Abounding in Hope
Struggling to find hope? In a world ravaged by a pandemic, division, and darkness, it can be hard to see any reason to cling to hope. In this 7-lesson series, Bill Watkins explores how God offers abundant hope even in the most trying times.
The Crux of the Matter
The world in which we live makes many demands on our lives. Which are the most important demands, and which should we ignore? The Bible provides a clear focus for the Christian's life, helping to understand what to do and why. Join Bill Watkins in looking at "The Crux of the Matter.”
Crisis and the Creator
During these times of crisis, the normal schedules of daily life are lost. Forced to change schedules, consider priorities, and be concerned with health, causes many to experience fear, worry, anxiety, and hopelessness. These stressful times can also cause anger, frustration, and looking for someone to blame. Where is the Creator in times of Crisis? How does pain and suffering in our world reflect on God's goodness? In this program, these topics will be presented, addressed, and considered in light of what the Bible has to say. Through this study you will gain encouragement, hope, and peace from the fullness of God's Word.
Preparing for Heaven
Are you prepared for heaven? In traveling the road of life, Christians are faced with everyday issues that can trouble their minds. In this six-lesson, Gospel meeting program, Don Blackwell deals with challenging questions to help us prepare for heaven.
Virtual Gospel Meetings Series

The following programs are offered as digital lessons that can form a Gospel Meeting series. Is the congregation wanting to have a Gospel meeting this year, but hard-pressed to coordinate speakers, travels, and scheduling? You can use these digital pre-recorded lessons as a Virtual Gospel Meeting for the congregation. Whether they are shown in-person at the building or provided for in-home use to help stimulate individual growth, these powerful lessons will benefit the congregation.