1. Public Enemy #1 | God's Hardest Commands
This program is taught by and intended for women.
Worrying is something that we all do. It can come into our lives without warning and can stay for an extended period of time. However, we are commanded not to worry because, as Christians, we have the privilege to lay our cares and concerns before God. Join Wanda Robinson in this video lesson as she gives us ways to cope with worry from a biblical perspective. -
2. Me? Love Her? | God's Hardest Commands
This program is taught by and intended for women.
It's easy to love those who love us, but loving our enemies is much harder to do. However, that is just what God has commanded us to do, as He has shown us His love. In this video lesson, Wanda Robinson takes a look at what is truly means to love your enemies and provides biblical answers on how we can strive to please God. -
3. A Terrible Way to Live | God's Hardest Commands
This program is taught by and intended for women.
We all deal with fears. However, sometimes these fears can become destructive and keep our focus off of God. If you are living in fear, you are not living in faith. We need to overcome our fears by looking to God each day in faith. Join Wanda Robinson as she takes a biblical look at how to overcome our fears. -
4. Sorry is Not Enough | God's Hardest Commands
This program is taught by and intended for women.
True repentance requires a person to completely turn away from the wrong they are doing. The command of repentance is found throughout the Bible, but it can be a difficult thing to do. In this video lesson, Wanda Robinson talks about the biblical meaning of true repentance and how we can follow God's Word on this matter. -
5. Wiping the Slate Clean | God's Hardest Commands
This program is taught by and intended for women.
One hard command for many of us to follow is forgiveness. We are told to forgive one another and to let go of the bad feelings and attitudes we may have towards someone, just as our Lord did. Join Wanda Robinson in the video lesson as she presents an in-depth Bible study on the topic of forgiveness. -
6. Hide it Under a Bushel - NO! | God's Hardest Commands
This program is taught by and intended for women.
In every aspect of our life, we should be striving to imitate Christ and to let our Christian light shine. Whether it's our children, a neighbor, or store clerk we are constantly being watched and looked to as representatives of Christ. Join Wanda Robinson in this video lesson as she presents a lesson from the Bible, reminding us that we should live in such a way to show people Jesus Christ and do our best to obey the command to let our lights shine.
God's Hardest Commands Program

This program is taught by and intended for women.
God, our Creator and Master, tells us if we love Him we will keep His commandments (John 14:15). Do some of the commands of God seem difficult for you to obey? God wants us to trust Him instead of worrying, but that can be so hard! How do we stop worrying? This world is a big, scary place, but God tells us not to be afraid. Talk about a challenging command, not unlike the one to love our enemies! Some of God’s commands may be hard for us to obey, but our reward will be eternal life with Him. Let’s study together some of these difficult commands as we learn how to better please God.