Wonders of Creation: Consider God's Creation
In the 21st century, we are often too enamored with ourselves and our technological achievements. We miss the natural beauty around us, noticing the stars in the sky or stopping to smell the roses. These seemingly simple aspects can help cause us to meditate on the greatness of our Creator. In conjunction with the special revelation of God's message in the Bible, the natural revelation in creation testifies to God's infinite power, intelligence, and care. Join Eric Lyons as he helps to stop and consider God's creation.
Wonders of Creation: Defined Design
The General Theory of Evolution contends that every lifeform on Earth came about by non-purposeful, unintelligent accidents. Yet many evolutionists repeatedly refer to seeing amazing design in nature. But can design exist without a designer? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at the remarkable design we see, even down to the smallest creatures on Earth, all of which point to a Grand Designer.
Wonders of Creation: Platypus
Scientists classify the platypus as a mammal, but it’s unlike any mammal you’ve ever seen. From its flat duck-bill to its extremely dense fur to its incredible electro-receptor hunting system, this animal is unique indeed. In this program, Eric Lyons shows how truly amazing the platypus is and how it attests to God’s design in nature.
Wonders of Creation: Woodpeckers
Did you know that a woodpecker can strike a tree up to 20 times per second, with each strike being equivalent to 1,000 times that of gravity? How can these birds do this without being harmed? Join Eric Lyons as he presents a lesson on God’s extraordinary design of the woodpecker.
Wonders of Creation: Giraffes
The tallest land animal today is the remarkable giraffe. With its tall neck, thin legs, and long tongue, this wonder of creation shows some amazing designs. How does the giraffes circulatory system account for its head being 8 feet above its heart when standing, but then several feet below its heart while taking a drink? While evolution must rely on random mutations and chance processes, the finely-tuned anatomy of the giraffe provides evidence of intelligence--demanding a designer. Join Eric Lyons as he describes the fascinating and remarkable giraffe.
Wonders of Creation: Bombardier Beetle
With about 40% of all insect species being beetles, it might seem that all beetles are just common bugs. However, don't be fooled. Beetles have some remarkable design features that testify to a grand Designer. Especially incredible is the bombardier beetle. Join Eric Lyons as he shows you how wonderful God's creation is.
Wonders of Creation: Cuttlefish
The cuttlefish is an amazing wonder of creation. Though it is not even classified as a true fish, but rather a mollusk, its camouflage abilities allow it to move about the ocean confusing predators. Join Eric Lyons as he looks at the amazing camouflage tactics of the cuttlefish.
Wonders of Creation: Godwit
Imagine if scientists could build a robotic bird weighing less than 1 pound that could fly non-stop 7,000 miles, without the need to stop to oil its wings, tighten its screws, clean its gears, or recharge its batteries. If possible it would take thousands of hours, millions of dollars, and extremely intelligent scientists to design such a robotic bird, but a real bird already exists with such accomplishments. Join Eric Lyons as he discusses the godwit, a true wonder of creation.
Wonders of Creation: Mallee Fowl
How do you find out what the temperature is outside? Well you probably don't stick out your tongue, because that wouldn't do you much good. For the mallee fowl, that is exactly what it does and its tongue can determine the temperature to within only a few degrees. Not every creature has this capability, so where did the mallee fowl's design come from? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses this wonder of creation and Who gave its design.
Wonders of Creation: Electric Eel
With their six-foot-long, tube-shaped, scaleless bodies, electric eels look like a snake, but are classified as a knifefish. Yet, these creatures are much different than most fish you know. They can produce enough electricity to generate a shock of up to 600 volts—enough to stun a horse. How can these aquatic creatures survive their own defenses? Join Eric Lyons as he reveals the wonderful secrets of this incredible creation.
Wonders of Creation: Thorny Devil Lizard
What seems like a spikey and dreadful lizard, proves itself to be an amazing example of God’s design. Living in extreme conditions the thorny devil lizard has to have extreme abilities. Join Kyle Butt as he investigates this specialized little lizard and how its design is perfectly suited to its needs.
Wonders of Creation: Elephants
As the largest land animals on Earth today, elephants are amazing icons of size and strength. The impressive and unique features of the elephant serve to show how wonderful God's creation is. Join Eric Lyons as he investigates the incredible design found in the elephant.
Wonders of Creation: Camels
How can a camel go days or even months without a drink of water? What have scientists learned about the amazing design of this water-conserving creature? And more importantly, does such design demand a Designer? Join Eric Lyons as demonstrates the incredible features of the camel, a wonder of God's creation.
Wonders of Creation: Geckos
Like miniature superheroes that can walk up walls and escape danger in incredible ways, geckos demonstrate the wonders of creation. Join Eric Lyons as he examines the incredible traits of these reptiles, and why scientists are trying to reproduce their amazing design.
Wonders of Creation: Squirrels
Squirrels may be common animals, often overlooked, but they are incredible creatures. From their agility to their climbing ability, from ground squirrels to flying squirrels, these amazing animals testify to the greatness of their wonderful Creator. Join Eric Lyons as he studies these alert and agile rodents.
