1. As a Servant | You Are Important
Mark 10:45 says that Jesus came to serve rather than to be served. Philippians 2:7 says that He humbled Himself and took the form of a servant. Jesus found value in serving others. So much value, in fact, that He left Heaven to come to earth to serve. As Christians, we are to follow His example. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses our value in service to God.
2. As a Product of Special Creation | You Are Important
Everything we see, from the mountains to the oceans to mankind, was created by God. Just as the mountains and the oceans declare the glory of God, as part of His creation we also reflect God’s glory to those around us. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses our value as a creation of God.
3. Because God Wants You to Be Saved | You Are Important
Our sin has separated us from God, but knowing we were sinners Christ died for us. Despite our rebellion, God had a plan to redeem us from sin. Join Kevin Rutherford as he examines how we can know we are important because of God’s plan for our redemption.
4. Because of God's Plans for You | You Are Important
God has a plan for us. He planned a way for us to be saved. He planned a Kingdom for the saved to join. And He planned a Savior to redeem us from our sins. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses our importance because of God’s plans for us.
5. Because Mankind Is Important | You Are Important
Mankind is important to God. So important that He longs for everyone to be in a right relationship with Him. But what does that relationship look like? Is loving God and having faith in Him enough? Join Kevin Rutherford as he compares Romans 4 and James 2 and how we should respond to God’s value of mankind.
6. Individually Important | You Are Important
Jesus taught us how to treat each other. Through His interactions with others it is easy to see the importance He places on humanity. Jesus always took the time to see those who came to Him, even those who were deemed unworthy by others. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses just how important we are as individuals to God.
7. Because Jesus Died for You | You Are Important
Has anyone ever made a sacrifice for you? Have you ever felt worthy of being sacrificed for? Whether we feel important or not, Jesus loved each and every person enough to sacrifice Himself for us. Join Kevin Rutherford as he explores the pain and injustice Jesus endured in order to redeem us from our sins.
What Is Your Value?
You Are Important Program

Each and every one of us was created in the image of God and that makes every single person important. While we do not want to be selfish or arrogant, it is critical that we recognize our importance. If God found us important enough to create us, and redeem us then we should recognize our importance to Him. Join Kevin Rutherford in this seven lesson series as he looks to the scriptures to find just how important we are to God.