You Are Important
Each and every one of us was created in the image of God and that makes every single person important. While we do not want to be selfish or arrogant, it is critical that we recognize our importance. If God found us important enough to create us, and redeem us then we should recognize our importance to Him. Join Kevin Rutherford in this seven lesson series as he looks to the scriptures to find just how important we are to God.
Your First Forty Days in the Wilderness
The first few days after becoming a Christian are so important to one's faith. This new program by Troy Spradlin is designed to help new converts strengthen their knowledge of God’s Word. In an inviting and concise manner, these 40 short lessons are intended to provide daily growth in major areas: your responsibilities as a new Christian, why the Bible and Church are important, the preeminence of Jesus Christ, the necessity of worship, and how to remain faithful throughout your life.
The Age of Anxiety (Program)
Some define anxiety as the “fear of future loss over which we have no control.” Bad things happen to people every day. As much as we would like to, no one can prevent bad things from happening. This lack of control causes hopelessness in many people. But what does the Bible have to say about anxiety? Are we really as hopeless as we sometimes feel? Join Jim Lloyd as he studies the scriptures and what they have to say about anxiety.
Mental Health
Whether it is depression, anxiety, loss, or the hardships in caring for others, God’s Word provides examples, stories, and direct instructions that can help you in improving your mental health. Join Shun Evans as he discusses some of the circumstances that affect us and seeing how to respond in a healthy way.
Singing with the Spirit
The word of God is clear that we are called to “sing and make melody” (Ephesians 5:19). But does it matter “how” we sing? Is there an expectation from God regarding the “melody” we make? These lessons from “Singing with the Spirit” are designed to admonish those who strive to walk with God. We can know how to make melody in our hearts and how to better sing the psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Perhaps it all starts when we come to sing with the understanding as much as we sing with the spirit (1 Corinthians 14:15). It is hosted by Myron Bruce.
Ascertaining Bible Authority
Roy C. Deaver presents a study of how to determine what God has authorized in His Word. Several topics addressed include Inspiration, Biblical Faith, Knowledge, Implication, Example, Expediency, and more!
Building Great Kids
This two-part program, Building Great Kids, is full of practical plain advice for parents. Glenn Colley gives great ideas about daily and long-term decisions for raising godly children.
Christ-Centered Home
More than anything, Satan wants to get a foothold in your marriage and your family. If the Devil does, he can break hearts and destroy lives - and there may well be tragic eternal consequences. Christ-Centered Home puts the emphasis where every marriage and family desperately needs it, on Jesus Himself! This powerful study from Scripture will encourage and inform, and may well change your life!
Christians and Sports
Athletic and sporting events can be a wonderful way for Christians to relax as spectators or to interact as participants. Through sports many Christians have found ways to let their lights shine so that God may be glorified. Christians must be the ones who show the way to proper behavior at sporting events whether as a athlete, coach, parent, spectator, or official. But beware! Satan has found ways to use athletic and sporting events to ensnare and destroy Christians and their influence. Join us as we emphasize Biblical passages that help us to understand our responsibilities toward God while we are engaged in athletics.
Coping with Problems
Coping with Problems is a study designed to help one deal effectively with the various issues of life, including anxiety, loneliness, honesty, forgiveness, accountability and much more. The program is hosted by Steven Lloyd and Don Ruhl and includes a total of 30 lessons.
God's Plan for Marriage & Family
A series of lessons which provide Bible answers for how men and women can work toward marriages that are acceptable to God. It is hosted by Steve Springer and includes three lessons: (1) Shared Vision: The Godly Couple, (2) Man's Role, and (3) Woman's Role.
Men's Training Course
This 6-lesson program was designed to help men be better leaders in the worship assembly. The lessons cover the principles of worship, pattern of worship, preaching in worship, presiding at the Lord’s table, prayer, and song leading. Join Kevin Rutherford as he discusses both principles and practical advice for becoming trained to lead in worship.
How to Read the Bible
The Bible is a complex library of 66 books, and for the newcomer it may seem overwhelming. These 66 books tell a story. The story is told using different kinds of literature: narrative, poetry, proverbs, parable, satire, etc. This study is a simple introduction to the different kinds of literature, and provides strategies for reading. The aim is to encourage the reader to read their Bible without being overwhelmed. Join Steven Lloyd in this great study, which is meant for any Bible reader.
Mac Deaver discusses our God-given obligation to reason properly and prepare ourselves to defend the gospel and expose false reasoning. Brother Deaver (who holds a Ph.D. in Christian Doctrine and Apologetics) also treats argument, assertion, evasions of the law of rationality, terms, propositions, syllogisms, distribution, rules of validity, sentence translation, equivalent propositions, seven relations, square of opposition, laws of thought and more.
Managing Media In Our Homes
Undoubtedly one of the most powerful tools in Satan's arsenal of weapons is the media. With it he attacks the home and slowly breaks down moral barriers. In this lesson, Don Blackwell discusses various forms of modern-day media including: television, movies, music and social media. He examines how Satan uses these to his advantage and also how we can protect ourselves.
Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
In this in-depth program, Wesley Simons covers the Bible’s instructions on the vital issues of Marriage, Divorce and Remarriage.
Category: Practical Applications Series