1. The Existence of God | Truth Be Told
The question, "Does God exist?" is naturally one of the primary questions we as humans can ask. It is fundamental to our view of life and society. Were we created by an intelligent God, or are we the product of purely natural processes. In this 41-minute video, Kyle Butt presents arguments from reason, science, and moral nature for the existence of God.
2. Dinosaurs: The Poster Children of Evolution (Part 1) | Truth Be Told
Do dinosaurs prove that evolution is a fact? It is said that dinosaurs ruled on this planet for 120 million years and died off about 70 million years before human beings evolved on this Earth. Our children are bombarded with information about dinosaurs and evolution daily in schools and in society. In this 39-minute video, Eric Lyons uses archaeological and scientific evidence to prove that humans and dinosaurs coexisted on Earth.
3. Dinosaurs: The Poster Children of Evolution (Part 2) | Truth Be Told
Could humans really have lived with dinosaurs? Some suggest that if dinosaurs and humans coexisted then we would have been wiped out by these ferocious giants a long time ago. What do the Bible and history have to say about dinosaurs? In this 38-minute video, Eric Lyons presents arguments to show that humans had dominon over dinosaurs, and that the Bible and cultural history provide impressive evidence that humans and dinosaurs lived together.
4. Evolutionary Hoaxes | Truth Be Told
The majority of modern scientists today accept the evolutionary theory as a fact and regard any expert that speaks against it as disreputable. The public education system discourages the teachings of Christianity; including creation, and promotes the teachings of Charles Darwin as a reality. In this 40-minute video, Kyle Butt explains the logical flaws of the evolutionary theory and exposes the historically fabricated evidences that support it.
5. Creation in Six Days or Six Billion Years? | Truth Be Told
Did biblical creation occur in 6 days or in 6 billion years? Can evolution and the Genesis account be compatible? In this 36-minute video, Eric Lyons analyzes scripture and compares it to the various creation models that attempt to fit the evolutionary timeline into creation.
6. The Fruits of Atheism | Truth Be Told
What are the fruits of atheism? Can there be accepted moral truths without a belief in the existence of God? In this 40-minute video, Kyle Butt will explain the ethical implications of atheism.
Truth Be Told Program

Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons present 6 great lessons exposing the myth of evolution. Kyle and Eric refute the lie of evolution with abundant evidence from scientific facts, as well as from God's word. This course is for everyone who has ever had or will have a question about the creation-evolution controversy in light of reason and revelation. Almost 4 hours of compelling information that your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and others will appreciate. This is the first program in the "Pillars of Faith" series.