blackwell as he looks at the changes in God’s covenants through history, considering what it means for how we follow God today.
Peter Misunderstood
The conversation that took place in the regions of Caesarea Philippi between Jesus and His disciples is short, but it sheds light into several key doctrines of the New Testament church. Some of these statements by Jesus to Peter and the disciples have been misunderstood, and doctrinal positions have been built based on these misunderstandings. Join Rafael Ramirez to examine these important statements in order to clear away any misunderstanding.
The Joy of Being a Christian
Everybody wants to be happy. But if everybody wants to be happy, why are there so many unhappy people? Why does happiness seem unattainable for some while others are always filled with joy? Join Jim Lloyd as he looks at what the Bible has to say about the depth of joy found in being a Christian.
Worship and the Instrument
This program takes an in-depth look at questions concerning the use of instruments in the worship of the church. Does Ephesians 5:19 refer to corporate worship assemblies or merely the Christian's daily walk? What is the meaning of the Greek word "psallo" and is it inclusive of mechanical instruments? And does the apostle Paul's quotation of Psalm 18:49 mean that the Holy Spirit endorses musical instruments in Christian worship? In this program, Dave Miller, Ph.D., provides a thorough study on what the Bible has to say about musical instruments in Christian worship.
Preparing for Death (Program)
It is always better to be prepared. We prepare for all sorts of things in this life such as tests, possible emergencies, and travel. We even prepare for death. When most people think of preparing for death, they think of burial plots and wills, but what about preparing spiritually for death? Join Jim Lloyd as he looks at scripture and what it means to be spiritually prepared for death.
A New Life in Christ
Becoming a Christian should be a life changing experience. When we decide to follow Christ there are things we must give up and things we must take up in the name of Christ. It is not enough to simply get rid of the old life, we must take on the new. In the book of Colossians, Paul writes to the early Christians about how they should be conducting themselves in this new life. Join Shun Evans as he studies Colossians 3 and what it means to have a new life in Christ.
Sin (Program)
What is sin? How do you define it? Sin is not a popular topic and discussing it can seem judgmental. Though conversations about sin are often avoided, we must recognize that sin has an enslaving and destructive power, and that we cannot solve it on our own. It might be that we need to rethink how we define sin. Join Jim Lloyd as he discusses sin, from how it works to how we can be healed from it.
Satan (Program)
Why do some people engage in evil actions? How does a person go from thinking about murder, to actually taking someone's life? In this lesson, Jim Lloyd looks at what the Bible says about Satan, his mission, and your power to resist and overcome temptation.
Is Mormonism Really from God?
Is Mormonism really from God? Have you ever considered this question and its implications? This seminar addresses topics and questions about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Join Nathan Franson as he explores the truth through history, archaeology, literature, and the Bible.
Should We Disfellowship? (Program)
Many questions have been raised concerning withdrawing fellowship from unfaithful members of the church. Some regard the practice as “unloving” while others believe it is not being done enough. What does the Bible say about withdrawing our fellowship from erring members? Should we disfellowship?
Beyond the Sunset
Perry B. Cotham at 97 years of age teaches 9 lessons from his new book Beyond the Sunset. Topics include: Is There a God? Where Are the Dead? Will Jesus Come Again? Will Any Infants Be Lost? What About the Millennium? What About the Jews? Will Hell Be Eternal Punishment? What Is Heaven Like? What About Further Recognition? This series of lessons is great for church Bible class or for home personal Bible study.
Drawn Toward God
Drawn Toward God includes short videos presented in a visually stunning illustrated presentation. Approaching difficult questions with a simple animated discussion, these videos focus on the Bible's message to provide clear answers.
Drawn Toward God (Bible Class Version)
Drawn Toward God includes short videos presented in a visually stunning illustrated presentation. Approaching difficult questions with a simple animated discussion, these videos focus on the Bible's message to provide clear answers.
Examples of Conversion
An examination by Perry B. Cotham of various accounts of conversion to Christianity recorded in Acts, including the Pentecostians, Samaritans, Ethiopian Officer, Saul, Cornelius, Lydia, Philippian Jailer, Corinthians and Ephesians. He answers the question, “Must one be a member of the church to be saved?” He also responds to several objections against baptism.
This is a general course designed for every Christian to better understand the qualifications and work of elders. This series of lessons is not designed just for men who are now serving as elders, but is designed to inform any and all who are interested, especially if your congregation is currently thinking of appointing new elders.
