Salvation Matters
Because salvation matters above all else, nothing is more essential to ponder than matters of salvation. Join Eric Lyons in this program as he unpacks biblical truths and commands and clarifies common misconceptions, guiding viewers to a deeper understanding of God's gift of salvation and how to fully and faithfully embrace it.
Back to the Bible
Do you have an honest heart? Do you want to go to heaven? God wants honest people to be in heaven with Him, but do you know where to go to learn what God has asked? Back to the Bible provides a simple approach to read and discover God’s truth by going back to the Bible.
The Good News and the Seven Ones
The Gospel is the “good news” of Jesus’ sacrifice to save humanity from our sins. In the New Testament, there are “7 ones” outlined to help explain God’s plan and our response to His plan. Join David Ballard as studies these concepts to help you see directly from the Bible God’s plan to save you.
Believe the Bible
Where did we come from? What is your purpose in life? How you answer these fundamental questions is greatly affected by whether you believe in God, believe the Bible is true, and believe Jesus to be divine. In these lessons, you will use straightforward reasoning and see commonsense applications for understanding how you can Believe the Bible.
A Call for New Testament Christianity
In this seven-lesson series, Neal Pollard expounds on the basic principles of New Testament Christianity to aid individuals in identifying the Savior, Church, and practices found in God's Word.
Does It Matter?
This program will show you direct from the Word of God, the information that you must know to receive God’s great gift for you. Rob Whitacre will guide you through this important Bible study so that you will see for yourself the truth that will set you free.
God's Kingdom
"God's Kingdom" is a 5-part story about three friends planning to take a summer hiking trip around Europe. Before the trip Steve (Lillard), a new Christian, asks his friend Bill (Dugan), who hikes in the area, to take him and a couple of friends hiking on the local trails to get themselves in shape for their summer trip. Bill is glad to be of help and over the next few weeks Bill has an opportunity to talk with Kevin (Gayle) and his sister Kathy (Williams) about the kingdom of God found in the Bible.
Interview with Satan (Program)
In this interview, Satan reveals his intentions towards humanity and the affects upon their destiny. The goal of this presentation is to use what God has said about Satan in the Bible to help illustrate the reality of the temptations Satan uses.
Returning to Truth
This program is designed to teach a wayward member of the Lord’s church about their need and responsibility to return to their first love before it is everlastingly too late. It is hosted by Jim Dearman and includes 2 lessons.
Video Bible Study
This video Bible study is designed to introduce you to God's word and show you the simple plan to become a Christian. You do not need an in-depth knowledge of the Bible, as you will be guided and shown the direct statements from Scripture. Join John Haffner in looking at what the Bible says and answering basic questions to help your understanding. In this two-part study, you will learn what a person must know to be saved (Part 1), and about the Lord's design for His church (Part 2).
Evangelizing the World
In today’s changing world, the Lord’s Church must consider all of the old and new ways of taking the gospel to every soul under the sun. This program will show some of the various ways this can be done using WVBS materials.
Category: Evangelistic Series