Dragon Myths or Dinosaur Descriptions?
If dinosaurs and humans ever lived on Earth at the same time (as Genesis 1 implies), then it is reasonable to expect that the ancients would have told stories of seeing and possibly interacting with these creatures. In truth, these stories are precisely what history records. Join Eric Lyons as he discusses the logical connection between dragon “legends” and dinosaur descriptions.
Dinosaurs: Separating Fact from Fiction
Should Christians refrain from painting and publishing illustrations of dinosaurs and humans together because “it makes us look crazy”? On the contrary, since “a picture is worth a thousand words,” and since the “thousand words” upon which “this picture” is based are true, it’s very appropriate for people to hear and see the truth—a truth that ultimately testifies to the greatness of the Creator.
Dinosaur Soft Tissue and Evolution’s Timetable
Most people seem unaware of the fact that, in recent years, scientists have unearthed many dinosaur bones from around the world that are not completely fossilized. Indeed, dinosaur bones with soft, flexible, fibrous tissue still intact should cause evolutionists to seriously question their theory that dinosaurs went extinct 65-plus million years ago.
Why Address the Age of the Earth?
Through the years, many Christians have questioned the age of the Earth. Does it really matter if the Earth is thousands or billions of years old? Why does it matter to Christianity at all? In this program, Eric Lyons answers these questions as he discusses the importance of biblical truth.
"God's Not Bound By Time"
Within the last two centuries, many people have been misled to believe that the billions of years required for evolution must fit somewhere within the first chapter of the Bible. To say that God didn’t create the Universe in billions of years is to supposedly limit Almighty God. How can a Christian combat this claim? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses this topic in this video lesson.
Miracles and Earth's Apparent Age
How old does Earth appear? We regularly evaluate the age of other people, whether they are children or adults, whether they are younger or older than we are. How do we compare the age of Earth? While many would answer that our planet appears to be very old, no one has seen a planet form or grow through its stages. Join Eric Lyons as he discusses Earth's age in light of scientific understanding and God's Word.
Man and the Age of the Earth
Is mankind a relative newcomer to Earth? Has the history of Earth been billions of years of development with man only recently a part of that timeline? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses the man and the age of the Earth in relation to the timelines given by evolution and the Bible.
Creation: Made or Remade?
When God made the world, according to Genesis 1 and 2, was it entirely a new creation or was it remade? When Exodus 20:11 says "in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth," is this a reference to a creation from nothing, or a re-fashioning that occurred long ages later? Follow along with Eric Lyons as he discusses the simple words, phrases, and origins of the Creation account.
The Day-Age Theory
A popular theory that uses long periods of time to explain the biblical Creation account is called the Day-Age Theory. Can a Christian believe this theory’s claims? Does it accurately fit within God’s Word? In this program, Eric Lyons discusses this theory, its claims, and provides a detailed look at what the Scriptures say.
Creation Versus Evolutionary Chronology
There is no debate that God could have created the Universe in any amount of time and in any way He desired. However, the Bible provides for us the precise way that God created the Universe, as detailed by God Himself. Join Eric Lyons as he compares and contrasts the origin chronologies outlined in the Bible with those given by evolution.
When Did God Create the Sun?
In Genesis, we read the biblical account of the Days of Creation and see that God made the Sun on day four. However, as many people try to intermix evolution and creation, a confusing question arises: When did God create the Sun? In this program, Eric Lyons answers this question from a biblical perspective and shows that it’s a simple and straightforward answer when taken in the context of the Bible.
When Did God Create Dinosaurs?
According to evolution, dinosaurs became extinct over 60 million years ago and were never alive at the same time as man. How does this description for the dinosaur timeline match with the Bible's description of God's creation in Genesis? Were dinosaurs created along with other reptiles, mammals and birds during the Creation Week? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses this intriguing question.
Was One Day of Creation a Thousand Years?
Some Christians use 2 Peter 3:8 as a go-to verse to show that God created the Universe in using long periods of time. Can this verse be accurately applied to the Genesis account? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses this verse in-depth and in its context.
Was There Enough Time on Day 6 of Creation?
One reason people reject the literal creation account is that they find it impossible to believe that one man could name every single species of animal on Earth in a single day. Is this possible? Does Genesis give an accurate account of Adam’s task? Join Eric Lyons as he answers this question from a biblical perspective.
Time, Evolution, and the Bible Program

The Bible is not silent about origins, time, and the sequence of Creation. Time and chronology are also important to naturalistic evolutionists, who admit that if the Earth is not billions of years old, but much younger, then evolution is not true. Follow along with Eric as he delves into various questions regarding Time, Evolution, and the Bible.