The Love of Jesus | Understanding Jesus
What does the word "love" mean? We use this word reference toward a variety of things: candy, movies, family, or God. Surely we do not have the same depth of meaning in each case. What does it mean when the Bible says, "Jesus loves us"? Join Kyle Butt as he looks at the Bible's description of Jesus' love for mankind.
The Compassion of Christ | Understanding Jesus
What does the term "compassion" mean? Is it merely a feeling of concern, or is it a feeling that demands action? In this short video, Kyle Butt looks to Jesus and the examples He has laid out to better understand what it means to be compassionate.
Understanding the Trinity | Understanding Jesus
What is meant by the word "Trinity"? Does it accurately describe God? Some contend that the idea is inconsistent with the Bible's description of God's nature. In this video, Kyle Butt as he looks to Scripture to help better understand God and His nature.
Was Jesus Really Perfect? | Understanding Jesus
While we cannot know all involved in Jesus' incarnation here on Earth. The Bible does give us information to understand pivotal aspects of Jesus' earthly life and ministry. One important aspect of Jesus' role as the Messiah is in answering the question, "Was Jesus really perfect?" Join Kyle Butt as he looks into God's Word for its description of the perfection found in Jesus.
Did Jesus Teach About Hell? | Understanding Jesus
The Bible describes Jesus as the loving Savior of mankind. His persecuted life and sacrificial death were motivated by His love for us. If Jesus' love is so great, did He teach about hell? Join Kyle Butt as he addresses what the Bible says in regards to Jesus' teaching about hell, and how His love for mankind and the existence of hell can be reconciled.
Was Jesus A Vegetarian? | Understanding Jesus
Is it true that Jesus was a vegetarian? You may have heard a statement like this before, but what does the Bible say? Join Kyle Butt as he answers this question from Scripture and how the answer to this question can help us understand how to follow Jesus' example.
Jesus' Prophecy of the Fall of Jerusalem | Understanding Jesus
With meticulous detail, Jesus predicted the future destruction of Jerusalem. This event then transpired almost four decades after His ascension to Heaven. Not only does this prophecy verify Jesus' deity, but it adds another powerful evidence for the inspiration of the Bible. Join Kyle Butt as he looks at Jesus' prophecy and the historical account of Jerusalem's destruction.
Did God Forsake Jesus? | Understanding Jesus
What did Jesus mean when He cried that God had forsaken Him in Mark 15:34? Though many have speculations about Jesus’ lament, perhaps the best way for us to understand it is to go to the Old Testament and draw parallels from there.
Did Jesus Go to Hell for Three Days? | Understanding Jesus
After Jesus died, He rose again 3 days later. Where was Jesus between His death and resurrection? Acts 2:27 clearly states that Jesus’ soul was in hell, right? A closer look into these verses, however, reveals interesting information.
What Will Happen When Jesus Comes Again? | Understanding Jesus
Over the past 2,000 years, many people have boldly announced a prediction for when they thought Jesus would return. However, every time the prediction has fallen flat when the date came and went. Can we know when Jesus will return? And what will happen when Christ returns? Join Kyle Butt as he looks what the Bible has to say on these important questions.
Was Jesus Really Perfect? | Understanding Jesus
While we cannot know all involved in Jesus' incarnation here on Earth. The Bible does give us information to understand pivotal aspects of Jesus' earthly life and ministry. One important aspect of Jesus' role as the Messiah is in answering the question, "Was Jesus really perfect?" Join Kyle Butt as he looks into God's Word for its description of the perfection found in Jesus.