1. Conversion of the Pentecostians (Acts 2) | Examples of Conversion
In the book of Acts, the disciple, Luke, records the beginning of Christ’s church. In Acts 2, he gives us the account of the conversions to Christianity of the people who heard Peter preach on the Day of Pentecost. In this lesson, Perry Cotham gives an in-depth, Bible based lesson on those Christian converts and discusses how we today can follow their noble example.
2. Conversion of the Samaritans (Acts 8) | Examples of Conversion
Satan has always been opposed to the growth of the Lord’s church and to the preaching of the pure gospel and at the end of Acts 7, we see his destructive works in the stoning of Stephen. However, even after this terrible event, in Acts 8, we see the Lord’s church growing with Philip preaching to and converting many people in Samaria. In this lesson, Perry Cotham gives an in-depth, Bible based lesson on the Samaritan Christian converts and discusses how we today can follow their noble example.
3. Conversion of the Eunuch (Acts 8) | Examples of Conversion
In Acts 8:26, the Bible writer gives us a plain and clear example of a New Testament Christianity conversion. In this lesson, Perry Cotham presents a lesson about the Ethiopian Eunuch’s response to Philip’s gospel message and how we can use his example in our lives today.
4. New Testament Baptism | Examples of Conversion
The topic of New Testament baptism is often very misunderstood in our world today. In this lesson, Perry Cotham takes an in-depth look at the Scriptures to help us get a clear and accurate view of what God’s word says about baptism and how we should respond to it.
5. Conversion of Saul of Tarsus (Acts 9) | Examples of Conversion
Saul (or Paul) is one of the great teachers and missionaries of the New Testament. However, before he was a disciple of Christ, he was a fervent persecutor of Christians. All of that changed when he was confronted with the Truth and accepted Christ’s teachings of New Testament Christianity. In this lesson, Perry Cotham examines Acts 8 where we read about Paul’s conversion and makes practical applications of how we can use Paul’s example in our lives today.
6. Conversion of Cornelius (Acts 10) | Examples of Conversion
In Acts chapter 10, we read of a man named Cornelius and his family who were the first Gentile Christian converts. The significance of this account is especially important because it shows that all people--Jew or Gentile, male or female--are accountable to God and are welcome into His Kingdom based on their obedience to His will. Join Perry Cotham as he presents an in-depth lesson on Cornelius and his conversion.
7. Conversion of Lydia (Acts 16) | Examples of Conversion
The conversion of Lydia and her household is recorded in Acts 16. Through Lydia's example, we see the fruit of a tender and open heart who was ready to receive God's word and act in obedience. Join Perry Cotham as he presents lessons learned from Lydia's obedience to God's word.
8. Conversion of the Philippian Jailer (Acts 16) | Examples of Conversion
In the latter part of Acts 16, we read the account of the Philippian jailer who after hearing the word of God, asked the question, “What must I do to be saved?” After Paul answered his question and preached God’s word to him, the jailer was obedient to God’s will and became a Christian. In this lesson, Perry Cotham takes an in-depth look at the Philippian jailer’s conversion and how we can apply his actions to our lives today.
9. Conversion of Corinthians & Ephesians | Examples of Conversion
The gospel of Christ can reach even to the lowest, those who are consumed by sin and lift them up to a higher plane. This is exactly what happened when many in Corinth and Ephesus heard the saving Good News. In this lesson, Perry Cotham looks at the Corinthians and Ephesians talked about in Acts and recounts how they turned from their sins and followed Christ.
10. Must One Be a Member of the Church to Be Saved? | Examples of Conversion
Sometimes people ask the questions, “Is it necessary to be in the church to be saved?” and “Can I be a Christian and not be in any church?” What does the Bible teach about salvation and the church? Join Perry Cotham as he take an in-depth look at the Bible to answer this important question.
11. Summary of Examples of Conversion | Examples of Conversion
In the previous ten lessons, the teacher discussed Biblical examples of conversion. Through each example, we have noticed that conversion is turning to the Lord and turning from sin. In this concluding lesson, Perry Cotham summarizes and reviews the conversion examples given in Acts.
12. Some Objections to Baptism | Examples of Conversion
Through His word, the Bible, God has given mankind His laws and expectations of how we are to live. However, God also created man with a free will and the power of choice. Often times, people choose to reject His word and choose a path of disobedience. In this last lesson, Perry Cotham looks at Biblical examples of people who have chosen to not follow God’s word and how we can learn from their mistakes.
Examples of Conversion Program

An examination by Perry B. Cotham of various accounts of conversion to Christianity recorded in Acts, including the Pentecostians, Samaritans, Ethiopian Officer, Saul, Cornelius, Lydia, Philippian Jailer, Corinthians and Ephesians. He answers the question, “Must one be a member of the church to be saved?” He also responds to several objections against baptism.