1. Who Has the Right? | Waves of Change
The one with authority has the power to say what to do. The Bible says Jesus has all authority. Therefore, Jesus has the power to tell us what we need or need not to do. But why then do we have to follow rules instituted by other people? Join Kyle Butt as he addresses this question and the importance of the authority of Jesus’ Word.
2. Which Way is North? | Waves of Change
There are some things in life that are absolutely, objectively true, and some things that are absolutely, objectively false. No matter how people may feel in their hearts, there is still right and wrong. Strong, confident feelings do not equal facts and truth. In this lesson, Kyle Butt looks at what the Bible has to say about absolute truth.
3. Baptism | Waves of Change
Stan Butt, Jr. talks about the big question in the Bible revolving around the most crucial decision we need to make that will impact our spiritual eternity. The Bible holds the true answer to that question that has been asked for thousands of years.
4. Is One Church as Good as Another? | Waves of Change
With all the different religions that exist today, can they all be right? Is one group right, and how do we choose? Which one belongs to Jesus? Follow along with Stan Butt, Jr. as he looks at the question: is one church just as good as another? We have to go straight to the source in order to find the answer – the words of Jesus Himself.
5. What is Worship? | Waves of Change
There is a lot said about the word “worship.” But what is it, really? Is there a certain way we are supposed to behave in the presence of God? What are we expected to do? It is fundamentally important to know how to act before God in worship, and Stan Butt, Jr. discusses this subject.
6. What's a Girl to Do? | Waves of Change
Have you ever wondered why women in the Church are not allowed to teach and preach to the men? Is it really ok or not ok? What’s the deal with women in leadership roles in the Church? The Bible holds the answers to the roles of women in the church. Join Kyle Butt as he addresses this important subject.
7. To Play or Not To Play | Waves of Change
The Church of Christ is known for not using mechanical instruments in worship. Music speaks the language of the soul and is a beautiful thing, and we love to hear it. But when it comes to worshiping God, it isn’t about what we want. It’s about what God wants. Join Stan Butt, Jr. as he talks about the topic of music in worship.
8. The Lord's Supper: Don't Forget to Remember | Waves of Change
Why do we take the Lord’s Supper? What are we supposed to think about when we take it? Sometimes we’re not thinking about the meaning behind it. In this lesson, Kyle Butt talks about this critical part of worship and what the Lord’s Supper is designed for.
9. Hand Check | Waves of Change
There has been much false teaching about the use of our hands in worship. Should we clap in a worship setting? Should we lift up our hands? Stan Butt, Jr. delves into what the Bible has to say (and not say) regarding this subject.
10. When Do the Rules Apply? | Waves of Change
There are questions we need to consider concerning worship. When do we need to sing acapella? When must we pray in Jesus’ name? Could a person sometimes worship but the rules for worship not apply? What rules apply to worship, and when? Follow along with Kyle Butt as he talks about what worship is better and what worship is not better from God’s point of view.
11. The Holy Spirit | Waves of Change
The study of the Holy Spirit is one that is fascinating and sometimes misunderstood. Stan Butt, Jr. takes a look in Scripture at what the Holy Spirit does and does not do for us today.
12. Right and Wrong | Waves of Change
What determines if something is right or wrong? Where do we look for answers to moral questions? Do we turn to the Bible and God’s standard, or do we search elsewhere? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the subject of morality and the ultimate Law Giver.
13. When Jesus Comes Again | Waves of Change
Is the Rapture really going to take place? Is it actually written about in the Bible? Many people believe in premillennialism and Jesus reigning for a thousand years on the earth. Is it true? Was Jesus’ original plan thwarted? Kyle Butt takes leads us in a discussion about these ideas using the source of Scripture.
14. Conclusion | Waves of Change
Stan Butt, Jr. encourages us to use the Bible as our standard for every practice in the Church.
Waves of Change Program

Waves of Change is designed to counter cries for change in the Church and to help young Christians understand where such change will lead. It is narrated by Kyle Butt and Stan Butt, Jr., and is intended to instruct young people in fundamental truths of God’s Word in a positive and balanced way and equip them to deal with many sinful trends assailing Churches of Christ. We pray that this will help those who use it to avoid being “tossed about with every wind of doctrine” and to effectively stand against these powerful waves of change.