America's Most Pressing Concern (Program)
As America faces troubled times, instability and an uncertain future, the question to ponder is, "Will it be a more godly or less godly nation?" Some say the founding fathers were not really men of God and that they spoke and wrote little to nothing about God, but is this a true representation of the facts? This powerful, new presentation by Dave Miller, Ph.D, exposes what these men really said and wrote. The viewer will see, written in their own words, what these men believed and said regarding God and this nation. If you like the video, “The Silencing of God,” then you are going to love this companion video program, which includes eight powerful, truth-teaching lessons constituting nearly four hours of eye-opening material. This program is something you will want to share with your family, friends or any who needs to know the truth.
Answering Atheism
The modern atheistic community has initiated a ruthless attack against the God of the Bible. In "Answering Atheism," Kyle Butt strips these groundless accusations, and lays bare the fact that God and His Word provide the only viable foundation upon which to build a moral system. The topics included in this program include, Moral Implications of Atheism; Death of the Innocent; The Bible and Slavery; The Biblical View of Women; Evil, Pain, and Suffering; A Loving God and an Eternal Hell.
BEHOLD! The Lamb of God
In this seminar, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons explore the historicity, deity and personality of Jesus. Using both biblically internal and external evidences, the facts and reality of Jesus' life are explored and demonstrated. “Behold the Lamb of God” is a powerful program for a Christian's recognition of Jesus as Christ, the Savior. This is the second program in the "Pillars of Faith" series.
Beyond the Stars
Every clear night, humanity is treated to an overwhelming celestial show. Twinkling stars of all varieties fill the sky as the heavens declare the glory of God. What is beyond the stars? Branyon May (Ph.D.) leads viewers through our Solar System, from planet to planet, as he enumerates detailed characteristics about our Cosmos, as well as evidences pointing to our Creator.
Bible From God to Us
This is an in-depth study of the inspiration, canonization, transmission and translation of the biblical text. Though technical in nature this is also a marvelous faith building course. The evidence presented in the course is overwhelming that we today do have an accurately preserved text of both the Old and New Testaments and that both are exactly what they claim to be, written by the hand of God.
Bible Lands Museum
This program provides an opportunity to see and learn about artifacts from the times and lands of the Bible. As Director, Bob Stancell, guides viewers through a study of many historical artifacts that are part of the Bible Lands Museum collection in Sandy, Oregon.
Challenging Bible Verses: From Atheists and Skeptics
Atheists and skeptics often present challenging Bible verses as reasons for their disbelief in God and the Bible. Christians frequently ignore these verses as too difficult to explain. In this series of videos, Eric Lyons logically and biblically addresses some of the most challenging and criticized sections of Scripture with the simple goal of helping everyone understand the Bible better.
Church History
This course is designed to study church history, from the first century to the Middle Ages. Examining past history, Wayne Burger helps identify unscriptural trends and their consequences, with the goal that students will learn from historical examples and will be able to corrections to others.
Church History 2
This course covers the history of the men and the movements they started, beginning from A.D. 1500. The first section focuses on the Reformation movement and the second section on the Restoration Movement. Join Chuck Horner as he covers the advancements and the shortfalls of both movements as well as drawing the biblical distinction between the two.
Creation and Evolution
Our understanding for the origin of the world is important for how we view life. Was the Universe brought into existence by a divine Creator, or did it originate through naturalistic evolution? When considering these two choices, are there implications for how we view other races or genders? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the questions of origin, God’s existence, and a proper understanding of our humanity.
Creation Questions
The Creation account found in Genesis is a foundational event for Bible history and doctrine. Throughout the Old and New Testament books, the events and implications of Creation are quoted, referenced, and alluded to in order to teach later generations. This program provides answers and discussion for several short questions and topics to help have a deeper understanding of this very crucial account.
Dismantling Evolution Seminar
Cosmic evolution, which typically includes the Big Bang Theory coupled with Neo-Darwinian evolution, is the term used by many modern scientists to describe how the Universe came into existence and evolved into its current form in a purely natural way, without God. It is taught as “fact” by the bulk of the scientific community in classrooms around the country, even though it is riddled with rarely highlighted but devastating problems that prohibit it from being true. Join four scientists and a Hebrew scholar as they highlight fundamental flaws in cosmic evolutionary theory and build the true model of cosmic origins, which fits the evidence.
Evil, Pain and Suffering (Program)
Where is God when I hurt? Why do innocent people suffer? How could a loving God let this happen? Millions of people have searched for answers to the questions of why there is Evil, Pain and Suffering in the world. If you are one of them, you need to see this video. While many use the Problem of Evil as an argument against God's existence, recognizing the contrast between what is good and what is evil points to the existence of God as a moral lawgiver.
