Worship and the Instrument : Session 4
Corporate Assembly? (Part 2)—Does Ephesians 5:19 envision a church worship assembly or merely the Christian's daily walk? Consider a 5th contextual indicator.
Worship and the Instrument : Session 5
Which Instrument?—Does Ephesians 5:19 stipulate which instrument is to be played in Christian worship? Is “in your heart” used adverbially to mean “heartily”?
Worship and the Instrument : Session 6
Zamar (Part 1)—Does Paul’s rendering of the Hebrew word zamar from Psalm 18:49 as psallo in Romans 15:9 mean that the Holy Spirit endorses musical instruments in Christian worship?
Worship and the Instrument : Session 7
Zamar (Part 2)—Does Paul’s rendering of the Hebrew word zamar from Psalm 18:49 as psallo in Romans 15:9 mean that the Holy Spirit endorses musical instruments in Christian worship?
Worship and the Instrument : Sesson 1
Psallo (Part 1)—Does the word psallo in Ephesians 5:19 include a mechanical instrument? What do the Greek lexical authorities say?
Worship and the instrument : Sesson 2
Psallo (Part 2)—Does the word psallo in Ephesians 5:19 include a mechanical instrument? What do the Greek lexical authorities say?
Worship and the instument : Session 3
Corporate Assembly? (Part 1)—Does Ephesians 5:19 envision a church worship assembly or merely the Christian's daily walk? Consider 4 contextual indicators.
Worship and the Instrument Program

This program takes an in-depth look at questions concerning the use of instruments in the worship of the church. Does Ephesians 5:19 refer to corporate worship assemblies or merely the Christian's daily walk? What is the meaning of the Greek word "psallo" and is it inclusive of mechanical instruments? And does the apostle Paul's quotation of Psalm 18:49 mean that the Holy Spirit endorses musical instruments in Christian worship? In this program, Dave Miller, Ph.D., provides a thorough study on what the Bible has to say about musical instruments in Christian worship.