1. The Bible and Science | Is the Bible from God?
From purification rituals to medical procedures, there are item after item of scientific foreknowledge found throughout the Bible. This information provides overwhelming evidence of divine inspiration and substantiates that the Bible is truly the word of God. In this lesson, Kyle Butt looks at a few of these passages and presents detailed, scientific information that confirms the Bible’s authenticity.
2. The Bible and Prophecy | Is the Bible from God?
For hundreds of years, people have been fascinated with Michel de Nostradamus’ writing, claiming he foretold future events. People understand that accurately predicting the future is above mere human ability. However, unlike Nostradamus’ writings there is a book that truly predicted the future hundreds of years before the events happened and was accurate in every minute detail. That book is the Bible. Join Kyle Butt in this lesson as he presents Biblical and secular evidence proving the Bible’s inerrancy.
3. The Bible and Archaeology | Is the Bible from God?
One of the most commonly asked questions about archeology is: "Did the things the Bible says really happen?" In this lesson, Kyle Butt puts forth the idea that the more we uncover the past, the more we uncover the Truth. Join him as discusses the Bible’s reliability in regard to unearthed historical events and how this further proves the Bible’s divine inspiration.
4. Is the Bible Reliable? | Is the Bible from God?
Is the Bible filled with discrepancies and errors? Are there legitimate contradictions in the Bible? Is the Bible truly the inerrant word of God? In this lesson, Eric Lyons gives some examples of alleged Bible contradictions and presents in-depth, Bible-based answers clearly showing the Bible is without mistakes and thus from God.
5. Scripture Cannot Be Broken | Is the Bible from God?
Is it possible that the Bible writers made some mistakes? Were they perfect in everything that they wrote? Join Eric Lyons as he answers these questions in-depth and shows that the Bible is the inspired word of God.
6. Hearing God in the 21st Century | Is the Bible from God?
How does God communicate with us today in the 21st century? In this lesson, Eric Lyons explains how we can know and understand God’s will.
Is the Bible from God? Program

In this program, Kyle Butt and Eric Lyons present six great lessons examining the inspiration and reliability of the Bible. Evidences of inspiration include internal unity, prophecies, history, archaeology, and science. The question of whether the Bible truly is God's word is clearly answered as a resounding, “Yes!” This is the third program in the "Pillars of Faith" series.