Bible Claims for Inspiration (Part 1) | How We Got the Bible
No other book ever written has endured the level of scrutiny and criticism that the Bible has. It is the only book that records the true thoughts of God, yet the world we live in is a skeptical one. Can we know the Bible is truly inspired of God? How did it come down to us? Join Dr. Denny Petrillo as he takes a look at the concept of inspiration, and the process by which God used human men to write His divine words.
Bible Claims for Inspiration (Part 2) | How We Got the Bible
The men who wrote the Bible were not writing their own words. They were writing the words of God. But who were those men that wrote the New Testament? In this video, Dr. Denny Petrillo looks at the apostle and prophet writers, and how God spoke to mankind by His Son, Jesus, Who sent the Holy Spirit to His apostles to guide them into all truth.
The Canon of Scripture (Part 1) | How We Got the Bible
How did the messages of God make it to written form? And how did those written documents gain recognition as canon by God’s people? Can we know which books belong in the Bible and which books do not? Who got to make those decisions, and can we trust those decisions today? Follow along as Dr. Denny Petrillo discusses the Old Testament and when those 39 books were accepted as canonical.
The Canon of Scripture (Part 2) | How We Got the Bible
Do we have any extra-biblical evidence of the canon of Scripture? What about the Books of the Apocrypha? Should we accept or reject them as part of the Bible today? Are there any “lost books” of the Bible? In part two of this section, Dr. Denny Petrillo talks about apostolic authority, the New Testament Canon of Scripture, and how it begins with the Son of God, Jesus.
Transmission of the Biblical Text (Part 1) | How We Got the Bible
The Bibles we read today are copies of the original texts. None of the original manuscripts physically written by the inspired writers exist. Because of those original texts being copied and re-copied through the ages, how can we know Scripture hasn’t been corrupted through transmission? Is the Bible we have today true to the original text? Join Dr. Denny Petrillo as he objectively studies the evidences before us, beginning with the original language in which Scripture was written.
Transmission of the Biblical Text (Part 2) | How We Got the Bible
Like the Old Testament, we have no original manuscripts or autographs of the New Testament today. There were, however, also important differences between the New Testament and Old Testament books. Take a look with Dr. Denny Petrillo at the Greek manuscript evidence for the New Testament literature, and the dating methods used for those manuscripts.
English Bible Translations (Part 1) | How We Got the Bible
There are few people today proficient in the original languages of Scripture. God desires that all people be able to know His word, which means His word must be translated. What were the origins of the English Bible, and how did we come to the point of having so many English translations? Dr. Denny Petrillo begins this interesting story in Part 1 of the English Bible translations.
English Bible Translations (Part 2) | How We Got the Bible
The best Bible translations are the ones that tried to stay more literal and best represent the words used by the inspired writers. But not all translations are the same, and not all translations should be our main source of study. Many who classify various Bible translations put them in virtually 3 categories, but is there a perfect translation? In the final video of this series, Dr. Denny Petrillo discusses the various Bible versions, and reminds us there is no legitimate reason not to study and obey the Bible.
When Was the Bible Put Together?
What date was the Bible put together into one book? Were the Bible books voted into inspiration, and what does canonization mean? Join Denny Petrillo (Ph.D.), as he discusses the history of the Bible's structure and how divine inspiration can be recognized in the books of the Bible.
The Greatest Book
What is your view about the Bible? There are only 2 possible views about the origin of the Bible: (1) The Bible is from God, or (2) The Bible is from men. Do you think the Bible is from God? How you answer this question will impact how you treat and respond to what the Bible says. Follow along with Denny Petrillo (Ph.D.) as he discusses evidences concerning the Bible’s claim to be from God.
How We Got the Bible Program

Many scholars today claim the Bible has missing books, has books that do not belong, and was not accurately transmitted (copied) or translated. This program by Denny Petrillo, Ph.D., takes a factual look at the evidence on how we got the Bible. It will address the tough questions regarding the origin, the canon, the transmission, and the translation of the Bible into English.
WVBS Online Bible School Course
This program is available as a free course. If you are interested in viewing this course please visit the WVBS Online Bible School website: https://school.wvbs.org/courses/how-we-got-the-bible/