1. Authority of Scripture | The Emerging Church Movement
For decades, churches of Christ have been split wide open by liberalism that seeks to excuse sin and worldliness. Many individuals and entire congregations have fallen prey to Satan’s liberal ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing.’ However, by recognizing the authority of the Scripture and staying faithful to God’s word, we can successfully escaped Satan’s snares. Join Kevin Rutherford as presents a lesson the basics of the “Emerging Church Movement” and gives Bible based answers as to how we can ensure that we are living our lives according to God’s word.
2. Heaven and Hell | The Emerging Church Movement
Postmodernism (the belief that there are no absolutes) has become pervasive in our society. One Biblical topic that postmodernism has sought to change is the idea of heaven and hell. In this lesson, Kevin Rutherford looks at specific examples from postmodernists and compares them with the Bible’s teachings.
3. "Missional" Living | The Emerging Church Movement
Missional living is a buzz word used frequently in the Emerging Church Movement and postmodern thinking. While Christians should use every opportunity given to evangelize, we should not allow our morals to be compromised or adjusted by what society thinks is right. Join Kevin Rutherford as he presents a lesson on how Christians should view missional living.
The Emerging Church Movement Program

We live in a culture that is defined by a failure to believe in absolutes. This has negatively affected every area of society, including religious belief. This "Post-Modern" mindset led to the birth of a denominational movement known as "The Emerging Church." To put it simply, the Emerging Church is Post-Modernism applied to the Bible. The end result is that every man follows the dictates of his own heart and does that which is right in his own eyes. The Emerging Church movement is currently affecting churches of Christ in a significant way. Join us in this study as we identify some of the doctrines and dangers of this corrupt philosophy.