Two Reasons to Believe in Jesus | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Non-Christians want to know why Christians believe in Jesus, and it is very logical to ask for the evidence. If we want our friends, family, co-workers, and classmates to desire to become Christians, then we must be able to provide logical reasons for the hope that is within us. Join Eric Lyons as he focuses on two straightforward reasons to believe in Jesus. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Is Jesus Really God? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
What a person thinks about Jesus is eternally important. To be saved, the Bible indicates that we must come to learn Who Jesus is, and we must come to believe and trust Who He is. Was Jesus merely a good man, a great teacher, or is He God, the Great I am—the eternal Creator of the Universe? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
How Can Jesus Be the Only True God? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
If Jesus prayed to the Father and called Him “the only true God,” then how could Jesus be God? Does Jesus’ statement in John 17:3 imply that He is less than Divine? Join Eric as he addresses this question using simple reason and revelation. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Why Believe in Jesus' Miracles? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Did Jesus Perform Miracles or Not? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
How could Jesus truthfully say that “no sign shall be given to this generation” yet allegedly work many “miracles, wonders, and signs”? Was Jesus merely a mistaken Messiah, or was He a real miracle worker? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Was Jesus Powerless in His Hometown? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Why could Jesus “do no mighty work” in His hometown of Nazareth? Did He lack the power that an omnipotent God would have? Is the Bible’s portrayal of Jesus as a mighty miracle worker contradictory? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses the often questioned statement in Mark 6:5. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Did Jesus Accept Worship? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Unlike good men and good angels who have always rejected worship from humanity, Jesus accepted worship. Jesus unhesitatingly received glory, honor, and praise from His creation. Such worship is one of the powerful proofs of His divine nature. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Did Jesus Deny His Deity? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Does Jesus admit not being God in Mark 10:18? Did He deny being perfectly moral as well as Divine? In truth, far from denying His goodness and Godhood in Mark 10, Jesus actually implies it. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
If God Cannot Be Tempted, Then How Was Jesus? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
If Jesus was tempted to sin, yet “God cannot be tempted by evil,” then how could Jesus be God? Is the Bible’s portrayal of Jesus contradictory? Join Eric Lyons as he answers this frequently asked question. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
A Failed Messianic Prophecy? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
How could Isaiah’s suffering servant, who “opened not his mouth,” be referring to Jesus? After all, Jesus opened His mouth and spoke a number of times during his trial and crucifixion. Is Isaiah 53 a failed Messianic prophecy? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at what the Bible says, in both the Old and New Testament, concerning these specific prophecies. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Is Jesus' Genealogy a Joke? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
How could Jesus’ father, Joseph, be the son of both Jacob and Heli? Are Jesus’ genealogies in Matthew 1 and Luke 3 contradictory? Join Eric Lyons as he considers seven brief reasons why the genealogies of Jesus are perfectly consistent. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Why Is Jesus' Resurrection Special? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Given all of the recorded resurrections in Scripture, what’s so important about Jesus’ resurrection? If others in the past have died to live again, what makes Jesus coming back from the dead so unique? Why is His resurrection more significant than any other? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
The "Church of God" and the Deity of Christ | Why Jesus? (ASL)
The Bible writers repeatedly refer to the New Testament Church as both God’s Church and Jesus’ Church. How can they be both? And what does this imply about the nature of Jesus and the names by which Christians should call themselves? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Who Was at the Tomb of Jesus? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Two of the main problems that many cite in the four accounts of the resurrection of Jesus have to do with the identity and number of women who went to the empty tomb of Jesus, as well as who they actually found there. Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these frequently asked questions. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Was Jesus a Thief? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Some modern critics of Christ contend that Jesus commanded His disciples to steal a donkey and her colt before entering Jerusalem during the final week of His life. Can a legitimate case against the Christ be made, or is this just another trumped-up charge? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Was Jesus a Liar? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
How could Jesus say in John 5:31, “If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is NOT true,” and then say in John 8:14, “Even if I bear witness of Myself, My witness IS true.” How are these not contradictory statements? Join Eric Lyons as he explains the perfect harmony of these two very different statements. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Did Jesus Condone Lawbreaking? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
How could Jesus defend his apostles plucking heads of grain on the Sabbath? According to the Pharisees, the disciples acted unlawfully, yet Jesus said they were guiltless. Was Jesus justifying lawbreaking, or were the Pharisees’ criticisms unjustified? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Was Jesus Offensive? | Why Jesus? (ASL)
Jesus’ initial reaction to a Canaanite woman who cried out for mercy in Matthew 15 baffles many people. How could the all-loving Son of God respond to such a distressed mother in a seemingly callous manner? Was Jesus a mean Messiah, or is there more to this story than meets the eye? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Jesus: The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever | Why Jesus? (ASL)
In the book of Hebrews, the writer has given us a gold mine of motivation to lift up and serve Jesus as the Son of God. Yes, Jesus reigns supreme, and among other things, His unwavering, unchangeable nature and message are to be loved and lauded. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
Why Jesus? (ASL) Program

What makes Jesus so special? Why should anyone believe that a first-century man from Nazareth was more than a mere man? Why should we believe Jesus worked miracles, including coming back from the dead? Are there not biblical inconsistencies about the nature of Jesus? Was Jesus Himself not contradictory about many things? How can a rational person conclude that Jesus is the eternally good God from heaven above? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these and many other pressing questions in Why Jesus? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.