Saved Without a Doubt (Program)
Do you struggle with the feeling that you are not perfect? Do you constantly beat yourself up for sins committed years ago? Do you have constant doubts whether you will go to heaven? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this program, "Saved Without a Doubt," is for you. Join Don Blackwell as he opens the book of 1 John to instill hope and confidence in the heart of each faithful Christian. It is a study of 'blessed assurance.'
Abortion: A Woman's Right?
Over 3,500 children are murdered in the United States each day. As the church we must speak out against this great sin and this program will help teach and inform brethren, friends, family and anyone we can get to watch it. If not the church, then who?
This 13-lesson series is one of the most thorough and biblically in-depth studies on angels, giving the viewer an opportunity to consider sound answers to many of the questions often asked on this topic. This subject is almost universally misunderstood and incorrectly portrayed. These lessons help set the record straight.
Authority of Elders
A study on the subject of elders and both their responsibilities and the congregation's. It is hosted by Roy C. Deaver and includes 3 lessons; 1. Background of the Problem 2. Pertinent Greek Words 3. Nature of Elders’ Authority
Christian Growth (Program)
Spiritual growth is an essential characteristic of the Christian life. The Bible describes the growth of a Christian's faith by studying God's Word and adding the godly traits such as virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love (2 Peter 1). In addition to personal growth, the Bible discusses our responsibility to give back to God and to properly handle the resources that He has entrusted to us. It warns us that some, otherwise, faithful children of God will lose their souls because of their love of money. In this study, Don Blackwell observes the purpose and elements of Christian growth, including our giving as we lay up treasures in heaven.
Denominational Doctrines
This course provides a thorough explanation of all the major doctrines across numerous denominations. Detailed biblical answers are provided for why these doctrines are contrary to Scripture. Considerable time is given to explaining the erroneous teaching of Calvinism, which undergirds much of denominational theology. In addition, toward the end of the course, several series of questions are given which were designed to be used in Bible study with members of particular denominations. These questions cut to the heart of their differences with the Bible, and should help them see the Truth.
Fundamentals of the Faith
An in-depth study on the fundamental principles of Christianity. It is hosted by Charlie DiPalma and Chuck Horner and includes 81 lessons.
This course is an in-depth study of the Godhead, as presented in the Bible. Some of the overall objectives the viewer will gain are (1) to understand the unity of the Godhead and be able to distinguish between the persons of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; (2) to know the attributes of Deity and see their application to the religion of the New Testament; (3) to be better equipped to refute false teachings that trouble the Church belonging to God; and (4) to be better equipped to train others in the reverence and obedience due God. Join Chuck Horner in this deep and rich study.
Judgment Day: Jesus as Your Attorney
A practicing attorney looks at what the Bible says about Judgment Day. On that day, as in trials here on Earth, we can have a defense – a lawyer who is our perfect Advocate. He knows the Judge, understands the prosecutor, and died to set us free. Study with Gary Massey on this important subject.
Learning about Baptism
There are often many questions about baptism and what God's word has to say about it. In this program, there are several short videos addressing various questions and topics relating to learning more about baptism.
Learning about the Godhead
The nature and attributes of God provide a rich and deep biblical study. In order to begin understanding the depths of what the Bible teaches on this topic, it is important to begin with some simple concepts. The short videos in this program will begin to introduce some of the foundations and common misconceptions about the Godhead.
Millennial Mania
Rod Rutherford presents a very informative series on the popular but erroneous views of Premillennialism. Lesson titles include: Millennial Mania, Has The Kingdom Come? Is Jesus Coming Soon? Palestine In The Premillennial Plan, Misconceptions Of Matthew 24, Have You Really Read Revelation?; Will Rome Be Revived Before Christ Comes? Are You Afraid Of The Antichrist? Are You Ready For The Rapture? Are You Troubled By The Tribulation? Are You Anxious About Armageddon? What Is The Meaning of The Millennium? Christ Is Coming!
Miracles, Grace, and Providence
Do miracles exist today? How do grace, faith, and works come into play for mankind's salvation? What is providence and how does God provide for us today? All of these profound questions are addressed from God's Word in this succinct and intriguing program. Join Don Blackwell in revealing what the Bible says on these topics.
My God and His Money
This captivating 6-lesson series is designed to help Christians understand their responsibility as stewards of the Lord’s money. In the process, they will also learn that it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.
