Do Not Fear | Crisis and the Creator
What is your greatest fear? If you had been asked this question in months past, it may have been completely different than today during such a time of crisis. In this lesson, Wayne Jones presents a biblical perspective for understanding "Why?" and "How?" the Christian is told to "fear not." Join in this timely study to help evaluate your fears and to recognize how God has provided help for us.
Mountains and Valleys | Crisis and the Creator
As you walk through life, you will experience the "mountains" of happiness and plenty, but you will also experience the "valleys" of sadness and suffering. While the mountains of life bring joy and are easy to walk, the valleys are full of trials and events that test our faith. When you walk through the "valley of the shadow of death," how will your faith endure? Join Neal Pollard as he brings to mind the biblical teachings for how to handle the mountains and valleys of life.
Evil, Pain and Suffering | Crisis and the Creator
Where is God when I hurt? Why do innocent people suffer? How could a loving God let this happen? Millions of people have searched for answers to the questions of why there is Evil, Pain and Suffering in the world. If you are one of them, you need to see this video. While many use the Problem of Evil as an argument against God’s existence, recognizing the contrast between what is good and what is evil points to the existence of God as a moral lawgiver.
Crisis and Stress | Crisis and the Creator
Medical experts have seen that emotional stress has an impact on physical health. Therefore in times of crisis, we can experience both emotional and physical health issues. As our Creator, God knows and understands this human tendency. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus extensively addressed how our physical surroundings affect us, but also provides how our perspective ought to be. Join Neal Pollard as he discusses Jesus' principles for dealing with stress.
Danger of Fake News | Crisis and the Creator
How can you find the cure through all the fake news? Through times of crisis there is often misinformation spread. When unreliable information is believed and followed, it can have a devastating affect on someone's life. This is true in our current time of crisis, both physically and spiritually. There is danger in the "fake news" of the religious world. If you want the reliable cure for the worst pandemic in humanity, the problem of sin, then you need to go to the original source for its cure, God's Word.
Hope in Crisis | Crisis and the Creator
Have you lost hope? We have a tremendous need for hope in our lives. Hope gives us a reason to fight when calamity comes, and a reason to keep going through times of crisis. Follow along with Jeff Jenkins, as he demonstrates what the Bible says about the meaningful and powerful hope that only God can provide.
Crisis and Trouble | Crisis and the Creator
Have you ever had a struggle that started small, but ultimately grew larger than life? Are you troubled in times of crisis? The Bible says it well, "Man who is born of woman is of few days and full of trouble." Your earthly life will have sorrow and trouble, but you need to focus more attention on the solution to the problem than the source. Join Neal Pollard as he discusses biblical solutions to dealing with trouble in a crisis.
Overcoming a Crisis | Crisis and the Creator
During the COVID-19 pandemic, your life has been thrust into a crisis. Individuals and families are faced with crisis from disease, economic hardships, and relationship difficulties. In searching for answers, it is important who we listen to. The Bible provides answers to overcome any crisis of life. Follow along with Bill Watkins as he opens up the Scriptures to find the strength, hope, and power of God's Word for your life.
Life Is Short | Crisis and the Creator
Do you want to live a full and meaningful life? How long do you have? Until you grasp the important fact that "life is short," you will not be able live the kind of life God desires for you. Join Kyle Butt as he opens up God's Word to see just how a godly life is illustrated, and how understanding the brevity of life will provide a heart of wisdom.
Worry and Anxiety | Crisis and the Creator
Do times of crisis cause you worry and anxiety? Worry affects all aspects of your life: emotional, mental, physical, and even spiritual. Anxiety consumes your energy and time, which could be put toward better and more enjoyable activities. How can a Christian overcome worry, even in the difficult times of a crisis? Join Don Blackwell in a study of what God has said about worry and how to undermine its effects.
Peace in Crisis | Crisis and the Creator
How do you have the peace "that passes understanding" in times of crisis? Jesus demonstrated an attitude of peacefulness even in troubling times, as He slept in a storm on the Sea of Galilee. What does His example teach us about how to have peace in the storms of our lives. Follow along with Jeff Jenkins as he opens up God's Word to see how having Christ in our lives can bring us peace.
The Real Pandemic | Crisis and the Creator
The current crisis has gripped the world and is the most significant worldwide event in the 21st century. Yet, the world has faced many other pandemics through history with far greater loss of life. What is the world's greatest pandemic? The most troubling, virulent, long lasting and fatal pandemic started long ago and has continued throughout history. Bill Watkins opens the Bible to find the cure for the real, spiritual pandemic.
Providence | Crisis and the Creator
How does God work in our lives today? What is the "providence of God"? During times of crisis, people often wonder how God takes care of mankind. Join Don Blackwell as he discusses various viewpoints in the world and contrasts them with what the Bible says. Through this study you will see how God has revealed His providence in the past and what provision He makes for people today.
Prayer | Crisis and the Creator
There are few topics as important for a Christian as prayer. It is an incredible blessing to be able to approach God, both in times of crisis and thanksgiving. Follow along with Don Blackwell, as he introduces the basics of prayer and provides plain considerations for the question, "How do I pray?"
Crisis and the Creator Program

During these times of crisis, the normal schedules of daily life are lost. Forced to change schedules, consider priorities, and be concerned with health, causes many to experience fear, worry, anxiety, and hopelessness. These stressful times can also cause anger, frustration, and looking for someone to blame. Where is the Creator in times of Crisis? How does pain and suffering in our world reflect on God's goodness? In this program, these topics will be presented, addressed, and considered in light of what the Bible has to say. Through this study you will gain encouragement, hope, and peace from the fullness of God's Word.