1. Background of the Problem | Authority of Elders
Some rebel against the authority of an eldership, but such an attitude is injurious to the Lord’s Church. The Bible has plain teaching for having elders in the church today as they operate under God’s instructions. The authority of elders is a serious subject, and elders have the God-given assignment of being watchmen and shepherds over the congregations. Follow along with Roy Deaver as he begins this series on the authority of elders.
2. Pertinent Greek Words | Authority of Elders
Join Roy Deaver as he studies the significance of the Greek word exousia, a general term which cannot be restricted to only the authority of Christ Himself. Mr. Deaver also takes a look at other significant Greek words relating to authority including hupakouo, poimaino, epitasso, hageomai, episcopos, and gragoreo.
3. Nature of Elders’ Authority | Authority of Elders
Multiple verses in Scripture give authority to the elders of the Lord’s Church, under the Lord’s arrangement, which deserves our respect. Elders have delegated authority from God to perform what He has given them to do, and they operate with expediency in those obligations. In this last lesson, Roy Deaver shows how essential induction and deduction are in our Bible study, and how we as the Church are to rightly handle the Word of Truth. The Church is the most effective tool in evangelizing the world and, for His Church, God appointed elders.