Which God Exists?
There exist many religions with claims and descriptions about a God or many gods. You may be unsure whether any God exists. Or, you may be certain that divine nature does exist, but unsure which religion is correct. Join Kyle Butt as he presents a reasonable case, showing "if" the arguments from cause and effect, design, morality, inspiration of the Bible, and Jesus as Savior are valid, then the God of the Bible is the answer for which God exists.
A Scientific Approach to God
What would it take for you to believe in God? If you do not believe that God exists, what would you need to see? It is common to take a scientific approach when studying the unknown, but can you take a scientific approach to God? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses what it would mean to take a scientific approach to the question of God's existence.
Can Science Test for God?
Science involves the search for the best explanations to our questions. When the questions involve universal issues of existence, function, and purpose, the scope of possible explanations must not be unduly limited. Join Kyle Butt as he discusses how God fits into the scientific process and our investigations.
Darwin, Evolution, and Sexism
Does an evolutionary view impact one's perspective of men and women? Charles Darwin spoke on this very subject as he followed the implications of his theory. Join Kyle Butt as he looks at Darwin, the father of evolutionary theory, and his view of gender differences between men and women.
Is God Important?
When we think about the big questions of life, the existence of God enters as the most important. What is the meaning of life? Where did we come from? What is our purpose? These questions are all affected by how we answer the question "Is God important?" Join Kyle Butt as he looks at the implications of denying God's importance and the implications of acknowledging His importance.
Creation and Evolution Program

Our understanding for the origin of the world is important for how we view life. Was the Universe brought into existence by a divine Creator, or did it originate through naturalistic evolution? When considering these two choices, are there implications for how we view other races or genders? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the questions of origin, God’s existence, and a proper understanding of our humanity.