Wonders of Creation: Honeybees
Honeybees are extremely important as pollinators for much of the food humans depend upon. What happens though, when 1 bee finds a good area of flowers to pollinate? How does this bee inform and provide the directions for the rest of the hive? Join Kyle Butt as he examines the amazing communication of these wonders of Creation.
Wonders of Creation: Seahorses
Seahorses are as baffling to the theory of evolution as are duck-billed platypuses. The unusual, extraordinary seahorse cries out for a creative Creator Who cannot be contained in the naturalistic box of evolution. Join Eric Lyons as he looks at this wonder of Creation.
Wonders of Creation: Flying Snakes
When you think about snakes, you probably think about them slithering across the ground or maybe through the water. Have you ever seen a snake slithering through the air? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses a fascinating group of "flying" snakes that show the complexity and wonder of God's creation.
Wonders of Creation: Stinking Corpse Lily
You may think plants are boring, because how exciting can plants really be? However, join Kyle Butt as he introduces you to the Stinking Corpse Lily. This magnificently massive, oddly odorous, parasitic plant will amaze you for how wonderful God's creation really is!
Wonders of Creation: Spider Silk
Why are researchers so awestruck by the spider’s silk webbing? Why would scientists love to recreate the amazing qualities of spider-produced silk? Are millions of years of mindless evolution the ultimate explanation? Or, is spider webbing God’s wonder material? Join Eric Lyons as he untangles the evolutionary web to show God’s amazing design.
Wonders of Creation: Lightning Bugs
You’ve likely seen them on a summer night—airborne insects with their very own flashlights. Lightning bugs have the ability to combine chemicals to produce bioluminescent light. Such complex, functional design demands a Designer. Join Eric Lyons as he takes a deeper look at these wonders of God's Creation.
Wonders of Creation: Hagfish
There is a good chance you have never even heard of the "hagfish." While some call it the "slime eel" or the "snot snake," this incredible sea creature is neither an eel nor a snake. Rather this fish has an incredibly designed defense mechanism. Join Kyle Butt as he introduces you to one of the most fascinating and repulsive creatures in God's Creation.
Wonders of Creation: Venus Flower Basket
If you have made a call or connected to the internet recently, then you have probably used fiber optics, whether you knew it or not. Fiber optic lines are an amazing engineering innovation that utilizes light to more quickly communicate information. However, our modern designs were not the first instances of this type of process. Join Kyle Butt as he looks at an underwater "wonder of Creation" creature using nature's fiber optics.
Wonders of Creation: DNA
Why do some people have blonde hair and others have brown? Why are there differences in height, skin tone, eye color, and body types? Just like buildings have blueprints to guide its construction, every cell has an internal set of instructions, a code, that is responsible for all physical traits. The information stored in DNA is so efficient that it is thought that one tablespoon of DNA could fit every bit of information humanity has ever created. Join Kyle Butt as he looks into this wonder of Creation, and where it could have originated.
Wonders of Creation: Bats
You might think of bats as creepy creatures, but they are fascinating to study. Moreover, their jaw-dropping flying skills, ultrasonic sound-making abilities, and ultra-sensitive auditory system defy naturalistic evolutionary explanations. A bat’s intricate design logically begs for a brilliant Designer! Join Eric Lyons as he takes a deeper look at these wonders of God's Creation.
Wonders of Creation: Chameleons
With crazy-looking eyes, funny-looking toes, and weird tongues, some may thoughtlessly dismiss what a deeper examination of chameleons reveals. These lizards are loaded with complex, functional design that logically demands a Designer. Join Eric Lyons in examining these exciting and unique creatures.
Wonders of Creation: Hippos
They're fat, yet fast. They can't swim (or even float) yet live mostly in water. They're vegetarians and yet kill more humans than lions do. As head-scratching as these walking "contradictions" may be, don't miss out on their complex, functional design that logically points to a mighty Maker.
Wonders of Creation: Hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are the hovering helicopters of the bird world, able to fly sideways and backward, as well as up and down, all the while keeping their torsos virtually stationary. They can even fly upside down! Truly, the unique maneuverability of these breathtaking birds logically demands a marvelous Maker.
Wonders of Creation: Snakes
Most people are disturbed by snakes, especially when seeing them in person. While often avoiding these slithering reptiles, we need to recognize they have a masterful design. Join Eric Lyons as he looks at both the amazing design and incredible diversity in these predators of Creation.
Wonders of Creation: Blue Whales
Elephants are big and many dinosaurs were bigger, but blue whales are the largest animals to have ever existed. With such an enormous size, how do the blue whales move, eat, and survive? Join Eric Lyons as he looks at the amazing design in this true wonder of Creation!
Wonders of Creation Program

Reason, common sense, and true science demand an explanation for the beauty, splendor, and amazing animals on Earth. Random chance and mindlessness could never bring about the complex design found throughout the animal kingdom. These superbly designed animals call for a Creator. Join Eric Lyons as he investigates the Wonders of Creation and the “fingerprints” of God.