How Long Were Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden?
If you have read Genesis and the Creation account, then you may have wondered about this question. How long did the first couple live in the Garden of Eden before committing sin and being cast out? Follow along with Kyle Butt, as he looks into God's Word to see if there is an answer to this question.
Where Did Human Races Come From?
How did we get so many "races"? If the Bible is true and in the beginning God only created 1 man and 1 woman, how do we see so much variation in skin color today? Follow along as Kyle Butt discusses the Genesis account and the scientific principles that provide an understanding for the beautiful diversity we see in our one, human race.
Pangaea and the Bible
While we see numerous different continents on Earth's surface today, there seems to be some evidence for these continents being joined together into one large landmass, sometimes called Pangaea. Does the Bible say anything about Pangaea? Would this idea be contradictory to the Bible or fit within the history described? Listen as Kyle Butt discusses this topic and addresses these questions.
"I Just Believe in One Less God than You."
You may have heard this statement before, as it is frequently used as an argument against the belief in one true God. What does this play on words mean? And more importantly, does it provide a logical argument against God? Join Kyle Butt as he addresses what this statement means, and if followed to its full conclusion what it would mean for understanding correct answers to any question.
Where Did Cain Get His Wife?
In Genesis 4, we find that Cain had a wife when he settled in the land of Nod. But where did he get his wife? Was there a different race of people in the land of Nod? Join Kyle Butt as he studies the scriptures to find the answer.
The Bible and the Age of the Earth
Have you ever wondered just how old the Earth is? Is it millions or billions of years old as some say? Does the Bible agree with this idea, or does the Bible even say anything about Earth’s age? Join Kyle Butt as he looks into Scripture to consider the age of the Earth.
Did God Create Other People?
The first chapters of Genesis tell of the direct creation of two people: Adam and Eve. Some do not think, however, that the various races could have come from Adam and Eve alone. This begs the question, did God ever directly create other people? Join Kyle Butt as he opens God’s Word to find the answer.
Dinosaurs and the Bible
If God created the world in 6 days, then when were dinosaurs created? Were dinosaurs created along with the other animals? Did dinosaurs and man ever exist at the same time? Join Kyle Butt as he studies what the scriptures have to say about dinosaurs.
How Long Were the Days of Creation?
Genesis says that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh. Some claim that instead of literal 24-hour days, the author of Genesis intended for the days of creation to represent eons of time. But is this true? Join Kyle Butt as he studies Genesis 1 to find how long were the days of Creation.
Valuing Human Life
God created both humans and animals, and both were good in His eyes. Does this mean that both human life and animal life are equally important? Join Kyle Butt as he seeks an answer to the moral dilemma of which is worth more, human life or animal life, from the scriptures.
Where Did All the Dinosaurs Go?
There has been a lot of speculation around the extinction of the dinosaurs. Some people think it happened millions of years ago. Some think that an asteroid caused the extinction. But what is the truth? Join Kyle Butt as he discusses the extinction of the dinosaurs from a biblical point of view.
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