Pleasing God in Worship
Even as American civilization has been undergoing massive alterations in its commitment to traditional American values and its Christian underpinnings, so also the church has been experiencing sweeping change, especially in worship. Indeed, Christendom as a whole has imbibed the restless spirit of the age to bring many changes to the basic doctrines of the Christian religion. To make religion more palatable to an entertainment-oriented culture, many churches have implemented “contemporary” worship (“inner-tainment”). This seminar by Dave Miller, Ph.D., provides Bible-based solutions using biblical principles to numerous issues including: How does the Bible authorize our behavior? May we praise God in whatever way we choose as long as we are sincere? What about instrumental music, praise teams, lifting up our arms, clapping and non-vocal additions to our singing?
The Christian has great confidence in knowing that he is never alone. God stands ready and waiting to hear the prayers of every faithful Christian. The child of God can express his innermost thoughts, deepest needs, his greatest anguish, and his most heartfelt gratitude to God in prayer.
The providence of God is one of the least understood doctrines of the Bible. This course covers the entire spectrum from miraculous to non-miraculous providence. The subjects of creation and “confirming” miracles are discussed. Non-miraculous providence is discussed under three headings – preservation of creation, providence in the lives of nations and in the lives of individuals. Chuck Horner teaches this series and substantiates his findings thoroughly from the Bible.
Qualifications of Elders
It is God's desire for every congregation of His people to have elders. However, not just anyone can serve as an elder. What is an elder? What does the Bible say about the qualifications and roles of an elder? What is a congregation to do if it does not have qualified men? In this series of lessons, Don Blackwell and Glenn Colley sit down with open Bibles and answer these important questions.
The Emerging Church Movement
We live in a culture that is defined by a failure to believe in absolutes. This has negatively affected every area of society, including religious belief. This "Post-Modern" mindset led to the birth of a denominational movement known as "The Emerging Church." To put it simply, the Emerging Church is Post-Modernism applied to the Bible. The end result is that every man follows the dictates of his own heart and does that which is right in his own eyes. The Emerging Church movement is currently affecting churches of Christ in a significant way. Join us in this study as we identify some of the doctrines and dangers of this corrupt philosophy.
The End of Time: A Study of the Book of Revelation
Gary McDade takes the viewer through a chapter by chapter study of the book of Revelation, which is sometimes difficult to understand because of the symbols and apocalyptic literature. Throughout this program Gary covers popular views of Premillennialism. In addition, there are over 30 beautiful illustrations by Pat Marvenko Smith, which will help the viewer to better visualize the symbolism in this book.
The Holy Spirit
Among Christians there are many questions about the Holy Spirit. One of the most fundamental questions is, "Who is the Holy Spirit?" Follow along with Don Blackwell as he discusses what the Bible says about the Person, Position, and Role of the Holy Spirit.
The One True Church
A detailed study of the New Testament church and the necessity of following God's pattern. It is hosted by Rod Rutherford and includes 18 lessons.
The Ten Commandments (Program)
Many people believe that the Ten Commandments represent God's law for mankind today, and that if we will simply obey these things we will be pleasing to Him. Others argue that the Ten Commandments represent a portion of God's old law that is no longer binding. The secular world fights to have the Ten Commandments removed from all public venues. In truth, what should our stance be? In this lesson, Don Blackwell opens the Word of God and answers this important question.
Waves of Change
Waves of Change is designed to counter cries for change in the Church and to help young Christians understand where such change will lead. It is narrated by Kyle Butt and Stan Butt, Jr., and is intended to instruct young people in fundamental truths of God’s Word in a positive and balanced way and equip them to deal with many sinful trends assailing Churches of Christ. We pray that this will help those who use it to avoid being “tossed about with every wind of doctrine” and to effectively stand against these powerful waves of change.
Why Are There So Many Churches? (Program)
Contemporary religious scholars and historians estimate that there are approximately 38,000 denominations in the world today. Have you ever wondered if the true church still exists today? Does it really matter to which church I belong? If the true church does exist, how can I find it? Learn about the fascinating history of the first century church of the Bible and how it still exists today! Learn about God's true church, the origins of denominationalism and God's scheme of redemption for mankind.
Women's Role in the Church
The idea that man is the head of the house is viewed by many as antiquated. Also a woman who chooses to stay at home instead of working outside the home is sometimes held in low regard. Some see such a woman as wasting her talents and abilities. It is no secret that the woman’s role in society has changed in recent years. In religious circles it is quite common to find females serving as ministers and in leadership roles. What does God think about these changes? In this study Don Blackwell will open the pages of Scripture to see what God has to say about the role of women in the home, in the marriage relationship and in the church.
Category: Doctrine Series
Includes programs dealing with specific topics of doctrinal teaching.