1. The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
The Crux of the Matter focuses on the central, most important issue in our lives—the cross. The Bible provides a clear focus for the Christian's life, helping to understand what to do and why. Join Bill Watkins in looking at the world's most inspiring message. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
2. Crossing Your River | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
No matter what you do in life, you have responsibility. No matter what you do in life, God sees and knows. The Bible reminds us "be sure your sin will find you out" (Numbers 32:23). In the Old Testament, the nation of Israel had dreamed about crossing the Jordan river and entering the promised land. Follow along with Bill Watkins, as he discusses "rivers" in your life that you need to cross in order to be right with God. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
3. Why Do You Do What You Do? | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
Why do you do what you do? Have you ever thought about what motivates you? With the proper motivation you can do almost anything. Join Bill Watkins as he discusses biblical principles for what motivates people, and how we can be better motivated spiritually. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
4. How Great is Our God | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
The Bible describes God as great, mighty, and awesome; the God of gods and Lord of lords; there is none like Him. As the Creator of the Universe, He is a God of wonders. Join Bill Watkins in learning of the greatness of our God, through His creation, His loving nature, and the preparation for our future. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
5. Grace | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
It is easy to see that "grace" is one of the most important subjects you will read about in all the Bible. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are each described relative to their embodiment of grace, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ is called the Gospel of grace (Acts 20:24). Join Bill Watkins as he looks at the Bible's answer to the question, "What does grace do?" Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
6. Coming Home | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
How do you feel when attending worship with the Church? Do you feel guilt or relief? Now consider how you feel when you come back home from a journey, when you are surrounded by family. Join Bill Watkins as he considers the parable of the prodigal son in relation to the Bible's goal for the Church, a place of encouragement and accountability. Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
7. What Happens When You Die? | The Crux of the Matter (ASL)
What happens after you die? When your body and spirit are separated, and your physical existence ends, where will your spiritual soul be? Follow along with Bill Watkins as he discusses what the Bible says about your spiritual existence beyond the grave, including your accountability to God's will? Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.
The Crux of the Matter (ASL) Program

The world in which we live makes many demands on our lives. Which are the most important demands, and which should we ignore? The Bible provides a clear focus for the Christian's life, helping to understand what to do and why. Join Bill Watkins in looking at "The Crux of the Matter.” Interpreted in American Sign Language by Michael Fehmer.