Study of 1 and 2 Thessalonians
In this study, Daniel Cates opens up the New Testament books of 1 & 2 Thessalonians to reveal the rich history and deep biblical truths of these epistles.
Biblical Timeline: From Creation to the Church
Understanding the timeline of biblical events from Creation to the Church is necessary to fully appreciate God’s Word. John Hall has developed one of the most valuable timeline studies depicting the history of humanity. This ten-lesson program makes a great study, and you will enjoy the information-rich lessons packed with beautiful graphics to help the viewer better visualize the material.
Children's Video Bible Stories
The Bible is for all ages, providing lessons, principles, and illustrations to help lead an abundant life. Using rhyming verse, the lessons in this program are put on a child’s level to help them understand how much God loves them and wants them to make good choices.
Sermon on the Mount
In the "Sermon on the Mount" Jesus addresses the practical themes of one's attitude and influence, our worship and relationship with God's law, our material possessions, how to treat one's enemies, and many more topics. Join Eddie Parrish, a preacher of the gospel, as he walks you through a practical and thorough study from Matthew chapters 5-7.
Intertestamental Period
Though represented by no more than a blank page in most Bibles, the period between the Old and New Testaments was a vibrant time in secular history; more importantly, it was a vibrant time in Biblical history as well. In that roughly four centuries, many of the Old Testament prophecies were being fulfilled; moreover, many things central to the New Testament were seeing their genesis. In this course Daniel Cates will guide the viewer in a study of the nations, individuals, events, locations, histories, and prophecies of this "blank page."
Introduction to the Intertestamental Period
This program is meant to be an introduction to the Intertestamental Period. It gives the viewer an overview of what takes place during the pages that are blank between the Old Testament and the New Testament.
Journey Through the New Testament
Journey Through the New Testament
Journey Through the Old Testament
Journey Through the Old Testament
Parables of Jesus
Wesley Simons takes an in-depth look at the parables. It includes an introduction and a detailed treatment of 28 different parables of the Lord. Each parable is approached in a systematic way. Elements stressed include practical lessons for today as well as specific false doctrines that are refuted by the parables. A magnificent study hosted by Wesley Simons.
The Story of Moses
God prepared a great, powerful and epic leader to save His people. The Story of Moses tells the account and progression of Moses' life, a man to whom God spoke "face to face as a man speaks to his friend" (Ex. 33:11). Glenn Colley effectively weaves the events of Moses' life, from the providential care as a young baby, through the dramatic Egyptian exodus, to Moses' mountain-top death at the edge of the Promised Land. After watching the three segments, you will come away with a deep appreciation of God's relationship with His faithful people.
The Killing of Jesus
The greatest story ever told that changed the world and our eternal destiny forever. This story of life, love, compassion and sacrifice but also of evil, betrayal and treachery is told in a story-telling format. Part 1 covers the raising of Lazarus from the dead, Jesus' trial and persecution, and through the hours on the cross until His death. Part 2 covers the burial of Jesus, His resurrection from the dead, the disciples finding the empty tomb, Jesus' ascension into heaven, and the establishment of the Church on the Day of Pentecost. Narrated by Glenn Colley.
The Old Testament and New Testament Simplified
“Piece by piece” this study will put together each book of the Bible to form a beautiful picture of the cross. Follow along as Rob Whitacre simplifies the Old and New Testament, revealing the redemptive message of Jesus in each book.
Category: Biblical Studies Series