One Reason to Believe the Bible | Is the Bible Contradictory?
Why should a person conclude that the Bible is of supernatural origin? Many Christians feel intimidated by this question. Others are skeptical of the convoluted answers they have heard in the past. In truth, the whole matter of demonstrating the Bible’s inspiration can be boiled down to one simple, yet profound, all-encompassing reason.
Bats, Birds, and a Bible Blunder? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
According to skeptics, Moses made a big, biological blunder when he placed bats in a list of birds in Leviticus 11:13-19. Join Eric Lyons as he responds to this criticism and demonstrates the logical consistency of Moses’ statement.
Did God Tempt Abraham? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
If God does not tempt anyone (James 1:13), why does Genesis 22:1 indicate that God tempted Abraham? How can both of these verses be correct? Is this a legitimate contradiction, as critics contend, or is there a logical and biblically consistent answer for the differences in these verses?
Did Jesus Rise on the Third Day or after Three Days? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
The Bible indicates that Jesus rose from the dead “on,” as well as “after,” three days. How can both of these sentiments be correct? Surely this is logically impossible? Join Eric Lyons as he discusses these different statements and their actual, perfect harmony.
Did Moses Write Deuteronomy? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
The Bible repeatedly testifies that Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible. However, at the end of the fifth book (Deuteronomy 34), Moses’ death is recorded. Thus, many question how Moses could have written the book. Join Eric Lyons as he answers this frequently asked question.
Does God "Look on Wickedness"? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
How could the prophet Habakkuk correctly say that God “cannot look on wickedness” if God knows and sees everything, including iniquity? How can God be of “purer eyes than to behold evil,” and yet allow Satan, “the evil one,” to come into His presence? Are these not contradictory Bible teachings?
Did Judas Die Twice? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
How can the Bible be accurate if it indicates that Judas died both by hanging himself and also by falling and having his midsection burst open? Are these not discrepant accounts of the death of Judas? Join Eric Lyons as he answers this most popular alleged Bible contradiction.
Was Jesus Disrespectful to His Mother? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
If you addressed your mother with the term “woman,” imagine what she and others would think. “How rude,” right? If so, how could Jesus, the sinless Son of God, address His mother (and other women) with this term? Is this not evidence that the Bible writers were contradictory in their portrayal of Jesus?
Did the Gospel Go to Every Creature? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
How could Paul correctly state that within about 35 years of the death of Jesus (by the time Paul wrote Colossians), the Gospel had been “preached to every creature under heaven”? Earth has 57,000,000 square miles of land. Had every person on Earth actually heard of Jesus before the first century had even come to a close? Is this not an obvious Bible absurdity?
Did God Approve of Rahab's Lie? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
How can lying be “an abomination to the Lord,” while at the same time God commended Rahab twice in the New Testament? Are God and His law on lying contradictory? And can the story of Rahab logically be used as a license to lie?
Did Paul Endorse Slavery? | Is the Bible Contradictory?
According to leading atheists, the Bible celebrates slavery. The apostle Paul allegedly endorsed the practice, and Christians supposedly attempt to cover-up the “embarrassing” slavery statements in the Bible. Are the critics correct, or is there a reasonable explanation for how Paul and other Bible writers handled this issue?
Is the Bible Contradictory? Program

Skeptics contend that the Bible is unworthy of belief because the authors made all manner of blunders in writing it. Is this true? Did the Bible writers err in penning Scripture? Join Eric as he demonstrates that Bible “contradictions” are actually mere presumptions or misinterpretations on the part of the reader.