Evolution Is Religion Not Science
Join a former atheist and evolutionist in looking at the theory of evolution. One of the greatest deceptions perpetrated by atheists and humanists is that the theory of evolution is somehow “science.” Dr. Mike Houts demonstrates in this 6 lesson program that, in reality, evolution is merely a tenet of the false religion of atheism.
God Made: Early Reader Series
This program introduces children to the wonder of God's Creation. Not only will your children see and read about the sky, the trees, and the bumblebees, but they will also learn about the Designer who made all of these things. Depending on the child's age, these videos are flexible enough that older children can follow along with the narration, younger children will be able to identify main repeated words, and younger children can simply enjoy the videos illustrating the concepts. No matter the age, your children will fall in love with their Creator by seeing the amazing things "God Made."
Has the Bible Been Corrupted?
Skeptics, atheists, and modernists have waged an aggressive war against the Bible for over a century. They have succeeded in undermining public confidence in the authenticity of the text of the Bible, eroding the faith of young people by often claiming, "You can't be sure you have the Bible in its original form." "The Bible developed lots of errors and mistakes while it was being transmitted over the centuries." "The existing manuscript copies of the Bible all differ with each other and have thousands of variant wordings." So... How do we know the Bible was transmitted accurately? How much manuscript evidence do we have for the Bible? How can we be sure we have the Bible as God intended? How do we know how the original Bible read? Is Mark 16:9-20 supposed to be in the Bible? Join Dr. Dave Miller in this nine-session program as he provides easy-to-understand answers to these technical questions.
How We Got the Bible
Many scholars today claim the Bible has missing books, has books that do not belong, and was not accurately transmitted (copied) or translated. This program by Denny Petrillo, Ph.D., takes a factual look at the evidence on how we got the Bible. It will address the tough questions regarding the origin, the canon, the transmission, and the translation of the Bible into English.
Is God a Respecter of Persons? (Program)
God has given us free will. If we choose to obey His Word, salvation is given to us. If we choose not to follow Him, we will be lost. The Bible tells us that God does not show partiality, but what about those who have never heard the Gospel? Would a good and just God punish those who “never had a chance”? Join Don Blackwell as he looks into God’s Word and what it means that God is not a “respecter of persons.”
Is the Bible Contradictory?
Skeptics contend that the Bible is unworthy of belief because the authors made all manner of blunders in writing it. Is this true? Did the Bible writers err in penning Scripture? Join Eric as he demonstrates that Bible “contradictions” are actually mere presumptions or misinterpretations on the part of the reader.
Is the Bible from God?
In this program, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons present six great lessons examining the inspiration and reliability of the Bible. Evidences of inspiration include internal unity, prophecies, history, archaeology, and science. The question of whether the Bible truly is God's word is clearly answered as a resounding, “Yes!” This is the third program in the "Pillars of Faith" series.
Is the Bible Reliable?
Of all challenges to a Christian's faith, one of the most troubling may be the skeptic's charge that the Bible is filled with discrepancies. But do such criticisms hold up under serious scrutiny? Can a person have a rational belief in the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture? Join Eric Lyons in this 10-lesson program as he uses the Bible and common sense to answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the reliability of the Bible.
Islam, the Quran, and Christianity
Will America become an Islamic Nation? Everything you would like to know about Islam. Who was Muhammad? What are Islam's central doctrines? Who are the Sunnis and Shi'ites? Why do Muslim terrorists hate America? Does the Quran possess the attritributes of inspiration? Are Christianity and Islam compatible? The primary purpose of this video is to examine Islam's origin, the Quran's claims of supernatural origin, and how this religion compares to Christianity and the Bible. The lessons are presented by Dr. Dave Miller and include approximately 4 hours of in-depth discussions on these timely and increasingly important topics.
Out With Doubt
Kyle Butt takes a compelling look at the overwhelming evidence that proves the truths of Christianity. This engaging series takes the viewer on an exciting trip through facts that are essential to a well-grounded faith. Sooner or later most of us find ourselves or our friends wondering about such topics as God's exisistence, dinosaurs, the Bible's inspiration, and creation versus evolution. In a simple, easy to understand manner, this series of lessons deals with these profound topics in a way that leaves no room for doubt.
