Skip Andrews | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Skip Andrews conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
George Bailey | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with George Bailey conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Maxie B. Boren | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is a 50-minute interview with Maxie Boren conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Maxie Boren (1932-2016)
Interview Date: 2001
Interview By: Chuck Horner
Sermon Title: Building Bridges in Church -
Curtis Cates | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Curtis Cates conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Andrew Connally | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Andrew Conally conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Perry B. Cotham | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Perry B. Cotham conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Ed Crookshank | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Ed Crookshank conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Roy C. Deaver | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Roy C. Deaver conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Clarence DeLoach | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Clarence DeLoach conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
H.A. “Buster” Dobbs | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with H.A. “Buster” Dobbs conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Adron Doran | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Adron Doran conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Earl Edwards | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Earl Edwards conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Garland Elkins | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is a 59-minute interview with Garland Elkins conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Garland Elkins (1926-2016)
Interview Date: 1997
Interview By: Weylan Deaver
Sermon Title: Some Things Paul Learned -
Guss Eoff | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Guss Eoff conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Bill Hearn | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Bill Hearn conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Roy Hearn | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Roy Hearn conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Marshall Keeble | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The segments of this program include interviews with those who knew Marshall Keeble best.
Avon Malone | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Avon Malone conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
J.A. McNutt | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with J.A. McNutt conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
James Meadows | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with James Meadows conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Bill Nicks | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Bill Nicks conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Johnny Ramsey | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Johnny Ramsey conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Rod Rutherford | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Rod Rutherford conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Norman Starling | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Norman Starling conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Jackie Stearsman | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is a 30-60 minute interview with Jackie Stearsman conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver. Jackie Stearsman 1938-2016 Interview Date: July 2001 Interview by: Chuck Horner Sermon Title: Does God Care How We Worship?
Robert Taylor | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is an interview with Robert Taylor conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver.
Thomas B. Warren | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is a 30-60 minute interview with Thomas B. Warren conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver. Thomas B. Warren 1920-2000 Interview Date: March 1997 Interview by: Weylan Deaver Sermon Title: The Cross of Christ
Wendell Winkler | Gospel Preachers Living History Series
The 20th century saw giants in the Lord's church who raised the banner of Truth in the heat of battle. This program is an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able of these preachers. The first segment of the program is a 30-60 minute interview with Wendell Winkler conducted by WVBS. The second segment is one of his favorite sermons to deliver. Wendell Winkler 1931-2005 Interview Date: October 1998 Interview by: Weylan Deaver Sermon Title: Why I am Happy to be a Christian
Gospel Preachers Living History Series Series

This series is introduced in an effort to preserve the influence of some of the most able preachers of our generation. Each program includes a 30-60 minute interview with the preacher, or with friends and family, conducted by WVBS. Each preacher then delivered one of his favorite sermons. This gives the viewer a chance to become better acquainted with the man, as well as experience what it was like to hear him preach. As a bonus, many interviews contain photographs you are not likely to see anywhere else (including baby pictures, wedding photos, family portraits and shots from the mission field)! Let these faithful men help us learn from and appreciate our history so we can avoid the mistakes of the past and take courage to press on to the future.