1. Millennial Mania (Part 1) | Millennial Mania
Premillennialism is the doctrine that Christ is going to come before the so-called millennium on this earth. Unfortunately, many in the religious world teach and believe this false doctrine. In this lesson, Rod Rutherford examines what the Scriptures teach about this subject.
2. Millennial Mania (Part 2) | Millennial Mania
Although it may seem that the doctrine of premillennialism is a new concept, it has periodically reemerged throughout the centuries. In this lesson, Rod Rutherford gives a brief timeline of some of the well-known premillennialism advocates.
3. Has the Kingdom Come? | Millennial Mania
A principle doctrine of premillennialism is that the kingdom hasn’t yet come. Premillennialists say that Christ came the first time intending to establish His kingdom, but He failed to do so because of the rejection of the Jews and He is coming again for the purpose of establishing His kingdom. In this lesson, Rod Rutherford examines this doctrine and compares it to the Word of God to decide its validity
4. Is Jesus Coming Soon? | Millennial Mania
What does the Bible teach about Christ’s coming? Does it say that His coming is imminent? Join Rod Rutherford as he presents a Bible-based lesson that answers these questions and takes an in-depth look at this topic.
5. Palestine in the Premillennial Plan | Millennial Mania
Premillennialists believe that Israel is one of the keys to the end of the age and hold to many tenents about the area regarding Christ’s return. In this lesson, Rod Rutherford examines the premillennial doctrine concerning Palestine and compares it to God’s Word.
6. Misconceptions of Matthew 24 (Part 1) | Millennial Mania
Premillennialists believe that Matthew 24 provides the framework for their theory. They believe that the signs that are mentioned in this chapter are indications of the approaching end of this age and the second coming of Christ to establish His millennial kingdom. Does this chapter indeed forecast the events leading up to Christ’s second coming? Join Rod Rutherford as he presents a Bible based lesson on this topic.
7. Misconceptions of Matthew 24 (Part 2) | Millennial Mania
Matthew 24 is a key study in the premillennial doctrine. In this lesson, Rod Rutherford continues his discussion of Matthew 24 and premillennialism.
8. Have You Really Read Revelation? | Millennial Mania
Does Revelation really teach all the bizarre and sensational things that premillennialism teaches? Does Revelation have a message for people today? In this lesson, Rod Rutherford turns to the pages of Scripture to discuss these questions.
9. Will Rome Be Revived before Christ Comes? | Millennial Mania
Premillennialists contend that the kingdom of Christ has never come and that He will have to come back again to set it up. However, since the Roman Empire has long since disappeared, they teach that Rome is going to be revived. What does the Bible teach about this? Join Rod Rutherford as he presents a Bible based lesson on this topic.
10. Are You Afraid of the Antichrist? | Millennial Mania
According to the premillennialism doctrine, the antichrist is a great, evil, charismatic world ruler that is among us now and will be soon revealed. What does the Bible say about the antichrist? In this lesson, Rod Rutherford presents a lesson about how the Bible views the antichrist.
11. Are You Ready for the Rapture? | Millennial Mania
The Rapture is the theory that Jesus will return secretly to snatch away the righteous immediately before a period of tribulation. What does the Bible say about ‘The Rapture’? In this lesson, Rod Rutherford examines the premillennialist doctrine about this subject and compares it to God’s Word.
12. Are You Troubled by the Tribulation? | Millennial Mania
Premillennialists commonly define the phrase in the Bible “the last days” to mean the time immediately prior to the so-called rapture of the saints and the beginning of the seven years of Great Tribulation. They say that the Tribulation will be a time of indescribable suffering for the saints brought about by the Antichrist. What does the Bible teach about this subject? Join Rod Rutherford as he discusses the Great Tribulation in light of God’s Word.
13. Are You Anxious about Armageddon? | Millennial Mania?
The world Armageddon often conjures up frightening scenes and invokes terror in people’s minds. Is Armageddon the final showdown in the war to end all wars? Or is Armageddon merely a symbol to describe any physical battle faced by the children of God? In this video, Rod Rutherford presents a lesson on this widely misunderstood topic.
14. What Is the Meaning of the Millennium? | Millennial Mania
According to premillennialists, Christ will return to make Jerusalem the political and religious capital of the world. During this time, He will supervise the rebuilding of the world and there will be no wars, no sickness, and no natural disasters. These conditions will be in place on Earth for a literal 1,000 years and at the end of it, Satan will be released for a short period of time. What does the Bible say about this? Join Rod Rutherford as he presents a lesson about the Millennium.
15. Christ is Coming | Millennial Mania
The second coming of Christ gives Christians meaning and purpose and hope. The New Testament is filled with the promises of His return. Join Rod Rutherford in the concluding lesson about Christ’s return.
Millennial Mania Program

Rod Rutherford presents a very informative series on the popular but erroneous views of Premillennialism. Lesson titles include: Millennial Mania, Has The Kingdom Come? Is Jesus Coming Soon? Palestine In The Premillennial Plan, Misconceptions Of Matthew 24, Have You Really Read Revelation?; Will Rome Be Revived Before Christ Comes? Are You Afraid Of The Antichrist? Are You Ready For The Rapture? Are You Troubled By The Tribulation? Are You Anxious About Armageddon? What Is The Meaning of The Millennium? Christ Is Coming!