20th Anniversary Interview with Thomas B. Warren | Warren-Flew Debate
In 1996, Thomas B. Warren sat down for an interview concerning the historic debate he had with atheist, Antony Flew, on the existence of God. The four night debate was held on the campus of North Texas University in September 1976. Join Dr. Warren and Weylan Deaver as they remember how this debate came to be.
Session 1 (September 20) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this well-known debate onthe existence of God, two leading experts in the field of philosophy, Thomas B. Warren and Antony Flew, were brought together on the campus of North Texas State University. In this first session, the proposition of “I know that God does not exist” is presented in the affirmative by Dr. Flew with rebuttal by Dr. Warren.
Session 2 (September 20) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this second session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Flew presents a further argument for his atheistic beliefs, while Dr. Warren presents his rebuttal.
Session 3 (September 20) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this third session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Flew presents what he calls “positive” reasons to be an atheist. Dr. Flew and Dr. Warren also speak on the topics of values and the origin of man.
Session 4 (September 21) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this fourth session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Flew elaborates more on how he thinks we get a value system and also discusses why he is an atheist. In Dr. Warren’s rebuttal, he discusses further why Dr. Flew cannot establish his case for God not existing.
Session 5 (September 21) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this fifth session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Flew discusses his thoughts on why a loving God would send His creation to Hell. He also presents his beliefs for proof against God. Dr. Warren presents a rebuttal for these arguments.
Session 6 (September 21) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this sixth session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Flew discusses further reasons for his disbelief in God.
Session 7 (September 22) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this seventh session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Warren starts out by discussing some of Dr. Flew’s previous arguments and pointing out flaws in his reasoning. Dr. Warren also begins to discuss his stance on “God Does Exist.”
Session 8 (September 22) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this eighth session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Warren further examines faults in Dr. Flew’s arguments and gives further reasoning for why God does exist.
Session 9 (September 22) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this ninth session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Warren discusses several of Dr. Flew’s arguments from previous sessions and presents his reasonings for why they are incorrect. In Dr. Flew’s rebuttal arguments, he elaborates on why he believes in atheism.
Session 10 (September 23) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this tenth session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Warren elaborates more on the Second Law of Thermodynamics and discusses Dr. Flew’s points on “Pascal’s Wager.”
Session 11 (September 23) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this eleventh session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Warren discusses the existence of God based on our observations of the world around us, especially in the human body. Dr. Flew makes claims “that your God is too small” and could not have created the Universe. He also discusses how he feels the fossil record proves evolution.
Session 12 (September 23) | Warren-Flew Debate
In this twelfth and last session of the Warren-Flew debate, Dr. Warren looks again at the origins of morality and values. He contends that the basis of right and wrong comes from a Divine Being. Dr. Flew gives his final arguments for his atheistic views.
Warren-Flew Debate on the Existence of God Program

This is the premier debate of the twentieth century on the existence of God. It was conducted at North Texas State University on September 20-23, 1976. Dr. Thomas B. Warren (then Professor of Philosophy of Religion and Apologetics) affirmed God's existence. Dr. Antony G. N. Flew (then Professor of Philosophy at Reading University, England) denied God's existence.