The Reality of Noah's Ark
Throughout history Noah’s Ark and the Global Flood have been the focus of famous artwork, scholarly discussions, written works and public dramatizations. While some have accurately upheld the Genesis account, many more have distorted and abused the facts until subsequent generations struggle to determine fact from fiction. In order to distinguish the truth about Noah’s Ark, and to clear the fog-of-confusion, Branyon May (Ph.D.) plainly addresses the facts and clearly demonstrates “The Reality of Noah’s Ark.” This two-hour video series contains four parts addressing (1) the Ark, (2) the Animals, (3) the Global Flood, and (4) the story of Noah. Each part contains stunning visuals and concrete examples to strengthen your faith.
Restoration History Tour
This is an excellent study of the Restoration Movement in the United States. Wesley Simons, your host, gives a snapshot view of some of the important men in this historical study. He is then joined by Paul Vaughn, Lawrence Williamson, Kenneth Miller, Terry Jones and other historians to take you on a tour of important sites that helped to frame the return to the Bible.
Science vs. Evolution
Is evolution scientific? Do the laws of science support naturalism or contradict it? Do the commonly cited evidences for Darwinian evolution actually prove it to be true? If the evidence doesn't support atheistic evolution, why do so many believe in it? Join Jeff Miller, Ph.D., as he explores the answers to these questions and more in this eight-lesson program. About the Author: Jeff Miller earned a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Auburn University, and currently serves in the Science Department at Apologetics Press where he regularly lectures on Christian Evidences and science.
The Silencing of God
Take a trip back to the Withered Roots and vanishing values of America’s past. You will not believe your eyes and ears. America is in the throes of a full-scale Culture War. The Dismantling Of America’s Christian Heritage.
Did the Founding Fathers...
- Advocate “separation of church and state?”
- Reject expressions of Christianity in government and public schools?
- Intend for federal institutions to be religiously neutral?
- Approve of same-sex marriage?
The Silencing of God Seminar issues a stirring plea to the nation to... (1) Return from the depths of moral depravity. (2) Reclaim our Christian heritage. (3)Reaffirm Biblical values in public life. The moral and spiritual underpinnings of American civilization are collapsing. “A must see for every American” -
Time, Evolution, and the Bible
The Bible is not silent about origins, time, and the sequence of Creation. Time and chronology are also important to naturalistic evolutionists, who admit that if the Earth is not billions of years old, but much younger, then evolution is not true. Follow along with Eric as he delves into various questions regarding Time, Evolution, and the Bible.
Truth Be Told
Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons present 6 great lessons exposing the myth of evolution. Kyle and Eric refute the lie of evolution with abundant evidence from scientific facts, as well as from God's word. This course is for everyone who has ever had or will have a question about the creation-evolution controversy in light of reason and revelation. Almost 4 hours of compelling information that your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and others will appreciate. This is the first program in the "Pillars of Faith" series.
Understanding Jesus
Who is Jesus? Is He God and what did He teach? Join Kyle Butt as he looks at the Bible for the nature, character, and teachings of Jesus. What did He bring to humanity, and what does it imply for every person's future in eternity?
Why God?
Can atheism logically explain the existence of the Universe and everything in it, or does God exist? Does an honest investigation of the world around us logically lead to a Creator, or does godless naturalism sufficiently explain design, intelligence, and morality? And, if God does exist, where did He come from, and why doesn’t He just show Himself to everyone to prove that He exists—if He really does? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these and many other intriguing questions in Why God?
Why Is the Bible So Hard to Understand? (Program)
Have you ever been asked, or even thought to yourself, "Why is the Bible so hard to understand?" Join Kyle Butt as he considers this question to help identify what exactly is meant, and then discuss some reasons why this may be thought.
Why Jesus?
What makes Jesus so special? Why should anyone believe that a first-century man from Nazareth was more than a mere man? Why should we believe Jesus worked miracles, including coming back from the dead? Are there not biblical inconsistencies about the nature of Jesus? Was Jesus Himself not contradictory about many things? How can a rational person conclude that Jesus is the eternally good God from heaven above? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these and many other pressing questions in Why Jesus?
Wonders of Creation
Reason, common sense, and true science demand an explanation for the beauty, splendor, and amazing animals on Earth. Random chance and mindlessness could never bring about the complex design found throughout the animal kingdom. These superbly designed animals call for a Creator. Join Eric Lyons as he investigates the Wonders of Creation and the “fingerprints” of God.
World Religions
Is Christianity truly different from other religions in the world? Are all religions equal and simply different ways to God? With religious tension on the rise, it is even more important to understand the difference between Christianity and other major religions in the world. This survey study by Rod Rutherford compares Islam to Christianity, contrasts Buddha and Christ, measures New Age Movement to the Bible, and much more!
Category: Christian Evidences Series
Collection of programs dealing with Christian Evidences