1. History's Battleground | Intertestamental Period
While the Bible doesn't record what happened during the centuries between the end of Malachi and the beginning of Matthew, we are given many predictive prophecies in the Old Testament that were fulfilled during this time. Called the Intertestamental Period, secular history provides many of these events and confirms the Bible's validity. In this first lesson of the Intertestamental Period, Dan Cates gives an historical overview of this time.
2. The Old Testament World I | Intertestamental Period
During the Intertestamental Period, the nation of Israel was divided into two regions: Northern Israel and Southern Judah. In this second video lesson, Dan Cates gives an overview of the history of Israel, their judges and kings, and how the nation came to be divided.
3. The Old Testament World II | Intertestamental Period
The nation of Egypt has been in existence for thousands of years and is mentioned many times in the Bible. In this video lesson, Dan Cates gives an overview of Egypt's history and rulers that will set the stage for better understanding the Intertestamental Period world.
4. The Jews Have No Dealings with the Samaritans | Intertestamental Period
One of the great stories we read about in the New Testament is Jesus' meeting with the Samaritan woman at the well. With this act, Jesus violated two Jewish taboos: He had spoken to a woman and more importantly, He had spoken to a Samaritan. Why were the Samaritans so despised by the Jewish people? In this lesson, Dan Cates presents seven reasons for the Jews hatred towards the Samaritans.
5. Babylon | Intertestamental Period
Babylon, mentioned in Daniel chapters 2 and 7, was a dominant world power in the 500-600s B.C. and were used as God's tool to punish the Jewish nation for their disobedience. In this video lesson, Dan Cates presents a brief history of the Babylonian nation and where they fit into the scriptures.
6. The Medes and the Persians I | Intertestamental Period
The Medo-Persian Empire was the kingdom consolidated by Cyrus II, the Great and was the second nation presented in Daniel's vision. Join Dan Cates as he presents a video lesson on the nations of the Medes and the Persians.
7. The Medes and the Persians II | Intertestamental Period
In this next lesson on the Medo-Persian Empire, Dan Cates begins with the rise of King Cyrus. The lesson continues through the Persian King Xerxes I.
8. Greece United I | Intertestamental Period
The area in and around modern-day Greece is rich with millennia of history. In this lesson, Dan Cates gives an overview of Grecian history up to Alexander the Great.
9. Greece United II | Intertestamental Period
Beginning with Alexander the Great, the Grecian Empire began to grow from mere city-states into a great nation. In this video, lesson Dan Cates gives a historical overview of this mighty nation.
10. Greece United III | Intertestamental Period
Alexander the Great's conquests are some of the most well-known in history, even being prophesied in scripture. Join Dan Cates as he presents a lesson on Alexander the Great and his place in secular and Biblical history.
11. Civil War I | Intertestamental Period
Alexander the Great's many conquests earned him his title as he conquered many lands. However, upon his untimely death, he left no clear successor to his throne causing turmoil and division in these lands. In this lesson, Dan Cates discusses events leading up to and just after Alexander the Great's death.
12. Civil War II | Intertestamental Period
In this video lesson, Dan Cates discusses two of the succeeding lines after the death of Alexander the Great: the Ptolemaic and Seleucid rulers.
13. Civil War III | Intertestamental Period
In this video lesson, Dan Cates discusses the growing power of Rome and the lives of Antiochus III and IV.
14. Civil War IV | Intertestamental Period
Daniel prophesied Antiochus IV as being a corrupt and wicked ruler. In this lesson, Dan Cates continues his presentation about Antiochus IV and presents information about the group of Jews known as the Maccabees. He also gives a brief overview about the Apocrypha.
15. Civil War V | Intertestamental Period
After being commanded to offer a profane sacrifice and refusing, the priest Mattathias and other faithful Jews fled from Jerusalem to seek refuge. Among these faithful Jews was one of Mattathias' sons, the great leader Judas Maccabeus. Join Dan Cates in this video lesson as he presents a lesson on the rise of the Maccabees.
16. Civil War VI | Intertestamental Period
After the death of Judas Maccabeus, his brother Jonathan was appointed leader of the Maccabees. In this video lesson, Dan Cates focuses on the history of the Maccabees under Jonathan Maccabeus.
17. Civil War VII | Intertestamental Period
After the death of Jonathan Maccabeus, one of the great Jewish leaders, there was much turmoil within the Jewish government. In this video lesson, Dan Cates gives a history lesson on the rise of the Hasmoneans.
18. Civil War VIII | Intertestamental Period
In this video, lesson Dan Cates presents a lesson about the Hasmonean rulers and the rise and fall of the Hasmonean line.
19. The Diverse Beast I | Intertestamental Period
The nation of Rome is one of the great nations prophesied about in Daniel 2 and 7. In this class Dan Cates discusses Rome's early beginnings as a small village near the Tiber River to the period of Hannibal of Carthage's threat to the Roman Empire's future.
20. The Diverse Beast II | Intertestamental Period
In this lesson, Dan Cates presents a video lesson about Rome's steady and continued growth as a nation and its entry into Judea in 63 B.C. under the general Cneius Pompeius.
21. The Diverse Beast III | Intertestamental Period
In this lesson, Dan Cates further discusses historical fulfillment of prophecies found in Daniel 7 in regards to Rome and its Caesars.
22. The Diverse Beast IV | Intertestamental Period
The writings of Tacitus and Suetonius, two important Roman historians, provide many helpful and interesting insights into the Roman people and government during Christ's time. In this video, Dan Cates presents lesson about these mens' writings and the history of the time.
23. The Diverse Beast V | Intertestamental Period
In this video lesson, Dan Cates discusses the Roman Caesars leading up to Christ's life and the Caesars that persecuted the church.
24. The Diverse Beast VI | Intertestamental Period
In this last video lesson, Dan Cates discusses Herod the Great and his sons and the procurators (Pontius Pilate, Felix, and Festus) that ruled during Jesus' time and the early church.
Intertestamental Period Program

Though represented by no more than a blank page in most Bibles, the period between the Old and New Testaments was a vibrant time in secular history; more importantly, it was a vibrant time in Biblical history as well. In that roughly four centuries, many of the Old Testament prophecies were being fulfilled; moreover, many things central to the New Testament were seeing their genesis. In this course Daniel Cates will guide the viewer in a study of the nations, individuals, events, locations, histories, and prophecies of this "blank page."